14.1.10.Using Virtuoso Server capabilities via Apache Web Server

In some situations Virtuoso services like WebDAV, JSP, PHP etc. may need to be accessed via an Apache Web Server. All this can be done through apache's mod_proxy to Virtuoso HTTP server and the Virtuoso HTTP server can be configured to take requests coming only from localhost.

The following configuration makes : The Virtuoso server to listen for HTTP requests coming ONLY from localhost. Apache proxies the outside requests to Virtuoso HTTP server.

        line added to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
        (999.999.999.999, must be changed with actual IP address of external interface):
        Listen 8080
        <VirtualHost 999.999.999.999:8080>
               ServerAdmin webmaster@host.example.domain
               ProxyPass  / http://example.com/
        Then changes in the virtuoso.ini

        [HTTPServer] section)
        ServerPort =