11.7.6. compound statement
compound_statement : '{' statement_list '}' ; statement_list : statement_in_cs | statement_list statement_in_cs ; statement_in_cs : local_declaration ';' | compound_statement | routine_statement ';' | control_statement | label ':' statement ; statement : routine_statement ';' | control_statement | compound_statement ; local_declaration : cursor_def | variable_declaration | handler_declaration ; variable_declaration : DECLARE variable_list data_type ; variable_list : NAME | variable_list ',' NAME ;
The compound statement is the main building block of procedures. Statements in a compound statement are executed left to right, unless the flow of control is changed with a goto statement. The compound statement allows declaring local variables and exception handlers. See 'Scope Rules' above for a description of the scope of declarations.
Labeled statements (goto targets) and declarations can only occur within a compound statement.