
uddi_delete_tModel — Remove or retire one or more tModel structures.


  xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api" >
        [ <tModelKey/> ...]

Attributes & Children


This required argument is an element that contains an authentication token obtained using the get_authToken call.


One or more URN-qualified uuid_key values that represent specific instances of known tModel data. All tModelKey values begin with a uuid URN qualifier (e.g. "uuid:" followed by a known tModel UUID value.)

Return Types

Upon successful completion, a dispositionReport structure is returned with a single success indicator.


If a tModel is deleted and any other managed data references that tModel by uuid_key (e.g. within a categoryBag , identifierBag or within a tModelInstanceInfo structure) then the tModel will not be physically deleted as a result of this call. Instead it will be marked as hidden. tModels hidden in this way are still accessible to their owner, via the get_registeredInfo call; however, they will be omitted from any results returned by calls to find_tModel .

The details associated with a hidden tModel are still available to anyone who uses the get_tModelDetail message. Publishers who want to remove all details about a tModel from the system should call save_tModel , passing empty values in the data fields, before using uddi_delete_tModel . A hidden tModel can be restored and made universally visible by invoking save _tModel at a later time, passing the key of the hidden tModel .


If an error occurs in processing this message, a dispositionReport structure will be returned to the caller in a SOAP Fault. The following error information will be relevant:

Table24.89.Errors signalled by uddi_delete_tModel

Error Code Description
E_invalidKeyPassed signifies that one of the URN-qualified uuid_key values passed did not match with any known tModelKey values. No partial results will be returned; if any tModelKey values passed are not valid, this error will be returned. Any tModelKey values passed without a uuid URN qualifier will be considered invalid.
E_authTokenExpired signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument is no longer valid because the token has expired.
E_authTokenRequired signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument is either missing or is not valid.
E_userMismatch signifies that one or more of the tModelKey values passed refers to data not controlled by the entity the authentication token represents.
E_operatorMismatch signifies that one or more of the tModelKey values passed refers to data that is not controlled by the server that received the request for processing.