1.5.35.How can I use the net_meter utility before starting the ingestion to a cluster?

The net_meter utility is a SQL procedure that runs a network test procedure on every host of the cluster. The network test procedure sends a message to every other host of the cluster and waits for the replies from each host. After the last reply is received the action is repeated. This results in a symmetrical load of the network, all points acting as both clients and servers to all other points.

net_meter (
  in n_threads int,
  in n_batches int,
  in bytes int,
  in ops_per_batch int)

The parameters have the following meaning:

  • n_threads

    : The number of network test instances started on each host. A value of 4 on a cluster of 4 hosts would result in a total of 16 network test procedures spread over 4 processes.

  • n_batches

    : The number of message exchanges done by each network test procedure. A message exchange consists of sending one request to every other host of the cluster and of waiting for all to have replied.

  • bytes

    : The number of bytes sent to each host in each message exchange. The reply from each host has the same number of bytes.

  • ops_per_batch

    : This causes each message batch to contain several operations. In practice this is a multiplier on the number of bytes.


Assume anuser has run 2 sets of tests on a cluster:

The first one was 1 thread, 1000 batches, 1000 bytes per exchange, 1 operation per batch:

SQL> net_meter (1, 1000, 1000, 1);

round_trips     MBps
REAL            REAL


1245.393315542000254  2.489418401123078

1 Rows. -- 39345 msec.

resulted in a measured throughput of 2.5 MBps

The second one was 1 thread, 5000 batches, 10000 bytes per exchange, 1 operation per batch:

SQL> net_meter (1, 5000, 10000, 1);

round_trips     MBps
REAL            REAL


15915.291672080031181  305.017186586494738

1 Rows. -- 15394 msec.

resulted in a measured throughput of 305 MBps.

This indicates that the user's network is slow when sending multiple short messages.

When using the ingestion you should check the:


command a few times and check the XX KB/s amount which should be around or above the 2500 mark.