11.5.Java Based Client-Server (2-Tier) Installation
In this scenario the Java Virtual Machine and OpenLink Drivers for JDBC reside on separate to OpenLink Server server components for JDBC and Database Connectivity. Thus, you are going to install your OpenLink Client and Server components for JDBC on separate machines, one acting as the Client and the other the Server. The Server also hosts the actual database engine that you will be connecting to via JDBC.
11.5.1.Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Client Components Installation Process
Download appropriate driver software installation archive using the instructions provided in the section that covers interaction with the OpenLink Software Download Wizard. You would have selected "Java Virtual Machine" as you client operating system when interacting with the OpenLink download Wizard and then have the files "megathin.jar" or "megathin2.jar" presented in the download results page depending on the version of the Java Virtual Machine selected
Place the "megathin.jar" or "megathin2.jar" file into directory of your choice then add the directory and reference to the JAR file to your CLASSPATH environment variable. See example below:
Windows 95/98/NT/2000
Presuming you place the "megathin.jar" file in the "\program files\openlink\jdk11" on your Windows machine, you would add the following line to your "autoexec.bat" if you are running Windows 95/98:
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;"c:\program files\openlink\jdk11\megathin.jar":.
If you are using NT or Windows 2000 " then you need to open the "System Environment" properties of the "System" Control Panel applet and then add the same entry to the "System Variables" section if you want the driver to be accessible to all users, if not place the entry in the "User Variables" section.
Reboot your machine
Verify your OpenLink Driver for JDBC client components installation by running one of the following commands (depending on your choice of driver for JDBC) from a DOS Window's command prompt:
Table11.10.JDBC Driver Version Commands
OpenLink Driver for JDBC Type Verification Command Megathin Driver for JDK 1.1.x java openlink.jdbc.Driver Megathin Driver for JDK 1.2.x java openlink.jdbc2.Driver Megathin Driver for JDK 1.3.x java openlink.jdbc2.Driver Megathin Driver for JDK 1.4.x java openlink.jdbc3.Driver
If you receive output indicating the relevant OpenLink component branding then this indicates that the drivers have been installed correctly and are ready for use with you Java environment, anything else indicates something is wrong. Typically this would be a mismatch between the Java Virtual machine (your default Java environment) and the OpenLink Driver for JDBC classes. Correcting your PATH or CLASSPATH environment variable entries will typically resolve these problems.
11.5.2.Linux or UNIX Client Components Installation
Presuming you place the "megathin.jar" file in the "/opt/openlink/jdk11" on your Linux or UNIX machine, you would need to modify the following line in the file "openlink.sh" so that they match what is listed below:
Run the script "openlink.sh" (you may also want to add a reference to this in your ".profile" file) by executing the following command from your Linux or UNIX command line prompt:
. openlink.sh
Verify your OpenLink Driver for JDBC client components installation by running one of the following commands (depending on your choice of driver for JDBC) from a Linux or UNIX command prompt:
Table11.11.JDBC Driver Version Commands
OpenLink Driver for JDBC Type Verification Command Megathin Driver for JDK 1.1.x java openlink.jdbc.Driver Megathin Driver for JDK 1.2.x java openlink.jdbc2.Driver Megathin Driver for JDK 1.3.x java openlink.jdbc2.Driver Megathin Driver for JDK 1.4.x java openlink.jdbc3.Driver
If you receive output indicating the relevant OpenLink component branding then this indicates that the drivers have been installed correctly and are ready for use with you Java environment, anything else indicates something is wrong. Typically this would be a mismatch between the Java Virtual machine (your default Java environment) and the OpenLink Driver for JDBC classes. Correcting your PATH or CLASSPATH environment variable entries will typically resolve these problems.
11.5.3.Server Components Installation
Only perform these steps if you are connecting to database engines hosted on your dedicated Database Server using OpenLink's Database Independent Networking:
Windows 95/98/NT/2000
As a separate Windows 95/98/NT/2000 is playing the role of Server machine, you would have downloaded a ZIP archive that contains both the OpenLink Client & Server components for this platform. Extract the contents of this ZIP archive to a temporary installation folder on the Windows Server machine and then run the "Setup.exe" program
The archive you have downloaded will contain the entire suite of Data Access Drivers for this platform. If you do not require the OpenLink ODBC or OLE-DB Drivers simply uncheck these components using the installers component list dialog when presented during the install process.
Reboot your system
Verify your OpenLink Driver for JDBC server components installation by starting a Web Browser session and then entering the following URL:
If you are presented with the Home Page of the OpenLink Admin Assistant then this confirms that your OpenLink Server environment is also correctly setup.
An additional but non compulsory check that you may perform is to actually verify the existence and state of the OpenLink Database server components called the OpenLink Database agents. Do this by changing into the "bin" sub-directory of the OpenLink base directory. Then run an agent with the --help parameter. For example:
pro83a_sv --help (this will verify the Progress Database Agent) syb11_sv --help (this will verify the Sybase Database Agent)
See the detailed section about OpenLink Database Agents for additional information.
11.5.4.Linux or UNIX Server Components Installation
Download appropriate driver software installation archive using the instructions provided in the section that covers interaction with the OpenLink Software Download Wizard. Ensure that you hatched a checkbox for each Database Engine type that you will be connecting to via JDBC.
Move the Request Broker and Database Agent archives into a temporary installation folder on your Linux or UNIX machine then run the following commands from the command line prompt:
rpm -ivh openlink-4.0-2.rpm
rpm -ivh openlink-agents-4.0-2.i386-glibc2.rpm
(for glibc2 based Linux Environments) or
rpm -ivh openlink-agents-4.0-2.i386-libc5.rpm
(for libc5 based Linux Environments)
Linux (if your Linux system does not have the RPM facility) and UNIX:
sh install.sh
Follow the instructions presented by the installer for configuring your OpenLink Database Agents.
The installer creates an OpenLink environment setup script named "openlink.sh" in the openlink installation's base installation directory. This files contains the following entries which you can modify so as to match the OpenLink Drivers for JDBC to the appropriate Java environment on your machine:
Note: This step is only required because the Linux and UNIX installer archives automatically install all the OpenLink Driver types for JDBC, and also perform the default CLASSPATH entry configuration.
Run the script "openlink.sh" (you may also want to add a reference to this in your ".profile" file) by executing the following command from your Linux or UNIX command line prompt:
. openlink.sh
Verify your OpenLink Driver for JDBC server components installation by starting a Web Browser session and then entering the following URL:
http://<hostname of current machine>:8000
If you are presented with the Home Page of the OpenLink Admin Assistant then this confirms that your OpenLink Server environment is also correctly setup.
An additional but non compulsory check that you may perform is to actually verify the existence and state of the OpenLink Database server components called the OpenLink Database agents. Do this by changing into the "bin" sub-directory of the OpenLink base directory. Then run an agent with the --help parameter. For example:
ingii_sv --help (this will verify the Ingres II Database Agent) db2_sv --help (this will verify the IBM DB2 Database Agent)
See the detailed section about OpenLink Database Agents for additional information.