14.4. Virtuoso Server Pages for XML (VSPX)
VSPX is an XML vocabulary for server generated HTML and XHTML pages that may or may not be bound to native or third-party data sources. VSPX is a framework for building and deploying dynamic web content atop Virtuoso. VSPX offers a widget set and event model which is similar to that of GUI tool kits, providing the developer with much automation for common web development tasks. Many controls are tightly integrated with the Virtuoso database, providing seamless data binding to local or remote relational and XML data. Server side scripting in VSPX is performed in Virtuoso/PL. The VSPX source code consists of HTML or XML with interspersed VSPX specific XML elements which describe the UI control hierarchy of the page.
VSPX covers the following areas:
Rich set of controls, covering all basic HTML plus complex composite controls like data grids and tree browsers. |
Session management - Transparent session and session state handling using cookies, URL poisoning or digest authentication. |
Form entry validation server and client side. |
Single and multi-row controls for viewing and directly updating SQL tables, including scrolling through long result sets. |
Repeating and conditional instantiation of UI elements based on run time choices. |
Event model for HTTP request handling, providing distinct phases for creating the controls, retrieving data, processing posted data, preserving state and rendering for a user agent. |
Object oriented architecture, allowing easy definition of subclasses of existing controls for new functionality. It suffices to implement a new SQL class with a few predefined methods and to implement an XSLT rule for generating the code based on the external XML syntax for the new control. |
Easy automatic generation of VSPX pages. The pages being XML, it is simple to automate generating pages based on other data, such as automatically making table maintenance pages based on a SQL table definition. |
The VSPX development cycle consists of editing .vspx resources in the file system or Virtuoso DAV. The editing can take place using a regular text editor or a supporting HTML editor.
14.4.1. Processing Model
A VSPX page describes a web page in terms of static XHTML plus XML
elements in the VSPX namespace,
. This
namespace is abbreviated as v:
in the rest
of this document.
Elements in the v
namespace introduce
VSPX elements, options or controls. Some of these may in turn have HTML
children. VSPX elements with HTML children are called templates, as these
will process their HTML contents at run time, typically modifying these
based on run time data.
Figure 14.15. VSPX Conceptual Diagram

When the page is requested, the system checks whether it is already compiled and compiles it if the compilation is absent or older than the source. The VSPX compilation has two phases: pre-processing and compilation. The first phase expands included files and applies the external macro XSL-T sheet. The result of which is a single page encapsulating all related components which will be stored in a .vspx-m intermediary file. The result of second phase, compilation is a single .vspx-sql file containing class and method definitions for a subclass of the generic VSPX page class. All code directly derived from the pre-processed page will be found in this file. The file can of course refer to outside Virtuoso/PL code.
The results of compilation process are stored usually in an OS dependent
temporary directory. This would be the $TMPDIR for UNIXes or %TMP% for
Windows platforms. If these environment variables are not available it will
be some default system specific location, such as /var/tmp
or /tmp
on Unix's. Note that this temporary
storage applies to the VSPX pages that are stored within the file system, for the
WebDAV repository the product of compilation is stored as described below.
For development purposes the use of temporary storage can be turned off
by executing:
registry_set ('__no_vspx_temp', '1')
from ISQL. In this case both file-system and WebDAV repository will contain .vspx-m and .vspx-sql files in the same place and with the same name as the VSPX source file. VSPX temporary storage can be re-enabled in the same way but using the string value '0' instead of '1'. Note that this is a string rather than a number.
Any VSPX page invocation, whether through the GET or POST HTTP request, consists of the following steps:
Instantiation. The tree of widgets is built according to the page description. The possibly saved state of controls is restored when instantiating these, if there was a persistent state vector as part of the post request or stored on the server.
Data Binding. The tree is traversed and attributes or subtrees depending on SQL expressions are set or instantiated.
Post Processing. If this was a POST request, the control that was mentioned in the POST gets a post event, as well as any enclosing controls or input controls affected by the posted data. The subtree containing the submit button originating the POST gets the post event to all its nodes, children before parents. Post data server side validation takes place during this phase. Any database updating takes place during this processing, typically inside the post handler of the form element, after the post handling of each individual field is complete.
Before Render. The control tree is now assumed to be in a state reflecting the operation intended by the POST or GET. This pass typically collects the page state to be persisted. Other application dependent finalization operations can be added here.
Render. This pass is a depth first traversal of the control tree and is responsible for generating the text to be sent to the user agent. This will typically be straight HTML, but can also be something else, such as XML for post processing in a style sheet.
Just as with VSP pages the code of the page make call http_xslt(), this has the effect of applying the specific stylesheet to the HTML text produced by the render phase. Since output contains HTML tags generated by VSPX controls, the style-sheet should have these as a general rule to leave these unchanged. The http_xslt () is more useful with VSP pages producing XML than with VSPX pages.