3.7.Multi-Tier-specific Connection-Pooling
3.7.1.Multi-Tier-specific configuration
The required parameters are configured through environment-variables - either use the web-based Administrative Assistant (normally located at <http://server:8000/>) navigating through `Server Components Administration', `Database Agent Administration', `Database Agent Settings by Form', select the name of the agent section used, and scroll to the section `OpenLink Agent Startup Parameters', or edit the rulebook file (oplrqb.ini) directly, to assert settings for the OCI_CONNPOOL_* settings below:
[Environment ORACLE90] ORACLE_HOME = /dbs/oracle90 ORACLE_SID = ORCL ;ORACLE_SERVER = T ;TWO_TASK = P: ;ODBC_CATALOGS = Y ; Uncomment after loading odbccat9.sql ;MULTIPLEX_LDA = 5 ; Allow 5 OpenLink clients on a single lda ;OPL_USR_TBLS_FIRST = Y ; Sort SQLTables starting with user tables SHOW_REMARKS = N ; Retrieve SQLColumns REMARKS field CURSOR_SENSITIVITY = LOW ; Set to HIGH after loading odbccat9.sql ;OCI_PREFETCH_ROWS = 100 ; Number of rows to prefetch ;OCI_PREFETCH_MEMORY = 65535 ; Amount of memory to use for prefetching ;LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /dbs/oracle81/lib ; Find shared libraries ;SHLIB_PATH = /dbs/oracle81/lib ; Find HP/UX shared libraries ;LIBPATH = /dbs/oracle81/lib ; Find AIX shared libraries ;NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8 ; Uncomment for Unicode connections OCI_CONNPOOL_MIN = 0 ; minimum initial connections in pool OCI_CONNPOOL_INCR = 1 ; number of new connections when others busy OCI_CONNPOOL_MAX = 1 ; sum of MIN+INCR OCI_CONPOOL_WAIT = TRUE ; whether new query waits or errors when all busy OCI_CONNPOOL_LINGER = 0 ; seconds to linger after last connection cleared
OCI connection pooling is disabled by setting a minimum connection pool size of 0.