
17.15.11. Tables

BPEL Engine Tables

-- Scripts table, keeps one record per version
create table BPEL.BPEL.script (
	bs_id integer identity, 	-- unique id identifying the process
	bs_uri varchar,			-- obsoleted: script source URI
	bs_name varchar,		-- process name, all versions have same name
	bs_state int, 			-- 0 on, current version, 1 obsolete, 2 edit mode
	bs_date	datetime,		-- date of registration
	bs_audit int default 0, 	-- audit flag : 1 on, 0 off
	bs_debug int default 0,		-- debug flag
	bs_version int default 0,	-- process version
	bs_parent_id int default null,	-- fk to bs_id of previous process version
	bs_first_node_id int,  		-- the first node id in the graph
	bs_pickup_bf varbinary default '\x0',	-- bitmask for resume nodes
	bs_act_num	int, 		-- stores the total number of activities
	bs_lpath	varchar default null, -- virtual directory

	-- process statistics
	bs_n_completed int default 0,
	bs_n_errors int default 0,
	bs_n_create int default 0,
	bs_cum_wait int default 0,
	primary key (bs_id));

-- BPEL and WSDL sources
create table BPEL..script_source
	 bsrc_script_id int, -- script id, fk to bs_id of scripts table.
	 bsrc_role varchar,  -- one of bpel, bpel-ext, wsdl, deploy, partner-1... partner-n
	 bsrc_text long xml, -- source text
	 bsrc_url varchar,   -- if this comes from an uri
	 bsrc_temp varchar,  -- contains the namespaces info
	 primary key (bsrc_script_id, bsrc_role)

-- Process instances
create table BPEL.BPEL.instance (
	bi_id int identity,   		-- global immutable id of instance
	bi_script int,  		-- fk to bs_id from BPEL.BPEL.script
	bi_scope_no int default 0,  	-- sequence counter for scope numbers in instance
	bi_state int default 0,
		-- 0, started
		-- 1, suspended (wait for signal)
		-- 2, finished
		-- 3, aborted
	bi_error any,			-- error
	bi_lerror_handled int,
	bi_last_act	datetime,	-- last activity execution
	bi_started	datetime,	-- start time
	bi_init_oper	varchar,	-- operation that made the instance
	bi_wsa		long xml,	-- WS-Addressing headers
	bi_activities_bf varbinary default '\x0\x0', -- bitmask for each activity is completed or not
	bi_link_status_bf varbinary default '\x0\x0', -- bitmask for link status
	bi_prefix_info varchar default '', -- xpath prefix string
	primary key (bi_id));

-- Initial values (URL etc.) for partner links
create table BPEL.BPEL.partner_link_init (
	bpl_script int, 	-- script instance id
	bpl_name varchar,	-- partner link name
	bpl_partner any,  	-- url, end point etc serialized
	bpl_role varchar,
	bpl_myrole varchar,
	bpl_type varchar,
	bpl_endpoint varchar,	-- partner service endpoint URL
	bpl_backup_endpoint varchar,
	bpl_wsdl_uri varchar,
	bpl_debug int default 0,-- debug flag
	bpl_opts long xml,	-- partner link options (WS-Security, WS-RM etc.)
	primary key (bpl_script,bpl_name));

-- Runtime values for partner links (run time copy of partner_link_init table)
create table BPEL..partner_link (
	pl_inst int, 		-- instance id
	pl_name varchar, 	-- partner link name
	pl_scope_inst int, 	-- scope instance id
	pl_role int, 		-- flag 0 - myRole, 1 - partnerRole
	pl_endpoint varchar, 	-- current URL to the partner service
	pl_backup_endpoint varchar, -- second URL to the service for connection error
	pl_debug int default 0,	-- debug flag
	pl_opts long xml,	-- partner link options (WS-Security, WS-RM etc.)
	primary key (pl_inst, pl_name, pl_scope_inst, pl_role));

-- Script compilation
create table BPEL.BPEL.graph (
	bg_script_id int,  	-- FK to bs_id of BPEL.BPEL.script
	bg_node_id int , 	-- running id in the script, referenced from BPEL.BPEL.waits etc.
	bg_activity BPEL.BPEL.activity, -- UDT representing activity
	bg_childs any,
	bg_parent int,
        bg_src_id varchar,	-- internal use
	primary key (bg_script_id, bg_node_id));

-- Receive activities waiting for incoming message
create table BPEL.BPEL.wait (
	bw_uid varchar,
	bw_instance integer,  -- instance id
	bw_script varchar,    -- FK reference to bs_name of script table
	bw_script_id int,     -- FK reference to bs_id of script table
	bw_node int,	      -- FK reference to bg_node_id of the graph table
	bw_scope  int,
	bw_partner_link varchar, -- the party from which instance waiting a message
	bw_port varchar,  	 -- the name of the operation which instance wait to receive
	bw_deadline datetime,
	bw_message long varchar default null, -- if instance is occupied and message is already arrived
	bw_state int default 0,		      -- flag that bw_message is not null (0 or 1)
	bw_correlation_exp varchar, 	      -- XPath expression for computing the correlation value from message
	bw_expected_value long varbinary,     -- value of the expected correlation
	bw_message_type int default 0,	      -- where to expect the data : 0 - SOAP:Body 1 - SOAP:Header
	bw_start_date datetime,
	primary key (bw_instance, bw_node));

-- Messages which have been arrived but not correlated yet
create table BPEL.BPEL.queue (
	bq_id int identity,	-- unique id
	bq_script int,		-- FK references bs_id from the script table
	bq_ts timestamp,
	bq_state int,		-- state of the Queue item; 0 - not processed
	bq_endpoint varchar,	-- not used
	bq_op varchar,		-- Operation name
	bq_mid varchar,		-- mot used
	bq_message long varchar, -- The incoming message text
	bq_header long varchar,  -- SOAP:Header
	primary key (bq_op, bq_ts)

-- Initial values for SOAP Messages and XMLSchema types
create table BPEL..types_init (
	vi_script int,	   -- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	vi_name   varchar, -- message name, element name etc.
	vi_type   int, 	   -- 0 - message, 1 - element, 2 - XMLSchema type
	vi_value  long xml,-- Initial value
	primary key (vi_script, vi_name, vi_type)

-- Matching XPath expressions for the SOAP message parts
create table BPEL.BPEL.message_parts
	mp_script int,	    -- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	mp_message varchar, -- message name
	mp_part varchar,    -- part name
	mp_xp   varchar,    -- location XPath expression
	primary key (mp_script, mp_message, mp_part)

-- Operations which are invoked by process (used in invoke activities)
create table BPEL.BPEL.remote_operation (
	ro_script int,		-- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	ro_partner_link varchar,-- name of the partner link
	ro_role varchar,	-- not used
	ro_operation varchar,	-- operation name
	ro_port_type varchar,	-- port type
	ro_input varchar,	-- input message name
	ro_output varchar,	-- output message name
	ro_endpoint_uri varchar,-- not used
	ro_style int,		-- messages encoding style : 1 - literal, 0 - RPC like
	ro_action varchar default '', -- SOAP Action value
	ro_target_namespace varchar,  -- for RPC encoding the namespace to be used for wrapper elements
	ro_use_wsa int default 0, -- WS-Addressing capabilities flag
	ro_reply_service varchar, -- for one-way operations: reply service name
	ro_reply_port varchar,    -- for one-way operations: reply port type
	primary key (ro_script, ro_partner_link, ro_operation)

-- Operations which process defines (can receive and reply)
create table BPEL.BPEL.operation (
	bo_script int,		-- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	bo_name	varchar,	-- operation name
	bo_action varchar,	-- SOAP Action value
	bo_port_type	varchar,-- port type
	bo_partner_link varchar,-- name of the partner link
	bo_input	varchar,-- input message name
	bo_input_xp	varchar,-- XPath expression to match the input message
	bo_small_input	varchar,-- not used
	bo_output	varchar,-- output message name
	bo_style	int default 0,-- messages encoding style : 1 - literal, 0 - RPC like
	bo_init		int,	-- process instantiation flag: 1 - can make new instances
	primary key (bo_script, bo_name, bo_partner_link)

-- Predefined endpoint URLs for partner links
create table BPEL.BPEL.partner_link_conf (
	plc_name	varchar,
	plc_endpoint	varchar,
	primary key (plc_name)

-- Properties
create table
  bpr_script int, 	-- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
  bpr_name varchar,	-- property name
  bpr_type varchar,	-- property type
  primary key (bpr_script, bpr_name)

-- Aliases
create table BPEL.BPEL.property_alias (
	pa_script	int,		-- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	pa_prop_id	int identity,
	pa_prop_name	varchar,	-- property name
	pa_message	varchar,	-- message name
	pa_part		varchar,	-- part name
	pa_query	varchar,	-- XPath query to set the property value
	pa_type		varchar,
	primary key (pa_script, pa_prop_name, pa_message))

-- Correlation properties
create table BPEL.BPEL.correlation_props (
	cpp_id 		int identity (start with 1),
	cpp_script	int,		-- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	cpp_corr	varchar,	-- correlation name
	cpp_prop_name	varchar,	-- property name
	primary key (cpp_id, cpp_script, cpp_corr, cpp_prop_name))

-- Variables
create table BPEL..variables (
	v_inst 		int,		-- instance id, FK reference bi_id of the instance table
	v_scope_inst   	int,		-- scope instance id; different than 0 for compensation scope
	v_name 		varchar,	-- variable name
	v_type 		varchar,	-- variable type
	v_s1_value	any, 		-- string, numeric
	v_s2_value	varchar, 	-- XML entities
	v_b1_value	long varchar,	-- long strings
	v_b2_value	long varchar, 	-- XML entities
	primary key (v_inst, v_scope_inst, v_name))

-- Links
create table BPEL..links
	  bl_script int,	-- FK reference to bs_id to the script table
	  bl_name   varchar,	-- link name
	  bl_act_id int,	-- corresponding link activity bit number
	  primary key (bl_act_id, bl_script)

-- Compensation scopes
create table BPEL..compensation_scope
	(tc_inst int,
	 tc_seq	 int identity (start with 1),
	 tc_scopes long varbinary,
	 tc_head_node int,
	 tc_head_node_bit int,
	 tc_compensating_from int default null,
	 primary key (tc_inst, tc_seq)

-- Messages are correlated via WS-Addressing
create table BPEL..wsa_messages
	wa_inst int,
	wa_pl	varchar,
	wa_mid  varchar,
	primary key (wa_inst, wa_pl, wa_mid)

create table BPEL..lock
	lck int primary key

-- Accepted connections which are waiting for reply
create table BPEL..reply_wait
	rw_inst int,
	rw_id int, -- identity (start with 1),
	rw_partner varchar,
	rw_port varchar,
	rw_operation varchar,
	rw_query varchar,
	rw_expect varchar,
	rw_started datetime,
	primary key (rw_inst, rw_id)

-- Registered alarm events
create table BPEL..time_wait
	  tw_inst 	int,
	  tw_node 	int,
	  tw_scope_inst int,
	  tw_script	varchar,
	  tw_script_id	int,
	  tw_sec  	int,
	  tw_until 	datetime,
	  primary key (tw_inst, tw_node)

-- BPEL message debugging queue
create table BPEL..dbg_message (
	bdm_text long varchar,		-- message text
	bdm_id int identity (start with 1),
	bdm_ts datetime,
	bdm_inout int, 			-- 1 for in, 0 for out
	bdm_sender_inst int, 		-- instance id of sender if outbound message
	bdm_receiver int, 		-- if inbound, inst id of receiving inst
	bdm_plink varchar, 		-- name of partner link in the script in question
	bdm_recipient varchar, 		-- partner link value for outbound message, URL.
	bdm_activity int, 		-- activity id of activity that either sent the message or would receive the message in the sender/receiver instance.
	bdm_oper varchar,		-- operation name
	bdm_script int,			-- process id, FK reference bs_id from script table
	bdm_action varchar,		-- SOAP Action value
	bdm_conn int,			-- client connection id
	primary key (bdm_id)

-- BPEL engine configuration
create table BPEL..configuration (
	conf_name	varchar not null,
	conf_desc 	varchar,
	conf_value	any, -- not blob
	conf_long_value	long varchar,
	primary key (conf_name)

create table BPEL.BPEL.op_stat
	 bos_process int,
	 bos_plink varchar,
	 bos_op varchar,
	 bos_n_invokes int default 0,
	 bos_n_receives int default 0,
	 bos_cum_wait numeric default 0, -- milliseconds total time wait at the partner link/operation
	 bos_data_in numeric default 0,
	 bos_data_out numeric default 0,
	 bos_n_errors int default 0,
	 primary key (bos_process, bos_plink, bos_op)

create table BPEL.BPEL.error_log
	 bel_ts timestamp,
	 bel_seq int identity,
	 bel_level int, -- bel_level is 1. fatal 2. network, 3 instance.
	 bel_notice_sent datetime,  -- time the email was sent, null if none
	 bel_text varchar,
	 primary key (bel_ts, bel_seq)

create table BPEL.BPEL.hosted_classes
	 hc_script	int,
	 hc_type	varchar default 'java',
	 hc_name	varchar,
	 hc_text	long varbinary, -- compiled class
	 hc_path	varchar, -- path to class if it is stored in file system
	 hc_load_method	varchar,
	 primary key (hc_script, hc_type,  hc_name)