
19.7. FTP Services

Virtuoso provides both FTP client and server functionality. The Virtuoso FTP client functions allow for programmatic access to ftp servers from Virtuoso/ PL to list, submit and retrieve files from an FTP server. The Virtuoso FTP server provides FTP access to the Virtuoso WebDAV repository using the same authentication and permissions system as WebDAV, and an configurable anonymous user access.

19.7.1. FTP Client

Virtuoso provides three functions that mimic their FTP command counterparts. These are:

ftp_get() - to retrieve a file from an FTP server.
ftp_put() - to submit a file to an FTP server.
ftp_ls() - list the contents of a directory on an FTP server.

The Virtuoso client uses free ports within the range 20000 - 30000 for active mode connections. This is configurable using the parameters: FTPServerMinFreePort and FTPServerMaxFreePort in the HTTPServer section of the Virtuoso INI file.