19.4.2. Commands and Examples
If the requested messages don't exist, nttp_get()
returns NULL.
Get a list of all groups from the server 'news.openlinksw.com', port 119:
Example 19.6. nntp_get()
nntp_get ('news.openlinksw.com:119', 'list');
This call returns an array of the form Array ((<group 1> varchar, <last message> integer, <first message> integer, <posting allowed> varchar ) (<group 2> . . . . ) . . . )
ARTICLE, HEAD, BODY, STAT To get the bodies of all messages in the group 'openlink.public.virtuoso':
nntp_get ('news.openlinksw.com:119', 'body', 'openlink.public.virtuoso');
This call returns an array of the form Array ((<message number> integer, <body of message> blob) . . . )
To get the article (head + body) of messages numbered from 5 to 10 in the group 'openlink.public.virtuoso':
nntp_get ('news.openlinksw.com:119', 'article', 'openlink.public.virtuoso', 5, 10);
This call returns an array of the form Array ((<message number> integer, <body of message> blob) . . . )
To get the headers of messages numbered from 7 to the end of the 'openlink.public.virtuoso' group:
nntp_get ('news.openlinksw.com:119', 'head', 'openlink.public.virtuoso', 7);
To get the status of all messages in the group 'openlink.public.virtuoso':
nntp_get ('news.openlinksw.com:119', 'stat', 'openlink.public.virtuoso',);
This call returns an array of the form Array ((<message number> integer, <message ID> varchar) . . . )
To get the status of the 'openlink.public.virtuoso' group:
nntp_get ('news.openlinksw.com:119', 'group', 'openlink.public.virtuoso');
This call returns an array of the form Array (<number of messages> integer, <first message> integer, <last message> integer)