17.1.5.Complex Types in PL Procedure and UDT Method Definition

Virtuoso/PL allows parameters to be declared as complex objects (structures and arrays) without special XMLSchema datatype defined. To declare a structure as a type of a parameter an UDT must be created and parameter to have it as datatype reference. Also all permitted datatypes (including UDTs) could be declared as elements of an ARRAY of unlimited or limited length.

Important: when a UDT is used in a SOAP context, it MUST be granted to the SQL user for SOAP invocation. In other words the user on whose behalf the SOAP call is processed.

Example17.3.Procedure definition with a input and output as a structure

The following example defines a UDT 'SOAP_Struct' (containing varchar, integer and float members) and declares the input parameter and return value of a PL procedure to be of the SOAP_Struct type. The input will be verified, UDT will be instantiated with given values for members and it will be echoed back to the client.

            create type SOAP_Struct as (varString varchar, varInt integer, varFloat real);

            create procedure echoStruct (in s DB.DBA.SOAP_Struct) returns DB.DBA.SOAP_Struct
              return s;

Example17.4.Procedure definition with a input and output as an integer array

This example declares that input must be an array of integer values with maximum length of 5. If input or output contains more than five integers then a SOAP Fault will be sent back to the client containing an appropriate error message ; otherwise the input array will be echoed back.

            create procedure echoIntArray (in ia integer array[5]) returns integer array[5]
              return ia;

Example17.5.Procedure definition with a input and output as a two-dimensional varchar array

This example declares that the input must be an array of integer array values with unlimited length. If the input SOAP message contains a valid array following the current XML encoding rules then an array of integer arrays (vector containing vectors of integers) will be created and passed to the procedure. On success the input array will be echoed back to the client.

            create procedure echoIntMulArray (in iaa integer array array) returns integer array array
              return iaa;

Example17.6.Procedure definition with a input and output as an struct array

This example shows how to use an array of structures (UDTs) and also shows usage of the array type as an member of the structure. The UDT 'SOAP_StructA' is similar to the those in first example except 4the member which is an array of integers. This is to demonstrate that arrays are not limited to the Stored Procedure's parameters declaration, they also can be used as a type of UDT member. Upon success the procedure will echo of the input back to the client.

            create type SOAP_StructA as (varString varchar, varInt integer, varFloat real, varArray integer array);

            create procedure echoStructArray (in sa DB.DBA.SOAP_StructA array) returns DB.DBA.SOAP_StructA array
              return sa;

The SOAP request to an endpoint which exposes the echoStructArray as a document/literal encoded SOAP method would be as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <ns0:echoStructArray xmlns:ns0="http://temp.uri">

The SOAP server will receive and array of one element containing a structure with string, integer, float and integer array of two elements. Then the response from the SOAP server to the requestor will be:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <cli:echoStructArrayResponse xmlns:cli="http://temp.uri">

See also the WSDL file generation section for details how such PL procedures with parameters of complex datatypes are exposed via SOAP enabled virtual HTTP directories.