
6.7.Installed Files & Locations

The core components required by the Request Broker and Database Agents are situated within the "bin" and "bin/w3config" sub-directories under your OpenLink server components base installation directory. Each of these components is described below and grouped by directory location.

On Windows, the default base installation directory is C:\Progam Files\OpenLink\. On Mac OS X, the non-configurable base installation directory is //Library/Application Support/openlink/.

6.7.1.The "bin" sub-directory:

Below is a list of the important files in the bin directory:

Table6.2.Important Files in the bin directory

File Description
oplrqb The OpenLink Request Broker.
oplrqb.ini The OpenLink "Session Rules" Book.
oplrqb.log File that holds critical Broker & Startup and Shutdown audit information. All critical events that affect the Broker are written to this file irrespective of Broker startup options.
oplshut Utility for showing Agent status and shutting down the Broker.
xxx_sv OpenLink Agent (single thread). xxx will be an abbreviation for the data access or protocol handling service provided by the OpenLink Agent.
xxx_mv OpenLink Agent (mutli thread). xxx will be an abbreviation for the data access or protocol handling service provided by the OpenLink Agent.
release.txt Text file with the latest information regarding the Request Broker.
oplrqb.lic File containing software activation and license key for the Broker and Database agents.

6.7.2.The "bin/w3config" sub-directory:

Table6.3.Important Files in the bin/w3config directory

File Description
www_sv The OpenLink Web Service Agent, this is basically a HTTP/Web Server implemented as an OpenLink Service Providing Agent. It is this component that forms the core engine around which the OpenLink Admin Assistant has been built.
www_sv.log File that holds critical Web Service Agent & Startup and Shutdown audit information. All critical events that affect the Web Service Agent are written to this file irrespective of Web Service Agent startup options.
www_sv.ini Web Service Agent configuration file.
setup Web Service Agent installation and configuration program (you only need to run this directly if you only want to re-install the Web Service Agent component as opposed to the entire pool of OpenLink Server Components.