15.2.3.Linux & UNIX Based ODBC Sample Applications


This is a simple 'C' based and ODBC compliant Interactive SQL processor.

  1. Run the script openlink.sh to set up your environment:

  2. Start ODBCTEST by executing the following command:


    Or pass a DSN connect string, for example:

    odbctest DSN=marketing;UID=name;PWD=pwd;
  3. At the SQL command prompt enter "?" for a list of ODBC DSNs on your machine or enter a valid ODBC Connect String e.g.

    If you have a DSN named "Marketing" you would enter: DSN=Marketing

ODBC Benchmark Application

The TPC-A, TPC-C, and TPC-D benchmarks are currently under development, please monitor our Web site (http://www.openlinksw.com) for updates on these applications.