6.1.2.Virtual Database

Linking Remote Tables & Views

The Virtuoso Server supports linking in of tables, views, procedures and other components from a remote ODBC data-source, enabling them to be queried as native objects in Virtuoso; this process is called "attaching" or "linking". The easiest way to link to an external table is to use the Linking Remote Tables Wizard , part of the Visual Server Administration Interface. Alternatively you can attach these objects programmatically, as this section explains; finally you can attach tables manually - see Manually Setting Up A Remote Data Source which is useful for connections to less-capable ODBC data-sources.

ATTACH TABLE <table> [PRIMARY KEY '(' <column> [, ...] ')']
  [AS <local_name>] FROM <dsn> [USER <uid> PASSWORD <pwd>]
  [ON SELECT] [REMOTE AS <literal_table_name>]

Adequately qualified table name of the form: identifier | identifier.identifier | identifier.identifier.identifier | identifier..identifier


column to assume primary key


fully qualified table name specifying local reference.









This SQL statement defines a remote data source, copies the schema information of a given table to the local database and defines the table as a remote table residing on the data source in question.

The table is a designation of the table's name on the remote data source dsn. It may consist of an optional qualifier, optional owner and table names, separated by dots. This must identify exactly one table on the remote dsn. The optional local_name is an optionally qualified table name which will identify the table on the local database. If qualifier or owner are omitted, these default to the current qualifier 'dbname()' and the logged in user, as with CREATE TABLE. If the local_name is not given it defaults to the <current qualifier>.<dsn>.<table name on dsn>. The <dsn> will be the dsn with all alphabetic characters in upper case and all non-alphanumeric characters replaced by underscores. The <table name on dsn> will be the exact name as it is on the remote dsn, case unmodified.

The PRIMARY KEY option is only required for attaching views or tables where the primary key on the remote table cannot be ascertained directly from the remote data source.

If a dsn is not previously defined with vd_remote_data_source or ATTACH TABLE, the USER and PASSWORD clauses have to be given.

The REMOTE AS option allows you to provide a string literal for referencing the remote table. This is useful when linking tables from sources that do not support three-part qualification correctly.

Attaching views

A view can be attached as a table if a set of uniquely identifying columns is supplied.

This is done with the PRIMARY KEY option to ATTACH TABLE as follows:

attach table T1_VIEW primary key (ROW_NO) from 'somedsn';
[Note] Note:

Views cannot be attached unless the PRIMARY KEY options is used.

Linking Remote Procedures

ATTACH (PROCEDURE|FUNCTION) <proc_name> ([<parameter1>[,<parameter2>[...]]])
  [ RETURNS <rettype> ] [AS <local_name>] FROM <dsn>



identifier | identifier.identifier | identifier.identifier.identifier | identifier..identifier


parameters declaration (as in CREATE PROCEDURE)



The ATTACH PROCEDURE statement allows you to associate stored procedures from remote datasources with Virtuoso so they can be used as if they were defined directly within Virtuoso. Much like the ATTACH TABLE statement, this SQL statement creates a local alias for a procedure on a given remote data source so it can be considered locally defined. When this alias is called called the procedure at the remote data source will actually be called.

Procedure generated result sets are not supported by the ATTACH PROCEDURE statement. The only portable way to return values from a remote procedure is to use INOUT or OUT parameters. Remote procedure result sets can be used by combination of rexecute() and Virtuoso PL, but this is left for the user to implement as required.

The ATTACH PROCEDURE statement is not able to define new connections to remote data sources, the connection should be defined prior using either vd_remote_data_source or by attaching a table or view using the ATTACH TABLE statement with USER/PASSWORD supplied.

Note that when generating pass-through statements to a given remote, any procedure call for an attached procedure is passed through if the current DSN is the same as the remote procedure's DSN.

The proc_name is the designation of the procedure's name on the remote data source, DSN. The remote procedure name supplied should always be fully qualified to avoid ambiguity, it may consist of an optional qualifier/catalog, optional owner and finally procedure name, separated by dots. This must identify exactly one procedure on the remote data source.

The optional local_name is an optionally qualified procedure name which will identify the procedure on the local Virtuoso database. If the local_name is not given it defaults to the <current qualifier>.<dsn>.<proc name on dsn>. The <dsn> will be the data source name in upper case and with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced by underscores. The <proc name on dsn> will be the exact name as it is on the remote dsn, case unmodified.

If a dsn is not previously defined with vd_remote_data_source or ATTACH TABLE, the ATTACH PROCEDURE will fail.


On remote Virtuoso (DSN name : remote_virt):

     return (ucase (PARAM));

On the local virtuoso (DSN name : local_virt) :

vd_remote_data_source ('remote_virt', '', 'demo', 'demopwd');

will result in creation of an procedure alias for RPROC in local_virt named DB.REMOTE_VIRT.RPROC

Calling it from the local_virt (using ISQL)

select REMOTE_VIRT.RPROC ('MiXeD CaSe') as rproc_result;

1 rows

See Also:
[Tip] Tip

The Virtuoso Visual Server Administration Interface provides a graphical user interface for linking remote stored procedures .

Data Type Mappings

If a statement is passed through to a remote data source, the types returned by SQLDescribeCol are taken directly from the remote prepare and converted to the closest Virtuoso supported type.

If a statement involves both local and remote resources all types are taken from the Virtuoso copy of the data dictionary.

In executing remote selects Virtuoso binds output columns according to the type and precision given by SQLDescribeCol after preparing the remote statement.

When a table is attached from a remote data source the catalog is read and the equivalent entries are created in Virtuoso. Since the types present on different DBMS's vary, the following logic is used to map ODBC types to Virtuoso types.

Table6.1.Attach Table Type Mappings

SQL Type Mapped Type
SQL_CHAR varchar (precision)
SQL_VARCHAR varchar (precision)
SQL_BIT smallint
SQL_TINYINT smallint
SQL_BIGINT decimal (20)

smallint if precision < 5 and scale = 0

integer if precision < 10 and scale = 0

double precision if precision < 16

decimal (precision, scale) otherwise

SQL_FLOAT double precision
SQL_DOUBLE double precision
SQL_BINARY varbinary (precision)
SQL_VARBINARY varbinary (precision)
SQL_LONGVARCHAR long varchar
SQL_LONGVARBINARY long varbinary

[Note] Note:

The general case of decimal and numeric both revert to the Virtuoso decimal type, which is a variable precision decimal floating point.

Transaction Model

One transaction on the Virtuoso VDBMS server may contain operations on multiple remote data sources. As a general rule remote connections are in manual commit mode and Virtuoso either commits or rolls back the transaction on each of the remote connections as the main transaction terminates.

ODBC does not support two phase commit. Therefore a transaction that succeeds on one remote party may fail on another.

A transaction involving local tables and tables on one remote data source will always complete correctly since the remote is committed before the local and the local is rolled back if the remote commit fails.

Note that even though the client to Virtuoso connection may be in autocommit mode the continuing connections will typically not be autocommitting.

A remote connection is in autocommit mode if the Virtuoso connection is and the statement is passed through unmodified. In all other cases remote connections are in manual commit mode.

Virtuoso supports 2PC - Two Phase Commit. See the Distributed Transaction & Two Phase Commit section for more information.

Virtual Database and SQL Functions

Different DBMS's support slightly different sets of SQL built-in functions with slightly differing names. For example, what is called substring on Virtuoso is called substr on Informix. Virtuoso allows declaring equivalences between local user-defined or built-in functions and user defined or built-in functions on remote servers. Knowing that a function exists on a remote database allows passing processing closer to the data, resulting in evident gains in performance.

To declare that substring is called substr on DSN inf10, you can execute:

db..vd_pass_through_function ('inf10', 'substring', 'substr');

The first argument is the name of the remote database, as used with attach table and related statements. If user defined functions with qualified names are involved, the names should be qualified in the vd_pass_through_function call also. If many qualified or unqualified forms of the name are in use, one should declare the mapping for them all.

To verify whether this declaration takes effect, one can use explain to see the query execution plan, for example:

explain ('select substring (str, 1, 2) from inf10.sample_table');

The declarations are persistent and can be dropped by using a last argument of NULL for a given function. The declarations are kept at the level of a DSN and not at the level of the type of DBMS because different instances can have different user defined functions defined.

Virtual Database and SQL Optimizer Statistics

If a query can be executed in its entirety on a single remote database, then optimizing this query is exclusively the business of the remote database, as it gets the whole query text. Virtuoso rewrites some things and suggests a join order but these are not binding on the remote database.

If a query involves tables from multiple remote databases or a a mix of local and remote tables, knowing basic SQL statistics on the tables is essential for producing a meaningful query plan. Virtuoso has information on indices existing on remote tables and if the remote table is attached from a known type of DBMS, Virtuoso may read the DBMS specific statistics at attach time.

Note that the statistics of the remote database should be up to date before attaching.

The function sys_db_stat can be used for forcing a refresh of Virtuoso's statistics on remote tables.

sys_db_stat (5, 0)

will go through all tables, local and remote. For local tables, it will update statistics with a 5 percent sampling rate and for remote tables it will refresh the statistics if the type of the host DBMS is among the supported ones. If the remote DBMS is of an unknown type, Virtuoso will take the count of the remote table and select the 1000 first rows to get a sample of data lengths and column cardinalities. This is not very precise but will be better than nothing.

In order to force a full read of a remote table for statistics gathering, one can use

db..sys_stat_analyze ('fully qualified table name', 0, 0);

The table name is case sensitive, with all qualifiers, as it appears in SYS_KEYS and other system tables. This will read the whole table.

Statistics on local as well as remote tables are kept in SYS_COL_STAT. One may look at this table to see the effects of remote statistics collection. In special cases, if a special effect is desired or the information is not otherwise available, as in the case of a very large table on an unsupported type of server, it is possible to manually update the contents of the table. Shutting down and restarting Virtuoso will force a reload of the statistics information.

Presently Oracle, Informix and Virtuoso are supported for direct access to the remote database's statistics system tables. It is possible to define hook functions for accessing this same information from any other type of DBMS. Please contact support for instructions on this.

Distributed Query Optimization

When a query contains mixes of tables from different sources, the compiler must decide on an efficient execution plan that minimizes the number of round trips to remote servers and evaluates query conditions close to the data when possible. Additionally, any normal query optimization considerations such as choice of join order and join type apply. See the section on SQL optimization and optimizer hints for more on this. Additionally, the SQL optimizer uses round trip time statistics for the servers involved in the query.

In the following examples, we use the tables r1..t1, r2..t1 and t1, of which r1..t1 is on a server close by, r2..t1 on a server farther away and t1 on the local server. The column row_no is a unique key and the string1 column is in indexed with 300 distinct values, the column fs1 has 3 distinct values. The tables all have 100000 rows. A round trip to r1 takes 10 ms and a round trip to r2 takes 100 ms.


select * from r1..t1 a, t1 b where a.row_no = b.row_no and a.fs1 = 'value1';

The compiler notices that 33333 rows will be selected from r1..t1 based on fs1. It will decide to read these into a hash table, causing one linear scan of r1..t1 with relatively few round trips. Then it will read t1 locally and select the rows for which there is a matching entry in the hash. This is slightly faster than doing 33333 random lookups of t1. If fewer rows were selected from r1..t1, the compiler would do a loop join with the local t1 as the inner loop.

The absolute worst plan would be a loop join with t1 as the outer loop, with 100000 round trips to r1.

Now, if many tables are accessed from the same data source, the compiler tries to bundle these together into one statement. Thus, for:

select * from r1..t1 a, r1..t1 b, t1 c where c.string1 = '111' and b.row_no = c.row_no and a.row_no = b.row_no + 1;

The compiler will probably do the outer loop for t1, which is expected to select 100000/300 rows. Then it will do a round trip to r1 with the statement.

select * from t1 a, t1 b where a.row_no = b.row_no + 1 and a.row_no = ?.

This is likely better than doing the remote part as an outer loop, bringing all the approx 100000 results in. 333 round trips selecting 1 row is better than 100000 rows transferred. If the data source were further away, this could be otherwise, hence the importance of the round trip time statistic.

In distributed queries, the compiler will honor the option (order) and the join types e.hg. table option *(hash) insofar the tables are local.

Thus, if we wrote

select * from r1..t1 a, t1 b, r1..t1 c where c.string1 = '111' and b.row_no = c.row_no and a.row_no = b.row_no + 1 option (order);

the compiler could not merge the two tablesfrom r1 into a single query because the order were given and there is an intervening table not located on r1.

Use of Array Parameters

ODBC and other data access API's usually offer a mechanism for executing a single parametrized statement multiple times with a single client-server round trip. This is usually called support of array parameters.

Virtuoso can make use of array parameter support in ODBC drivers when available. Consider the statement:

insert into r1..t1 select * from t1;

Without array parameters, this would make a round trip to r1 for each row inn t1. With array parameters enabled, with a batch size of 100, this would make only 1000 round trips for 100000 rows, resulting in dramatic increase in performance. Typically, if the remote server is on the same machine, array parameters make such batch operations about 3x faster. If the remote is farther away, the gain is greater.

Array parameters are used if the remote database and its ODBC driver support them. The feature is globally disabled in the default configuration because some ODBC drivers falsely claim to support array parameters. To enable this feature, the the ArrayOptimization entry in the [VDB] section of the ini file to 1. To set the batch size, use the NumArrayParameters setting. 100 is a reasonable value.

Some ODBC drivers also support array parameters for select statements. To enable using this, you can set the ArrayOptimization setting to 2. This may however not work with some drivers even if DML (insert/update/delete) statements do work with array parameters.

Timestamps & Autoincrement

A transaction timestamp is not the same across the transaction if the transaction has branches in different databases.

The data type and precision of a time stamp will also vary between different types of databases.

Hence timestamp columns coming from tables on different servers are not comparable for equality.

In inserts and updates of remote tables timestamps are assigned by the database where the table in question is physically located.

Identity or autoincrement columns are likewise handled by the database holding the remote table.

Note that MS SQL Server and Virtuoso describe a timestamp column as a binary column in ODBC catalog and meta data calls. Thus remote SQL Server or Virtuoso timestamps will not appear as timestamps at all.

In the case of a Virtuoso remote database the binary timestamp can be cast into a DATETIME data type and it will appear as a meaningful datetime.

VDB Stored Procedures & Functions

These procedures allow you to manually manage remote data sources and their tables.

Functions capable of returning a result-set make use of the results_set parameter. To prevent them from returning a result-set, the results_set parameter should be set to 'null'. If Virtuoso finds an awaiting parameter to contain results_set it will fetch the result set regardless of cursor_handle parameter.

Unless explicitly granted, only the DBA group is permitted to use the rexecute() to maintain security. Caution is required here since any user granted use of rexecute() has full control of the remote data source set-up by the DBA, however limited to the overall abilities of the remote user on the remote data source. Users can be granted and denied access to this function using the following commands:

GRANT REXECUTE ON '<attached_dsn_name>' TO <user_name>
REVOKE REXECUTE ON '<attached_dsn_name>' FROM <user_name>

The following remote catalogue functions help you to obtain information about the remote datasources that you are using. These could be especially useful in Virtuoso PL later on if you are not able to know everything about the remote tables ahead of time for the ATTACH TABLE statement

Manually Setting Up A Remote Data Source

Defining a remote table involves declaring the table as a local table and then defining the data source if not already defined and associating the new table with the remote data source.

The data source on which a table resides is declared at the table level. This has no connection to the table's qualifier.

Assume a remote ODBC data source named test containing a table xyz declared as follows:


        B INTEGER,
        C INTEGER,
        PRIMARY KEY (A));

To defined this as a remote table on the data source Virtuoso, first define the table locally, using the above CREATE TABLE statement above.

Then define the data source:

DB..vd_remote_data_source ('test', '', 'sa','');

And the table:

DB..vd_remote_table ('test', 'DB.DBA.XYZ', 'master.dbo.XYZ');

This assumes that the remote data source has a login 'sa' with an empty password and no special connection string options. The table names in vd_remote_table have to be fully qualified. We here assume that the Virtuoso table was created by DBA in under the default qualifier DB and the remote XYZ was created by dbo in master.

The vd_remote_table declaration does not affect statements or procedures compiled prior to the declaration.

Additional indices of remote tables may optionally be defined. They do not affect the operation of the SQL compiler. The remote data source makes the choice of index based on the order by clause in the statement passed through.


  • Never attempt to attach a local table as a remote. The server will hang if it tries to make a remote commit on itself.

  • If the schema of the remote table is changed it will need to be re-attached to Virtuoso.

  • The Virtuoso server treats dots (.) in the double-quotes escaped names as name element separators. For example : the table name "a.b.c" is treated as "a"."b"."c" . Because of this remote tables with dots in their table name (like tables from MS Text driver) require the dot inside the table name to be replaced with the VDB "non-delimiting-dot" (\x0A) and the vd_attach_table (in dsn varchar, in remote_name varchar, in local_name varchar, in uid varchar, in pwd varchar) to be used instead of ATTACH TABLE statement.

    The statement ATTACH TABLE "datafile.txt" as 'test' from 'text' user 'a' password 'b' should become :

    vd_attach_table ('text', 'datafile\x0Atxt', 'test', 'a', 'b');

When Virtuoso interacts with a table or view attached from a remote data source, it must be able to uniquely identify each row of the query. At the attach time Virtuoso will query remote data source for the tables primary keys and indices. These will be used to construct a copy of the table definition in Virtuoso which is then used in reference to the remote data source. At query time this information is used as much as possible. This information may need to be supplemented by calls to SQLStatistics() for further indicies or primary key information, as a last resort Virtuoso will use SQLColAttribute() to determine which columns are SQL_DESC_SEARCHABLE.