21.1.Building the Test Database

To build a 1 warehouse test database (approximately 100 MB), go through the following procedure:

Start the database server.

Assuming the server is listening at the default port of 1111 on the local host execute:

isql 1111 dba dba tpccddk.sql
tpcc 1111 dba dba I 1

to create a 1 warehouse database. This may take some time. As long as the file gets longer everything is OK. You may follow the progress with interactive SQL.

Once the tpcc program exits you can load the stored procedures used by the benchmark. Assuming the server is listening at the default port of 1111 and that the dba password is the default `dba', type:

../isql 1111 dba dba tpcc.sql

This will exit when the procedures are loaded, typically a few seconds.

To complete the initialization make a checkpoint to freeze the initial database state:

./isql 1111
SQL> checkpoint;
SQL> exit;

The database is now ready for use.