
23.2. Error Codes Reference

23.2.1. Virtuoso Error Codes

Table 23.1. Virtuoso Errors Sub-Codes List

Virtuoso Sub-Code Description
SR SQL Runtime
FA File access
SQ SQL Compile
CL client-side
HT HTTP Server
FT Free-text
DC 2 phase commit
DT date/time routines
IN Internationalization routines
RE Replication
TR Transactional replication
DA WebDAV domain
SM SMTP functions, Mail functions
PO POP3 functions
NN NNTP server
CR Crypto API
UD User Defined Types
KB Kerberos Library
HO Hosting

<title>SQL Runtime Error</title>

SR000 22023 <function_name> expects a vector, not an arg of type <dv_type>

SR001 37000 More than one resultset not supported in a procedure called from exec

SR002 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string output as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR003 22023 Function <function_name> needs an XML entity as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR004 22023 Function <function_name> needs a binary as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR005 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string or NULL as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR006 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string or NULL as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR007 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string or NULL as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR008 22023 Function <function_name> needs an integer as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR009 22023 Function <function_name> needs a float as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR010 22023 Function <function_name> needs a double as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR011 22023 Function <function_name> needs an int or a string as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR012 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string or an array as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR013 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string or an array as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR014 22023 Function <function_name> needs a string as argument <index>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR015 22023 Function length is not applicable to XML tree entity

SR016 22023 Function length needs a string or array as its argument, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR017 22003 aref: Bad array subscript (zero-based) <index> for an arg of type <type_name> and length <length>.

SR018 22023 non-generic vector for aref_set_0

SR019 22003 Bad subscript for aref_set_0

SR020 22003 Bad array subscript <index> in aset.

SR021 22003 make_array called with an invalid count <count>

SR022 22023 Type for make_array must be float, double, long or any

SR023 22023 Function subseq needs a string or object id as its first argument, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR024 22023 Function subseq needs integers or NULLs as its arguments 2 and 3, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR025 22011 subseq: Bad string subrange: from=<from>, to=<to>, len=<length>.

SR026 22011 substr: Bad string subrange: from=<from>, to=<to>, len=<length>.

SR027 22023 Source string arg (#1) to replace was not a wide string

SR028 22023 From arg (#2) to replace was not a wide string

SR029 22023 To arg (#3) to replace was not a wide string

SR030 22003 Too few arguments for <function_name>

SR031 22023 Invalid format string for sprintf at escape <index>

SR032 22026 sprintf escape <index> (<escape>) exceeds the internal buffer of 2000

SR033 22026 The length of the data for sprintf argument <index> exceed the maximum of 2000

SR034 22026 The length of the data for sprintf argument <index> exceed the maximum of 2000

SR035 22026 The length of the data for sprintf argument <index> exceed the maximum of 2000

SR036 22025 The URL escaping sprintf escape <index> doesn't support modifiers

SR037 22025 The HTTP escaping sprintf escape <index> doesn't support modifiers

SR038 22023 Invalid format string for sprintf

SR039 22023 The first argument to strstr is not a wide string

SR040 22023 The second argument to strstr is not a wide string

SR041 22023 Argument 1 of locate is not a wide string

SR042 22023 Argument 2 of locate is not a wide string

SR043 22019 the escape should be non-empty string in matches_like

SR044 22023 Function ascii needs a string or similar thing as its argument, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR045 22023 Function mod needs two integers as its arguments, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR046 22012 Division by zero in mod(<n1>,<n2>)

SR047 22023 Function sign needs a numeric type as its argument, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR048 22023 Function abs needs a numeric type as its argument, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR049 22023 Data type is not suitable for storage into a global variable (connection_set)

SR050 22023 connenction_vars_set expects a vector or null as argument not of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR051 22023 connenction_vars_set expects a vector of even length, not of length <length> (of type <type_name> (<dv_type>))

SR052 22023 connenction_vars_set expects a string as name of connection variable not of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR053 22023 Data type is not suitable for storage into a global variable (connection_set)

SR054 22023 Function oid_class_spec needs an object id as its argument, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR055 22023 Function oid_class_spec detected an object id whose length <length> < 4. oid[0]=<u1>. oid[1]=<u2>. oid[2]=<u3>

SR056 22023 <function_name> expects the type of item searched for <type_name> (<dv_type>) and the type of the vector searched from <type_name> (<dv_type>) to match. Veclen=<length>

SR057 22023 get_keyword expects a vector of even length, not of length <length> (of type <type_name> (<dv_type>))

SR058 22023 get_keyword expects a vector

SR059 22024 get_keyword_ucase expects a vector of even length, not of length <length> (of type <type_name> (<dv_type>))

SR060 22003 position: cannot check every 0th element of vector of type <type_name>

SR061 22023 position: expects a vector whose length is divisible by <d>, not of length <d2> (of type <type_name> (<dv_type>))

SR062 22023 Row in a row function is not a valid row string

SR063 22023 row string must begin with container header

SR064 22015 Conversion overflow from numeric

SR065 22023 Can't convert SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC blob to varchar. Parameter may only be used in insert or update

SR066 22023 Unsupported case in CONVERT

SR067 22023 Collation specified in cast for non-string datatype <type_name>

SR068 22023 XML tree cannot be used as argument of blob_to_string[_output]

SR069 22001 Attempt to convert a persistent XML document longer than VARCHAR maximum in blob_to_string

SR070 22023 blob_to_string[_output] requires a blob or string argument

SR071 22023 Blob argument to blob_to_string[_output] must be a non-interactive blob

SR072 22001 Blob longer than maximum string length not allowed in blob_to_string

SR073 22023 Function log_text needs an array as argument <index> not BLOB HANDLE

SR074 25000 replay must be run in a fresh transaction.

SR075 22023 Bad isolation. Must be uncommitted / committed / repeatable / serializable

SR076 22023 ISOLATION option needs a string as value (uncommitted / committed / repeatable / serializable)

SR077 42S22 Bad option for SET

SR078 22005 The cursor parameter is not settable

SR079 22023 Too few arguments to exec_next(cursor, state, message, row)

SR080 22023 Parameter 4 is not a valid local exec handle

SR081 22023 Parameter 1 is not a valid local exec handle

SR082 22003 Non numeric comparison

SR083 Numeric error (22003 Numeric value out of range | 22012 Division by zero | 37000 Syntax error | S1000 General error | S1107 Row value out of range | 22012 Division by 0)

SR084 42S22 The column <column_name> is not defined in the given table

SR085 22012 Division by 0

SR086 22012 Division by 0

SR087 22003 Non numeric arguments to arithmetic operation

SR088 22012 Division by 0

SR089 22012 Division by 0

SR090 22012 Division by 0

SR091 22003 Non numeric arguments to arithmetic operation modulo

SR092 42000 system call not allowed on this server

SR093 22000 Error in compressing

SR094 22023 string_output_gz_compress needs a string_output as a first argument, not an argument of type <type> (<DV_type>)

SR095 22023 gz_uncompress needs a string_output as a second argument, not an argument of type <type> (<DV_type>)

SR096 21S01 Function crypt needs a string or integer as its second argument. Not an arg of type <type> (<DV_type>)

SR097 2201B regexp error : could not obtain substring (<offset> of <length>)

SR098 2201B regexp error after: <pattern> (<error>)

SR099 22023 BLOB submitted by client as SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC cannot be converted into anything. It must first be stored into a BLOB column

SR100 22003 The requested subsequence of BLOB is longer than 10Mb, thus it cannot be stored as a string

SR101 22023 BLOB submitted by client as SQL_DATA_AT_EXEC cannot be converted into anything. It must first be stored into a BLOB column

SR102 22026 Error in compressing (invalid input)

SR103 Zlib error (22000 Error in compressing | 22003 Error in compressing (compression level parameter is invalid) | 22005 Error in compressing (not enough memory) | 22026 Error in compressing (not enough room in the output buffer))

SR104 22025 Error in decompressing

SR105 42000 Unclassified SQL error

SR106 40009 Out of disk on database

SR107 42000 Read only transaction for modify operation.

SR108 4000X Transaction could not commit after DDL statement. Last DDL statement rolled back.

SR109 42000 Cannot free global server lock if one does not hold it

SR110 42000 backup () must be the first operation in its transaction if the transaction is not read only

SR111 40009 Backup transaction failed

SR112 42000 Transaction not in backup mode

SR113 42000 backup_row needs a _ROW as argument

SR114 42000 Transaction not in backup mode

SR115 42000 Error writing backup_flush

SR116 42000 Transaction not in backup mode

SR117 42000 db_check () must be in read only, non-autocommit transaction mode. e.g. do it from isql in RO mode.

SR118 40009 Database check transaction failed

SR119 42S11 Key <key> has 0 parts. Create index probably failed

SR120 23000 Convert error or not possible to insert a value into a blob column

SR121 42000 Ruling part too long on <key>

SR122 42000 Row too long on <key>

SR123 42S12 Bad key id in row_insert

SR124 42S12 Bad key id in row_insert

SR125 42S12 key_insert: This table does not have this key

SR126 22018 Can't convert <column_name> to numeric

SR127 22003 Can't convert <column_name> to numeric

SR128 22003 Numeric value out of range for <column_name> (<col_scale>, <col_prec>)

SR129 22003 Numeric value out of range

SR130 22005 Bad value for numeric column <column_name>, dtp = <dtp_value>

SR131 22005 Cannot convert <string_value> to number for column <column_name>

SR132 22007 Bad value for date / time column

SR133 23000 Null assigned to non-null column

SR134 42000 A data at exec blob must be assigned to a blob column

SR135 42000 Blob too long to store in a non-blob column

SR136 42S02 Bad table name in GRANT / REVOKE <table_name>

SR137 42000 Bad user name in GRANT/REVOKE

SR138 37000 Operation not allowed for PUBLIC

SR139 42000 No group <group_name>

SR140 42000 The group <group_name> is already a secondary group for the user <user_name>. Delete it first with DELETE USER GROUP.

SR141 42000 No user <user_name>

SR142 37000 Operation not allowed for PUBLIC

SR143 42000 No group <group_name>

SR144 42000 Group <group_name> already assigned as a secondary group of <user_name>

SR145 42000 Group <group_name> already is a primary group of <user_name>

SR146 42000 No user <user_name>

SR147 37000 Operation not allowed for PUBLIC

SR148 42000 No group <group_name>

SR149 42000 No group <group_name> granted to <user_name>

SR150 42000 No Group <group_name> granted to <user_name>

SR151 42000 Group <group_name> is a primary group of <user_name>. Use SET USER GROUP instead

SR152 42000 No user <user_name>

SR153 28000 No user in delete user

SR154 42S02 No table or view in drop table

SR155 42S02 No table in alter table drop column

SR156 42S02 No table in table rename

SR157 42S02 No table alter table add column

SR158 42000 Permission denied. Must be owner of object or member of dba group.

SR159 42000 Function <function_name> restricted to dba group.

SR160 42000 Incorrect old password in set password

SR161 42000 Unsupported security statement.

SR162 07006 BLOB's not allowed in function refs.

SR163 42000 Ruling part too long.

SR164 42000 Error writing the BLOB onto a procedure view temp space

SR165 07006 Parameter BLOB in sorted result.

SR166 42000 Key too long in ORDER BY or DISTINCT temp table.

SR167 07006 Parameter BLOB in sorted result.

SR168 42000 Data too long in ORDER BY or DISTINCT temp table.

SR169 22023 signal state should be an integer 100 (NO DATA FOUND) or a string value, not an <type_name>

SR170 42000 Unsupported arithmetic op.

SR171 S1T00 Transaction timed out.

SR172 40001 Transaction deadlocked

SR173 40003 Transaction out of disk.

SR174 40004 Log out of disk.

SR175 23000 Uniqueness violation. Transaction killed.

SR176 4000X Transaction rolled back due to previous SQL error.

SR177 4000X Misc Transaction Error.

SR178 42000 Stack overflow

SR179 07S01 The function <function_name> does not accept a keyword parameter <param_name>

SR180 07S01 Extra arguments to <function_name>, takes only <number>

SR181 HY105 Cannot pass literal as reference parameter.

SR182 HY502 inout or out parameter <param_name> not supplied in keyword parameter call

SR183 07S01 Required argument <param_name> (no <index>) not supplied to <function_name>

SR184 42000 Built-in function is not allowed as the outermost function in a procedure view. Define an intermediate PL function to call the bif.

SR185 42001 Undefined procedure <procedure name>

SR186 42000 No permission to execute procedure <procedure_name>

SR187 07001 Too few actual parameters for <procedure_name>

SR188 HY105 Cannot pass literal as reference parameter.

SR189 HY008 Async statement killed by SQLCancel.

SR190 24000 Fetch of unopened cursor.

SR191 39000 Unsupported instruction AREF");

SR192 HY105 Like pattern not a string

SR193 HY105 Blob of <length> bytes in like

SR194 HY105 LIKE must be between strings.

SR195 HY001 No starting point for ancestor join

SR196 HY001 No place in from_position clause.

SR197 23000 Non unique primary key on <table_name>

SR198 HY109 Cursor not positioned on delete. <cursor_name>

SR199 HY109 The cursor in positioned DELETE was not on any row.

SR200 42S12 The row being deleted has no valid key.

SR201 42S12 Primary key not found in delete.

SR202 42000 Bad admin op code.

SR203 HY008 Async statement killed by SQLCancel.

SR204 22002 Missing named parameter

SR205 07001 Not enough actual parameters.

SR206 07001 Not enough actual parameters.

SR207 08004 Maximum licensed connections exceeded

SR208 08004 Application access is denied

SR209 S1010 Statement active

SR210 S1010 Async exec busy

SR211 41000 Aborted

SR212 S1010 Statement not prepared.

SR213 S1010 SQLFetch of busy

SR214 40001 Out of server threads. Server temporarily unavailable. Transaction rolled back.

SR215 42000 Too many triggers on <table_name>

SR216 22003 PL Scrollable cursor with a rowset > 1

SR217 01001 Optimistic cursor updated since last read"

SR218 HYC00 Cursor not capable of requested SQLSetPos operation

SR219 HY107 Row in SQLSetPos does not exist in the rowset

SR220 S1010 Unopened cursor referenced by SQLSetPos

SR221 S1010 Not a scrollable cursor in SQLSetPos

SR222 22003 PL cursor with a rowset greater then 1

SR223 HY111 Non static bookmark for a static cursor

SR224 HY111 Incompatible bookmark. Must be identical ordering and primary key columns

SR225 HY111 Static bookmark for a dynamic / keyset cursor

SR226 42000 Misc. cursor error

SR227 3C000 Non unique cursor name

SR228 07001 Too few actual parameters

SR229 42000 Misc. cursor error

SR230 S1010 Statement not executing or not scrollable cursor in SQLExtendedFetch

SR231 42S02 Cursor does not have table <table_name>

SR232 34000 No cursor <cursor_name>

SR233 22023 Wrong type of argument to __scroll_cr_init

SR234 22023 Function <function_name> needs a cursor as argument <index> , not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

SR235 24000 Virtuoso/PL Scrollable cursor not opened

SR236 07001 scrollable fetch with different number of output columns

SR237 HY109 Row deleted

SR238 24000 Virtuoso/PL Scrollable cursor not opened

SR239 HY109 Virtuoso/PL Scrollable cursor not positioned on a row

SR240 HY090 Ruling part too long in scrolled current of reference.

SR241 HY109 Row referenced in where current of not present

SR242 42S22 No system status variable <name>

SR243 42S02 No table <table_name> in key_stat

SR244 22023 Allowed stat names are touches, reads, lock_set, lock_waits, deadlocks.

SR245 42S12 Index <key_name> not found in key_stat.

SR246 23000 Error or type mismatch inserting a blob

SR247 42000 Primary key ruling part too long in update

SR248 42000 Row too long in update

SR249 42000 Ruling part too long on <key_name>.

SR250 24000 Cursor not positioned on update. <cursor_name>

SR251 24000 Cursor not on row in positioned UPDATE

SR252 01001 Row deleted while waiting to update

SR253 42S12 Could not find primary key on update.

SR254 42000 The cursor specified is not a SELECT.

SR255 24000 Cursor before first or after end. No current row.

SR256 HY109 Cursor <cursor_name> does not have place.

SR257 34000 No cursor named <cursor_name>.

SR258 42000 The cursor specified is not a SELECT.

SR259 24000 Cursor <cursor_name> before first or after end. No current row.

SR260 HY109 Cursor <cursor_name> does not have place <name>.

SR261 23000 Non unique primary key.

SR262 24000 Cursor not positioned on positioned reference. <cursor_name>

SR263 24000 Cursor not on row in positioned UPDATE

SR264 42S12 Could not find primary key on update.

SR265 37000 Table being dropped is referenced in FOREIGN KEY

SR266 S0002 No table in drop table

SR267 37000 Table being dropped is referenced in FOREIGN KEY

SR268 42S02 No table in drop table

SR269 S0002 No trigger in drop trigger. Make sure the name is qualified with the subject table's qualifier and owner if these are not the default qualifier and owner

SR270 42000 No procedure in DROP PROCEDURE <proc_name>

SR271 42000 Must be in dba group to drop non-owned procedures

SR272 01006 Privilege has not been granted. Use list_grants (0) to see what you can revoke

SR273 42000 No user to delete

SR274 S1001 Column already exists in ALTER TABLE

SR275 42000 Column count too large

SR276 42S02 No table in add column

SR277 42S01 Table already exists in rename table.

SR278 42S02 Bad table in rename table

SR279 22023 parse_collation : invalid table size <size>

SR280 37000 The column is a key or primary key part. Drop the index first

SR281 37000 The column is referenced in foreign key constraint. Drop the foreign key first

SR282 42S22 The column to drop is not defined in the given table

SR283 42S02 No table in add column

SR284 22023 Charset definition is not correct

SR285 42000 Function user_set_password restricted to dba group

SR286 42000 The user <user_name> does not exist

SR287 42000 The new password for <user_name> cannot be empty

SR288 42S22 No columns in the source table <table_name>

SR289 42S22 No columns in the source table <table_name>

SR290 42S22 The column <column_name> in the source table <table_name> doesn't have a match in the destination table <table_name>

SR291 42S11 Primary key modification is prohibited if: Table is a subtable or has subtables, is attached or has a free text index

SR292 42S22 Bad new pk column list

SR293 22023 function fk_check_input_values expect -1, 0 or 1 as first parameter

SR294 42S22 Foreign key references invalid column <column_name> in referenced table <table_name>

SR295 37000 Foreign key references non-unique column <column_name> in table <table_name>

SR296 37000 To add foreign key REFERENCES should be specified

SR297 42S12 Foreign key does not exist in table <table_name> referencing table <table_name>

SR298 42S12 Foreign key <key_name> does not exists

SR299 37000 To drop foreign key should be specified NAME or REFERENCES

SR300 42S11 To modify a foreign key first drop the old and then add the new

SR301 37000 A primary key cannot be added or dropped. It can only be modified. Use alter table .. modify primary key ...

SR302 37000 To modify a unique constraint first drop the old and then add the new

SR303 22023 Function check_col needs string as argument

SR304 S1000 DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint <name>

SR305 S1000 UPDATE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint <name>

SR306 S1000 INSERT statement conflicted with FOREIGN KEY constraint referencing table <table_name>

SR307 S1000 UPDATE statement conflicted with FOREIGN KEY constraint referencing table <table_name>

SR308 22023 exec() called with an invalid text to execute

SR309 22023 Non-encrypted session

SR310 22023 Invalid certificate info index

SR311 08004 Shutting down the server permitted only to DBA group

SR312 08004 The server is shutting down

SR313 42000 The procedure <proc_name> is part of a module <module>. Drop the module first.

SR314 42000 Trying to drop a module with drop procedure.

SR315 37000 Invalid module name in soap_sdl.

SR316 37000 No URL specified & soap_sdl called outside HTTP context.

SR317 37000 Invalid module name in soap_wsdl.

SR318 37000 No URL specified & soap_wsdl called outside HTTP context.

SR319 22026 Value too long to insert into VARCHAR column <col_name>.

SR320 42S12 Constraint <constraint name> does not exists for table <table>

SR321 37000 A RETURN statement with a return status can only be used in a stored procedure

SR322 22005 <option> is not valid trace_on option

SR323 22005 <option> is not valid trace_off option

SR324 08U01 Remote server has disconnected making the transaction uncommittable. Transaction has been rolled back.

SR325 S1T00 Transaction aborted due to a database checkpoint or database-wide atomic operation. Please retry transaction

SR326 42S02 No table in alter table modify column

SR327 42S02 ALTER TABLE not supported for views. Drop the view and recreate it instead.

SR328 42S02 ALTER TABLE not supported for views. Drop the view and recreate it instead.

SR329 42S02 ALTER TABLE not supported for views. Drop the view and recreate it instead.

SR330 42S02 ALTER TABLE not supported for views. Drop the view and recreate it instead.

SR331 21000 Scalar subquery returned more than one value.

SR332 42000 The DB.DBA.DBEV_DSN_LOGIN should return strings for UID and PWD.

SR333 42S22 Access denied for foreign key referencing <col> in table <tbl>

SR334 22023 The result names description should be an array in exec_result

SR335 22023 The result names description should be an array in exec_result_names

SR336 22023 Wrong result description in bif_result_string_names

SR337 40006 Transaction aborted because the server is out of memory

SR338 HY111 Malformed bookmark

SR339 22023 Function <function_name> needs an integer not less than <val> as argument <inx>

SR340 22023 Function <function_name> needs an integer not greater than <val> as argument <inx>

SR341 22023 Invalid integer value converting <string_val>

SR342 22023 Procedure view's procedure returned value of type <type>(<dv_val>) instead of <type>(<dv_val>) for column <col_no>

SR343 42000 Access to pwd_magic_calc not permitted. If you are getting this message in the Admin interface and you are a DBA, then you need to enable the function from the INI file in order to use it.

SR344 41000 Malformed RPC

SR345 22023 invalid offset arguments to subseq

SR346 22023 precision (<prec>) overflow in <title>

SR347 22023 The long varchar, long varbinary and long nvarchar data types cannot be used in the WHERE, HAVING, or ON clause, except with the IS NULL predicate for column <name>

SR348 22023 Value type (<type>) not suitable for use in a hash index

SR349 22023 SKIP parameter < 0

SR350 22023 TOP parameter < 0

SR351 22023 SKIP parameter < 0

SR352 22023 TOP parameter < 0

SR353 22023 Sorted TOP clause specifies more then %ld rows to sort. Only %ld are allowed. Either decrease the offset and/or row count or use a scrollable cursor

SR354 23000 Type mismatch inserting user defined type instance as a blob for column <co>

<title>File Access</title>

FA001 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied

FA002 42000 Can't open file <file_name>, error <err_no>

FA003 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA004 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA005 39000 Can't open file <file_name>, error <error_no>

FA006 39000 Can't open file <file_name>, error : <fs_error>

FA007 39000 Seek error in file <file_name>, error <error_no>

FA008 39000 File <file_name> too long

FA009 39000 Read from <file_name> failed (<error_no>)

FA010 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA011 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA012 42000 Can't open file <file_name>, error <error_no>

FA013 39000 Read from <file_name> failed (<error_no>)

FA014 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA015 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA016 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA017 39000 Path string is too long.

FA018 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA019 39000 Path string is too long.

FA020 39000 <fs_error>

FA021 22003 Third argument of string_to_file function, should be nonnegative offset value, -1 or -2

FA022 22023 Function string_to_file needs a string or blob or string_output as argument 2, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

FA023 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA024 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA025 39000 Seek error in file <file_name>, error : <fs_error>

FA026 39000 Write to <file_name> failed (<fs_error>)

FA027 39000 Write to <file_name> failed"

FA028 39000 Write to <file_name> failed (<fs_error>)

FA029 39000 Write to <file_name> failed (fs_error)

FA030 39000 Can't open file <file_name>

FA031 39000 Can't open file <file_name>

FA032 39000 Can't open file <file_name>

FA033 39000 Can't open file <file_name>

FA034 39000 Can't open file <file_name>

FA035 39000 Can't open file <file_name>

FA036 42000 Allow & deny file ACL cannot be modified

FA037 39000 Can't update <file_name>

FA038 42000 Cannot open backup file <file_name>

FA039 40003 Out of disk in query temp space.

FA040 42000 Access to <file_name> is denied due to access control in ini file

FA041 42000 Debug session is already open, close it first

FA042 39000 Cannot open debug log file <file_name>, error : <OS error>

<title>SQL Compiler</title>

SQ001 28000 No owner user in __view_changed for <text>

SQ002 42S02 Bad table in drop trigger.

SQ003 42S22 Collation <collation_name> is not defined

SQ004 42S22 Collation defined for a non-string column

SQ005 42000 Column count too large

SQ006 42S22 Table has non unique column names either directly through inheritance

SQ007 37000 Column count too large

SQ008 42S22 No column <name> in <table_name>.

SQ009 07006 Column <name> is a BLOB column and blob columns are not supported as index parts

SQ010 42S22 Column count too large

SQ011 42S22 Column count too large

SQ012 42S12 Cannot inherit table with no keys <name>.

SQ013 42S22 Column count too large

SQ014 07006 Not a DDL type name: <name>

SQ015 07006 Not a DDL type name: <name>

SQ016 42S01 Table <table_name> already exists

SQ017 42S12 No primary key for <table_name>. Specify qualifier and owner if you are not owner of the table.

SQ018 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ019 42S12 No key <name> in (<table_name>|any table)."

SQ020 23000 Can't drop primary key. Use drop table instead.

SQ021 42S02 bad table or index for build key

SQ022 42S11 Duplicate index name

SQ023 42S02 No table in rename table

SQ024 4000X Transaction could not commit after DDL statement. Last DDL statement rolled back

SQ025 42S02 Bad table in drop table.

SQ026 42000 The subtable <table_name> must have the same owner as the supertable <table_name>

SQ027 42S11 Only one PRIMARY KEY clause allowed

SQ028 42S21 Unsupported table constraint.

SQ029 42S12 A table must either have an UNDER or PRIMARY KEY specification.

SQ030 42S11 A table cannot have both an UNDER and PRIMARY KEY.

SQ031 42000 Unsupported DDL statement.

SQ032 42000 Owner of procedure has been deleted. Cannot recompile procedure

SQ033 42000 Access denied for column <name>.",

SQ034 42S22 Ambiguous column ref <name>

SQ035 37000 Bad function reference in expression, only ones in selection recognized in HAVING / ORDER BY

SQ036 42S22 Bad column/variable ref <name>

SQ037 37000 ancestor_of must be between 2 columns

SQ038 37000 ancestor_of must be between 2 entity subtables

SQ039 37000 Can't have more than 1 ancestor join per table

SQ040 37000 Can't have more than 1 contains/xcontains per table

SQ041 37000 Can't have more than one xpath_contains per table

SQ042 42S12 No index for table <table_name>

SQ043 42000 _ROW requires select permission on the entire table.

SQ044 42S22 Bad column/variable reference <name>

SQ045 42000 Bad compare operator.

SQ046 42S22 Bad column predicate.

SQ047 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ048 42S12 No key <key_name>

SQ049 42S12 No key named <key_name>

SQ050 42S22 <name> is not the name of a CURRENT OF.

SQ051 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ052 21S01 Uneven col and value lists in insert.

SQ053 42S22 No such column <name>

SQ054 42000 Bad insert mode.

SQ055 21S01 Odd assignment list for update.

SQ056 42S02 No table <table_name> in update.

SQ057 42S22 No such column <name> in update.

SQ058 42S12 No key in key_insert.

SQ059 42000 No statement <name>

SQ060 42000 Must be in dba group to use EQL.

SQ061 42000 Lisp reader error.

SQ062 42S22 No column <owner>.<name>.

SQ063 42S22 No column <name>

SQ064 42000 Illegal use of '*'.

SQ065 42S22 Col ref ambiguous <name>.

SQ066 37000 Natural join only allowed between tables or views. No derived tables or joins.

SQ067 37000 Explicit join condition not allowed in natural join

SQ068 37000 Empty or USING join condition not allowed with non-natural join

SQ069 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ070 42000 Must have select privileges on view <view_name>

SQ071 42000 Cannot mix aggregate functions with non-aggregate functions or columns not included in GROUP BY.

SQ072 42000 Goto to undeclared label.

SQ073 37000 Statement not supported.

SQ074 37000 <parser error>

SQ075 42000 Unclassified SQL compilation error.

SQ076 42000 The procedure owner specified is different than the creator.

SQ077 34000 Bad cursor name <cursor_name>

SQ078 42000 Unclassified SQL compilation error.

SQ079 42000 No permission to execute procedure <procedure_name>.

SQ080 37000 ELSE must be last clause in CASE.

SQ081 37000 ELSE must be last clause in CASE.

SQ082 37000 Reference to non-object variable

SQ083 42000 Can't generate scalar exp <type>

SQ084 42000 Subquery predicate not supported.

SQ085 42000 Reference to undefined label.

SQ086 42000 ORDER BY: less than <number> cols in select.

SQ087 09000 Forward only cursor called not with FETCH NEXT

SQ088 39000 Statement not supported in a procedure context.

SQ089 S0022 Bad column <name> in trigger column list

SQ090 42S02 Bad table <table_name> in trigger <name> definition

SQ091 42000 Views not supported as trigger objects

SQ092 42000 Access denied for table <table_name>

SQ093 21S01 Mismatched columns and values in insert.

SQ094 21S01 Too many (<number>) values in insert into <table_name>

SQ095 42S22 No column <name>

SQ096 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ097 42000 No insert or insert/delete permission for insert / insert replacing

SQ098 42S22 No column <name>

SQ099 21S01 different number of cols and values in insert.

SQ100 42000 A local table of over maximum columns may not be inserted

SQ101 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ102 42S22 No column <name>

SQ103 42000 Update of <name> not allowed.

SQ104 09000 Cursor with a sorted order by, distinct, grouping etc. is not referenceable in where current of

SQ105 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ106 42S22 No column <name>.

SQ107 42000 Update of <table_name> not allowed.

SQ108 43000 Permission denied for delete.

SQ109 09000 Cursor with a sorted order by, distinct, grouping etc. is not referenceable in where current of

SQ110 42000 Permission denied for delete.

SQ111 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ112 42S02 View without table <view_name>

SQ113 37000 Non-view column set in view update

SQ114 37000 View <name> is not updatable in insert.

SQ115 37000 Non-updatable column <name> in view <view_name> (expression or constant)

SQ116 37000 View <name> is not updatable.

SQ117 42000 No column update privilege for <name> in view <view_name>

SQ118 37000 Non-updatable column <name> in view <view_name> (expression or constant)

SQ119 37000 View <name> is not updatable.

SQ120 S0022 Bad CORRESPONDING BY column <name>

SQ121 42S02 No table <table_name>

SQ122 42000 Must have select privileges on view <name>

SQ123 42S02 foreign key references non-existent table

SQ124 42S02 Foreign key reference to non existent table

SQ125 37000 Different number of referencing and referenced columns in foreign key declaration from <table_name> to <table_name>

SQ126 42S22 Foreign key references invalid column <name> in referencing table <table_name>

SQ127 42000 The user has been deleted

SQ128 42000 Unsupported table constraint.

SQ129 42S22 No column <column_name> in <table_name>.

SQ130 42000 The count of supplied parameters to Virtuoso/PL FETCH statement does not match the count of the selected columns.

SQ131 42S22 Column <column_name> from a derived table not found

SQ132 42S01 Table <table_name> already exists

SQ133 37000 Procedure declaration tries to overwrite a module with the same name

SQ134 42000 Table already has an IDENTIFIED BY option

SQ135 42000 Duplicate label name <name>

SQ136 37000 Invalid escape character in LIKE

SQ137 37000 Dots not allowed inside column names

SQ138 37000 Comma expressions not allowed in an IN clause

SQ139 37000 Different number of subquery output columns for a predicate

SQ140 37000 Module declaration tries to overwrite a module with the same name. Drop the module first.

SQ141 37000 Column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

SQ142 37000 Different number of expected and generated columns in a select

SQ143 37000 Tables '<tb1>' and '<tb2>' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them.

SQ144 21S01 different number of cols and values in insert.

SQ145 21S01 different number of cols and values in insert.

SQ146 21S01 different number of cols and values in insert.

SQ147 37000 Incorrect ORDER BY clause for query expression.

SQ148 37000 TOP not supported in IN, ANY, SOME, ALL, ONE subqueries

SQ149 42S22 The column '<column name>' was specified multiple times for '<table name>'

SQ150 37000 Column '<col>' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

SQ151 S0022 Invalid alias declaration: insert trigger cannot reference old values.

SQ152 S0022 Invalid alias declaration: delete trigger cannot reference new values.

SQ153 37000 Other joins in the joined table of another outer join not supported.

SQ154 37000 Error in trying to get the return value of a remote procedure.

SQ155 37000 General internal [Optimized] compiler error in <file>:<line>. Please report the statement compiled.

SQ156 37000 Internal [Optimized] compiler error in <file>:<line>: <message>. Please report the statement compiled.

SQ157 42S02 The supertable <table> in UNDER is not defined.

SQ158 42S12 The supertable <table> in UNDER has no primary key.

SQ159 42S21 Column names in each table must be unique. Column name <col> in table <table> conflicts with a column of the supertable <table>.

SQ160 42000 No Select permission on the table <table>

SQ161 42000 No select permission on the table <table>

SQ162 42000 No insert or insert/delete permission for insert / insert replacing

SQ164 42000 Update of <table> not allowed.

SQ165 37000 Empty namespace name is not valid in create xml view <view>

SQ166 42000 Reference to undefined label.

SQ167 22023 The long varchar, long varbinary and long nvarchar data types cannot be used in the WHERE, HAVING, or ON clause, except with the IS NULL predicate for column <name>

SQ168 22023 The long varchar, long varbinary and long nvarchar data types cannot be used in the WHERE, HAVING, or ON clause, except with the IS NULL predicate for column <name>

SQ169 37000 Invalid fetch direction in FETCH

SQ170 37000 Key <key> is inherited from table <table>. Drop the index from it.

SQ171 42000 an SQL <module|stored procedure|user defined type> with name <name> already exists

SQ172 37000 Invalid external name in CREATE PROCEDURE

SQ173 42000 Maximum number of keys (<num>) already created

<title>Client Side</title>

CL001 IM001 Function not supported : <function_name>

CL002 HY010 Unprepared statement in SQLExtendedFetch

CL003 HY106 Bad fetch type for forward only cursor

CL004 HY107 Specified keyset size must be >= the rowset size

CL005 HY106 Bookmarks not enabled or no bookmark retrieved

CL006 HY111 Bad bookmark for SQLExtendedFetch

CL007 S1010 SQLSetPos only allowed after SQLExtendedFetch

CL008 HY092 SQLSetPos irow out of range

CL009 HY109 Only SQL_POSITION SQLSetPos option supported for forward cursors

CL010 01S02 Option value changed

CL011 01S02 Option value changed

CL012 01S02 Option value changed

CL013 01S02 Option value changed

CL014 01S02 Option value changed

CL015 IM001 Driver does not support this function

CL016 01S02 Option value changed

CL017 IM001 Driver does not support this function

CL018 01S02 Option value changed

CL019 01S02 Option Value Changed

CL020 HY091 Invalid descriptor field identifier

CL021 HY091 Invalid descriptor type

CL022 HY091 Invalid descriptor type

CL023 HY091 Invalid descriptor type

CL024 HY091 Not supported

CL025 HY091 Invalid descriptor type

CL026 IM001 Driver doesn't support this function

CL027 HYC00 Optional feature not supported

CL028 S1010 Statement not prepared.

CL029 07005 Statement does not have output cols.

CL030 07009 Bookmarks not enabled for statement

CL031 S1002 Column index too large.

CL032 S1C00 Information not available.

CL033 S2801 Connect failed to <dsn> = <host_port>

CL034 28000 Bad login

CL035 2C000 Charset <name> not available. Server default <name2> will be used.

CL036 01S02 Switching to the server default charset <name>.

CL037 S1010 Statement not prepared.

CL038 07005 Statement does not have output cols.

CL039 07009 Bookmarks not enabled for statement

CL040 S1002 Column index too large.

CL041 HY010 Can't mix SQLFetch and SQLExtendedFetch.

CL042 HY010 Statement not prepared.

CL043 08S01 Connection lost to server

CL044 07009 Bad parameter index in SQLDescribeParam

CL045 08S01 Lost connection to server

CL046 40001 could not enlist transaction

CL047 25000 could not enlist resource manager in transaction

CL048 S1009 Information not available.

CL049 HY010 Can't mix SQLFetch and SQLExtendedFetch.

CL050 S1010 Bad call to SQLParamData

CL051 S1010 No param was asked for.

CL052 S1010 Bad place to call SQLPutData

CL053 S1010 No data was asked for.

CL054 S1010 Invalid buffer length (even) in passing character data to binary column in SQLPutData

CL055 S1010 Invalid buffer length (even) in passing character data to binary column in SQLPutData

CL056 07009 Bookmarks not enable for statement

CL057 S1010 Statement not fetched in SQLGetData.

CL058 07009 Column out of range in SQLGetData

CL059 01004 Data truncated.

CL060 07006 Non string data received with SQLGetData.

CL061 S1010 Can't set scroll on open cursor

CL062 S1090 Invalid string or buffer length

CL063 S1010 Async call in progress

CL064 08S01 Lost connection to server

CL065 08S01 Lost connection to server

CL066 S1T00 Virtuoso Communications Link Failure (timeout)

CL067 08S01 Lost connection to server

CL068 01000 Non last proc w/array params returned

CL069 22002 Invalid (odd) length in conversion from SQL_C_CHAR to SQL_BINARY

CL070 S1010 Invalid buffer length (even) in passing character data to binary column in SQLPutData

CL071 01004 Data truncated.

CL072 01004 Data truncated.

CL073 01004 Data truncated.

CL074 01004 Data truncated

CL075 01004 Data truncated

CL076 01004 Data truncated.

CL077 01004 Data truncated.

CL078 01004 Data truncated.

CL079 01004 Data truncated.

CL080 01004 Data truncated.

CL081 01S07 Numeric truncated by client

CL082 01S01 Error in row in SQLSetPos

CL083 IM001 Unable to handle array parameters on a scrollable cursor

CL084 IM001 Unable to handle DATA_AT_EXEC params in SQLSetPos

CL085 HY020 Attempt to concatenate NULL value

CL086 28000 Password to be sent in cleartext with no encryption

CL087 01004 String data, right truncation

CL088 01004 String data, right truncation

CL089 42000 Not connected to the data source

CL090 01004 Data truncated

<title>Client Side - Clustering</title>

08C02 CLDPN luster operation cancelled because of peer disconnect HOST:CLUSTER_PORT

This is an inter-cluster communication error which requires the DBA to restart the node corresponding to the HOST:CLUSTERPORT.

<title>HTTP Server</title>

HT001 22023 An interactive blob can't be passed as argument to ses_write

HT002 22023 ses_write requires string or blob as argument 1

HT003 08003 cannot write to session

HT004 42001 No DB.DBA.__HTTP_XSLT defined

HT005 22023 No VSP parameter for /INLINEFILE

HT006 37000 http output function outside of http context and no stream specified: <function_name>

HT007 22023 An interactive blob can't be passed as argument to http

HT008 22023 http requires string or blob as argument 1

HT009 37000 XML output function allowed only inside HTTP request

HT010 42000 This function is only allowed processing a HTTP request

HT011 42000 XML output function allowed only inside HTTP request

HT012 42000 XML output function allowed only inside HTTP request

HT013 42000 http_path() function allowed only inside HTTP request

HT014 22023 Host name is too long

HT015 2E000 Cannot resolve host in http_get

HT016 08001 Cannot connect in http_get

HT017 08006 Error in reading from HTTP server

HT018 22023 URI too long in http_get <uri>

HT019 22023 Proxy must contain port number

HT020 2E000 Cannot resolve host in http_get <uri>

HT021 08001 Cannot connect in http_get <uri>

HT022 08007 Error in writing to the target HTTP server

HT023 08006 Error in reading from target HTTP server

HT024 42000 http_proxy only allowed inside HTTP request

HT025 42000 HTTP proxy function disabled.

HT026 08006 Error in mid read in http_get <uri>

HT027 08006 Error in mid read in http_get <uri>

HT028 22023 no http protocol identifier in http_get URI <uri>

HT029 08006 Misc. error in connection in http_get <uri>

HT030 08006 Error in mid read in http_get <uri>

HT031 22023 The HTTP output is not an STRING session in http_output_flush

HT032 42000 ses_read_line with no argument defaults it direct to the raw client connection. Allowed only inside HTTP request

HT033 08003 cannot read from session

HT034 42000 The http_flush not effective outside an VSP context

HT035 42000 The http_flush already done

HT036 42000 The http_auth not effective outside an VSP context

HT037 42000 The http_client_ip not effective outside an VSP context

HT038 08003 Server address not known

HT039 42000 Not allowed to call the http_xslt in an non VSP context

HT040 42000 http_map_get function outside of http context

HT041 39001 set_user_id function cannot be called twice in the same context.

HT042 22023 Not valid user id <name>

HT043 37000 bif_ses_write not called inside HTTP context

HT044 22023 The physical path must points to the dav domain.

HT045 22023 The port number of host and listen host must be the same.

HT046 22023 The listen host should be equal to SSLPort

HT047 37000 Max nesting level (20) reached when processing <url>

HT048 37000 Unterminated include tag at offset <ofs> in <name>

HT049 37000 An include tag at offset <ofs> with no name or VSP end tag before an include tag in <name>

HT050 22023 Path contains ..

HT051 42000 Invalid SOAP URL

HT052 42000 Persistent XML not allowed as an argument to soap_server

HT053 42000 Function http_body_read not allowed outside http_context

HT054 08006 Error reading the content in http_body_read

HT055 22023 The authentication function required in the authentication hook

HT056 42000 Searching for POST stream parameters not allowed outside HTTP context

HT057 22023 The STRING session is longer than 10Mb. Use substring to access it in parts.

HT058 22023 Missing leading slash in path parameter

HT059 42000 Proxy access denied to [host]

HT060 22023 The port number of SSL host and SSL listen host must be the same.


FT001 22026 Length limit of composite exceeded.

FT002 S0002 bad table for vt_words_next_d_id

FT003 22003 composite index out of range <n1> for length <n2>

FT004 24000 cursor in vt_words_next_d_id is not open or not on row

FT005 42000 vtb_match only allowed after vt_batch_strings

FT006 22023 Unknown encoding name <name>

FT007 22023 vt_batch_d_id requires a composite or a number as id

FT008 22023 composite document id over 32 characters long.

FT009 22023 vt_batch_d_id id's not in ascending order

FT010 22023 vt_batch_d_id id's cannot be 0, -1 or -2

FT011 22023 Bad XML entity tree in vt_batch_feed

FT012 22023 Bad XML entity tree in vt_batch_feed

FT013 22023 Bad XML entity tree in vt_batch_feed

FT014 42000 The vt_batch can't be used in vt_batch_feed after vt_batch_strings has been called.

FT015 22023 The vt_batch_feed can't index XML tree entity argument, only textual data and XPERs are allowed

FT016 22023 vt_batch_strings needs a string_output as a second argument, not an argument of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

FT017 22003 word_string_insert max length too high

FT018 42S02 The table is not freetext indexed

FT019 22023 The new mode should be ON or OFF, not <mode>

FT020 42S22 No column

FT021 42S02 No table <table_name> in create text index

FT022 42S01 Only one text index allowed per table

FT023 37000 Use NOT INSERT flag, because function hooks does not generated before text index creation.

FT024 22023 the column <name> is not an integer

FT025 42000 id = id

FT026 42000 Misc. error upon update log creation. The free text index cannot be created.

FT027 22008 Invalid XML supplied for an validating free text index of <table_name>

FT028 22008 Invalid XML supplied for an validating free text index of <table_name>

FT029 22008 Invalid XML supplied for an validating free text index of <table_name>

FT030 22008 Invalid XML supplied for an validating free text index of <table_name>

FT031 37000 Setting initial state of the freetext index for <table_name> failed. The data is intact, but the freetext index is unusable. In order to recover from this state the table <name2> should be dropped. This will clear all these created so far. Then the freetext index creation should be retried after removing the cause of the error which is : SQL State [<sql_state>] Explanation : <sql_message>

FT032 42S02 The table <table_name> is not full-text indexed

FT033 Cannot create a scheduled event : <error message>

FT034 42S02 Text index not defined for <table_name>

FT035 42S02 Text index should be enabled for the table <table_name>

FT036 42S22 The id column <name> does not exist in table <table_name> definition

FT03742S22The data column <name> does not exist in table <table_name> definition x

FT038 22015 wildcard has over 1000 matches

FT039 22023 composite expected for composite_ref

FT040 09000 No cursor for vt_words_next_d_id

FT041 22023 negative offset not allowed in composite_ref

FT220 22023 function <function_name> expects a word batch as argument <inx>

FT370 22023 Wildcard word needs at least 3 leading characters

<title>2 Phase Commit</title>

DC001 22023 Bad option for SET 2PC

DC002 37100 MTS support is not enabled


VD001 22023 Value of vdb_timeout must be an integer

VD002 HY001 Not enough temp space to pass decimal parameter

VD003 HZ000 Cannot pass dtp <dv_type> as param <inx> to remote execute <text>

VD004 HZ000 Unknown result set column C type <c_type_code>

VD005 37000 Too few arguments for rexecute (dsn, text, state, message, params, max, desc, result[, handle)

VD006 37000 More then the maximum parameters supplied for rexecute

VD007 22023 Supplied DSN <dsn> is not valid

VD008 22023 The handle passed to rclose is not valid

VD009 22023 The handle passed to rnext is not valid

VD010 22023 The handle passed to rmoreresults is not valid

VD011 22023 Supplied DSN <dsn> is not valid

VD012 HZ000 Bad DSN in catalog call

VD013 HZ000 Bad DSN in catalog call

VD014 HZ000 Cannot remove DSN from ini

VD015 42000 Unknown windows version. The ODBCINST functionality disabled

VD016 42000 This feature runs only on Windows NT/Windows 2000. The ODBCINST functionality disabled

VD017 HZ000 Cannot get installed drivers

VD018 22002 Init string cannot be empty

VD019 22011 Init string should finish with ;

VD020 22026 DSN name is too long

VD021 22023 DSN=<DSN_NAME> parameter should be specified in init string

VD022 42000 Cannot add DSN

VD023 42000 Cannot write the DSN setting to INI

VD024 01S08 Cannot write the File DSN

VD025 HZ000 Array parameters not supported by <dsn>. Retry statement

VD026 42000 Inconsistent vdb subquery compilation

VD027 HY090 Remote statement text over 19K

VD028 HY090 Remote statement text over 19K

VD029 42S02 Cannot generate remote ref to col w/ no table <name>

VD030 37000 The _ROW virtual column cannot be referenced for remote tables.

VD031 37000 Cannot reprint node <inx> for remote text

VD032 remote prepare : <sql_error>

VD033 42000 No insert or insert/delete permission for insert / insert replacing

VD034 42S22 No column <name>

VD035 42S02 No table <name>

VD036 42S22 No column <name>

VD037 42000 Update of <name> not allowed.

VD038 S0002 No remote procedure <name>

VD039 42S02 No table <table_name>

VD040 42S02 Ref to wrong table in remote current of

VD041 42S22 No column <name>

VD042 42000 Update of <name> not allowed.

VD043 42S02 Ref to wrong table in remote current of

VD044 43000 Permission denied for delete.

VD045 42S02 Table in positioned delete is not the table of the cursor

VD046 S1000 Remote DSN <dsn> not defined

VD047 40001 Transaction killed during VDB call

VD048 40001 Transaction killed during VDB operation

VD049 HZ000 No remote DSN <dsn>

VD050 HZ000 No remote DSN <dsn>

VD051 HZ000 No remote DSN <dsn>

VD052 Remote DSN <dsn> : <err_message>

VD053 HY090 Blob larger than <len> bytes is too long for VDB buffering.

VD054 HY090 Blob larger than <len> bytes is too long for VDB buffering.

VD055 22003 Can't convert remote numeric <numeric_string> to local numeric

VD056 HY001 Not enough temp space to pass decimal param

VD057 22023 Blob parameters not allowed at this point

VD058 22023 Cannot pass dtp <dt_type> as param <inx> to remote query <text>.

VD059 07001 Too many parameters in the call to the remote procedure <name>

VD060 22023 Blobs can't be passed as non-input parameter <inx> to remote procedure <name>

VD061 HY105 The parameter <inx> of the remote procedure <name> is an output parameter

VD062 HZ000 Cannot attach tables from the same server

VD063 42S01 Table already exists in ATTACH

VD064 42S02 no remote table/view or ambiguous remote table/view <table_name> in DSN <dsn>

VD065 42S22 <name> is not a remote view <table_name> column

VD066 42S12 No unique key

VD067 HZ000 Driver not capable for SQLTables

VD068 HZ000 Driver not capable for SQLTables

VD069 HZ000 Driver not capable for SQLTables

VD070 42S01 Table <name> exists as local table, cannot unlink similarly named remote table

VD071 HY090 Blob larger than <len> bytes is too long for VDB buffering.

VD072 HY090 Blob of <len> bytes is too long for VDB buffering.

VD073 HZ000 Bad DSN in sql_columns

VD074 HZ000 Bad DSN in sql_tables

VD075 HZ000 Bad DSN in sql_primary_keys

VD076 HZ000 Bad DSN in sql_statistics

VD077 HZ000 Bad DSN in sql_procedures

VD078 42000 Invalid type of the parameter <num> to rexec. Should be 'INOUT' or 'OUT'

VD079 42000 Invalid datatype of the parameter <num> to rexec.

VD080 42000 Missing input value of the inout parameter <num> to rexec.

VD081 42000 Output parameters require the use of settable resultset variable in rexec.

VD082 42000 Output parameters don't allow use of an rexec cursor.

VD083 42000 Output parameters Output parameters require the use of settable parameters variable in rexec.

VD084 42000 DDL operation not allowed on a remote table '<table_name>'

VD085 42000 Can't (commit | rollback) dsn <dsn_name> because it is (not in manual commit | not transaction capable)

VD086 22023 The statement in RSTMTEXEC should return resultset

VD087 42000 No permission to rexecute on DSN <dsn>

<title>Date/Time Routines</title>

DT001 22007 Function <name> needs a datetime, date or time as argument <inx>, not an arg of type <type_name> (<dv_type>)

DT002 22023 Bad unit in datediff: <unit>

DT003 22015 Interval not supported in <function>: <interval>

DT004 22015 Bad interval in timestampdiff: <interval>.

DT005 22015 Bad interval in extract.

DT006 22007 Cannot convert <literal> to datetime

DT007 22002 Nulls not allowed as parameters to stringdate

DT008 25000 now/get_timestamp: No current txn for timestamp

DT009 22002 Nulls not allowed as parameters to stringtime

DT010 22007 Can't convert <literal> to time

DT011 22007 Can't convert <literal> to time

<title>Internationalization Routines</title>

IN001 2C000 The UTF-8 is not a redefinable charset

IN002 2C000 charset_define : Charset table not a wide string

IN003 2C000 crahset_define : 0 not allowed as a charset definition

IN004 2C000 charset <name> already defined. Drop it first

IN005 2C000 Alias <inx> not of type STRING

IN006 22023 Collation <name> not defined

IN007 2C000 Charset <name> not defined

IN008 2C000 Charset <name> not defined

IN009 22005 Bad value for wide string column <name>, dtp = <dv_type>.

IN010 22021 Untranslatable character in an output context that doesn't allow escapes.

IN011 22005 Bad value for wide string column <name>, type = <dv_type_title>.

IN012 2C000 Narrow source charset specified, but the supplied string is wide

IN013 2C000 Wide source charset specified, but the supplied string not wide

IN014 22005 Invalid data supplied in NVARCHAR -> VARBINARY conversion

IN015 22005 Invalid data supplied in VARBINARY -> NVARCHAR conversion

<title>Transactional Replication</title>

TR001 37000 The publication <name> doesn't exist

TR002 37000 Replication not enabled on this server

TR003 37000 The publication <name> doesn't exist

TR004 37000 The subscription <name> from <server> doesn't exist

TR005 37000 publication and subscription servers have identical names.

TR006 37000 Publishing server must be declared with REPL_SERVER before subscribing

TR007 37000 The subscription <name> already exist

TR008 22023 User name and password should be supplied when subscribe to new publisher

TR009 37000 The WebDAV collection <name> already exist

TR010 37000 The table <name> already exist

TR011 22023 The item type <type> not applicable

TR012 37000 Can't schedule local publication

TR014 22023 You should specify valid user name and password for replication synchronization

TR015 37000 Replication account <acct> from <server> doesn't exist

TR016 37000 The publication <name> does not exist

TR017 37000 The publication <name> doesn't exists.

TR018 37000 The WebDAV collection <name> doesn't exists.

TR019 37000 The DAV collection <name> must added before checkpoint.

TR020 22023 Function DAV_COL_I needs string or array as path

TR021 22023 The first parameter is not valid path string

TR022 37000 Non-existing collection

TR023 22023 Function DAV_COL_U needs strings as paths

TR024 22023 The second parameter is not valid path string

TR025 22023 The first parameter is not valid path string

TR026 37000 Non-existing collection

TR027 37000 Non-existing parent collection

TR028 22023 Function DAV_COL_D needs string as path

TR029 22023 The first parameter is not valid path string

TR030 37000 Non-existing collection

TR031 22023 Function DAV_RES_I needs string or array as path

TR032 22023 The first parameter is not valid path string

TR033 37000 Non-existing collection

TR034 22023 Function DAV_RES_D needs string as path

TR035 22023 The first parameter is not valid path string

TR036 37000 Non-existing resource

TR037 37000 The publication account <name> does't exist

TR038 37000 The dav publication <name> already exist

TR039 37000 The WebDAV collection <name> doesn't exist

TR040 37000 The table <name> doesn't exist

TR041 37000 The procedure name doesn't exist

TR042 37000 The procedures calls to <name> can not be replicated to more than one publication

TR043 22023 The item type <type> not applicable

TR044 37000 The table <name> doesn't exist

TR045 37000 The replication server <server> doesn't exist

TR046 37000 The target table <target_table> already exist

TR047 37000 The publication <acct> doesn't exist

TR048 22023 The grantee is invalid user name : <grantee>

TR049 37000 The publication <acct> doesn't exist

TR050 22023 The grantee is invalid user name : <grantee>

TR051 37000 The grantee <grantee> doesn't exist

TR052 22023 The path string is mandatory for DB.DBA.MKCOL

TR053 37000 Publication server <server> doesn't exist

TR054 37000 Table <tbl> doesn't exist

TR055 37000 The WebDAV collection <name> already exist

TR057 42000 The new name must be the same as in the ServerName (from INI file)

TR058 42000 General error, publication records can't be updated

TR059 42000 The current name of server cannot be altered.

TR060 42000 The name of new server used from another publishing server.

TR061 42000 The publication on "[new_name]" exists with the same name a on "[old_name]". The rename operation cannot be performed

TR065 22023 Replication account can not be empty

TR066 22023 Replication account can not be empty

TR067 37000 No replication account <server> <account>

TR068 37000 No such account

TR069 37000 Server must have a DBName entry in its ini file for replication

TR070 42000 Replication server not enabled in repl_log_text

TR071 42000 Replication account or trail missing for account name <name> in logging replication.

TR072 08001 Replication connect to <server> failed.

<title>WebDAV Domain</title>

DA001 37000 Includes can be owned only by admin & cannot be writable for others

DA002 37000 Max nesting level (20) reached when processing <path>

DA003 37000 Unterminated include tag at offset <offset> in <path>

DA004 37000 An include tag at offset <inx> with no name or VSP end tag before an include tag in <path>

DA005 22023 Unsupported type of metadata

DA006 22023 Unsupported type of metadata

DA007 22023 Function ISPUBL needs string or array as argument.

DA008 08006 Cannot read from client

DA009 42000 Function dav_user_set_password restricted to dba group

DA010 42000 The user [name] does not exist

DA011 42000 The new password for [name] cannot be empty

<title>SMTP/Mail Functions</title>

SM001 08006 <SMTP server response>

SM002 2E000 Cannot resolve host in smtp_send

SM003 08001 Cannot connect in smtp_send

SM004 22023 Default mail server and/or destination server should be specified

SM005 08006 Misc. error while connecting in smtp_send

SM006 22023 Sender can not be empty

<title>POP3 Functions</title>

PO001 2E000 Cannot resolve host in pop3_get

PO002 08001 Cannot connect in pop3_get

PO003 08006 <POP3 server error response>

PO004 08006 Misc. error in connection in pop3_get

<title>NNTP Server</title>

NN001 22023 Large ID in nntp_id_get

NN002 2E000 Invalid address for News Server at <addr>

NN003 08001 Unable to Contact News Server at <addr>

NN004 08006 <NNTP server error message>

NN005 08006 Misc. error in connection in nntp_get

NN006 22023 the command is not recognized

NN007 08006 Misc. error in connection in nntp_auth_get

NN008 22023 the command is not recognized

NN009 08006 Misc. error in connection in nntp_id_get

NN010 22023 The command is not recognized

NN011 2E000 Invalid address for the News Server at <addr>

NN012 08001 Unable Post to the News Server at <addr>

NN013 08007 Misc. error in connection in nntp_post

NN014 08007 <NNTP server error message>

NN015 2E000 Invalid address for the News Server at <addr>

NN016 08001 Unable Post to the News Server at <addr>

NN017 08007 Misc. error in connection in nntp_auth_post

NN018 08007 <NNTP server error message>

<title>XSLT Processor</title>

XS001 37000 Bad match XPATH expression

XS002 XS370 Only xsl:attribute elements allowed inside xsl:attribute-set name=<name>

XS003 XS370 Only xsl:attribute elements allowed inside xsl:attribute-set name=<name>

XS004 XS370 Only xsl:attribute elements and no value allowed inside xsl:attribute-set name=<name>

XS005 XS370 Max nesting (<num>) of XSLT attribute-sets exceeded

XS006 XS370 xsl:text with disable-output-escaping=on content is not a string

XS007 XS370 Element in set to be sorted must be an XML node

XS008 XS370 XSLT select in apply-templates must return a node set

XS009 XS370 Not an entity in select in apply-templates

XS010 XS370 XSLT template <name> not found.

XS011 XS370 select in for-each must return a node set

XS012 XS370 Element in for-each is not an entity

XS013 XS370 Bad ns prefix in q name <name>

XS014 XS370 Qualified name too long

XS015 XS370 Attribute value for <name> is not a string

XS016 XS370 processing instruction body for <name> is not a string

XS017 XS370 comment body is not a string

XS018 XS370 child element of xsl:choose must be a xsl:when or an xsl:otherwise

XS019 XS370 Unsupported numbering level <level>

XS020 XS370 Bad xsl node <node-name>

XS021 22023 The xslt parameters must be an even length generic array

XS022 22023 XSLT parameters must have strings for even numbered elements

XS023 XS370 Required XSLT attribute <attr-name> missing in <name>

XS024 XS370 Required XSLT attribute <attr-name> missing in <name>

XS025 XS370 top element is not stylesheet

XS026 XS370 top element is not stylesheet

XS027 XS370 no top element is stylesheet

XS028 XS379 cyclic reference in: <name> included from: <name>

XS029 XS370 "yes" or "no" required for "output" tag attribute <attr-name> in <name>

XS030 22023 Bad style sheet in xslt_sheet

XS031 XS379 cyclic reference in: <url1> imported from: <uri2>

XS032 XS379 Standalone required but no SYSTEM or PUBLIC doctype

XS033 22023 An XSLT sheet must be a memory based XML tree

XS034 22023 Undefined style sheet <name>

XS035 XS370 Number format <format> redefined with different attributes

XS036 XS370 Number format <format> not defined

XS037 22023 Unquoted special character in format-number()

XS038 22023 Unquoted special character in format-number()

XS039 22023 Too many percent/permille characters in format-number() pattern

XS040 22023 Too many percent/permille characters in format-number() pattern

XS041 22023 Unexpected '0' in format-number() pattern

XS042 22023 Multiple decimal separators in format-number() pattern

XS043 22023 Malformed format-number() pattern

<title>Cryptographic API</title>

CR001 42000 Cannot allocate temp space. SSL Error : <err>

CR002 42000 Cannot read certificates. SSL Error : <err>

CR003 42000 No CA certificates. SSL Error : <err>

CR004 42000 Cannot read PKCS7 attached signature. SSL Error : <err>

CR005 42000 Cannot allocate output storage. SSL Error : <err>

CR006 42000 No CA certificates

CR007 42000 Error reading the signer certificate. SSL Error : <err>

CR008 42000 Error reading the signer private key. SSL Error : <err>

CR009 42000 Cannot generate PKCS7 signature. SSL Error : <err>

CR010 42000 Cannot allocate output storage. SSL Error : <err>

CR011 42000 Cannot allocate temp space. SSL Error : <err>

CR012 42000 Cannot read certificates. SSL Error : <err>

<title>Backup Functions</title>

IB002 42000 Read of page [PAGE NUM] failed

Internal error of backup process. Possible reason - corrupted database file.

IB001 42000 Could not compress page [PAGE NUM]

Internal error of backup process. Possible reason - corrupted database file.

IB003 42000 Could not store backup context

Possible reason - user has no permissions to perform online backup.

IB004 42000 Could not read backup context

Possible reason - user has no permissions to perform online backup.

IB008 42000 Could not clear online backup context

Possible reason - user has no permissions to perform online backup.

IB008 42000 Could not clear online backup context

Possible reason - user has no permissions to perform online backup.

IB005 42000 Backup file [FILE NAME] writing error

Backup file can not be written. Possible reason - disk is full.

IB006 42000 Number of backup pages is less than 100

Minimal allowed maximal number of pages contained in one backup file is 100. Increase second argument of online_backup.

IB007 42000 Could not create backup file [FILE NAME]

Backup file could not be created in the virtuoso directory. Check file permissions.

IB009 42000 Timeout exceeded

online_backup procedure was aborted due to timeout.

IB010 42000 Timeout cannot be negative

Negative timeout parameter in online_backup procedure is not valid.

<title>User Define Types</title>

UD001 22023 User defined type specified for an element

UD002 42S22 Class <class> is TEMPORARY. It can't be used as a column type

UD003 22023 aset has no effect on values returned by member observers

UD004 22023 Invalid proc_name array supplied

UD005 22023 Non-existent user defined type <type>

UD006 22023 No such method in user defined type <type>

UD007 22023 Method <mtd> in user defined type <type> not defined

UD008 22023 Method <mtd> needs an user defined type instance as argument 1, not an arg of type <type> (<tdp>)

UD009 37000 Field <fld> declared of different language than the class <type>

UD010 37000 Field <fld> declared of different language than the class <type>

UD011 37000 Duplicate external name option

UD012 37000 Duplicate external language option

UD013 37000 Duplicate external language option

UD014 37000 EXTERNAL VARIABLE NAME can be used only with STATIC methods

UD015 37000 Method <mtd> declared of different language than the class <type>

UD016 37000 Class <type> already declared

UD017 37000 Class <type> declared of different language from it's forward declaration

UD018 37000 Class <type> declared of different language from it's superclass <class>

UD019 37000 Can't make a (TEMPORARY | PERSISTENT) subclass <class> of a (TEMPORARY | PERSISTENT) class <class>

UD020 42S01 Type <type> already exists

UD021 42000 No user defined class <type>

UD022 42000 Type <type> is used in one or more compiled queries. Drop them first.

UD023 42000 Duplicate member name <fld> in type <type>

UD024 42000 Duplicate method <method> in type <type>

UD025 22023 Function <function_name> needs an user defined type name as argument <arg_no>

UD026 22023 Invalid instance in user defined type observer

UD027 22023 Invalid instance in user defined type mutator

UD028 22023 Invalid instance in user defined type method call

UD029 22023 <type> is not an instance of <type> in user defined type method call

UD030 22023 <type> instance supplied to a static method call <mtd> of <type>

UD031 22023 No instance supplied to a non-static method call <mtd> of <type>

UD032 42000 Method '<mtd>' of type '<type>' not defined

UD033 22023 Non-valid object instance supplied to member observer/mutator for class <class>

UD034 42000 The object (type <type>) is not an instance of <type>

UD035 42000 invalid instance offset <ofs>

UD036 42000 invalid vtable offset <offset>

UD037 22023 The object supplied is not an instance of <type>

UD038 22023 The object (type <type>) is not an instance of <type>

UD039 42000 invalid vtable offset <ofs>

UD040 37000 User defined type <type> not found in member observer (... AS ...) call

UD041 37000 No user defined type <type>

UD042 37000 No method <mtd> in the user defined type <type>

UD043 37000 Ambiguous method <method> in the user defined type <type>

UD044 37000 Non-existent method <method> in dynamic method call

UD045 37000 No method <method> in the user defined type <type>

UD046 37000 Ambiguous method <method> in the user defined type <type>

UD047 37000 Not an proper constructor call

UD048 37000 No constructor in the user defined type <type>

UD049 37000 Ambiguous constructor call for the user defined type <type>

UD050 37000 No class

UD051 37000 Method definition allowed only for SQL user defined types

UD053 37000 No method of that name declared

UD054 37000 Invalid class for the method definition

UD055 22023 Can't write to an user defined type column

UD056 22023 No field <fld> in the user defined type <type>

UD057 22023 No field <fld> in the user defined type <type>

UD058 22023 No user defined type <type>

UD059 22023 Failed to make instance of the user defined type <type>

UD060 22023 XML attributes not supported with user defined types

UD061 22023 No member <fld> in the user defined type <type>

UD062 42000 Method with bad owner, owner = <owner>

UD063 22023 Type <type> is obsolete.

UD064 37000 Type <type> is DISTINCT. ALTER TYPE ADD ATTRIBUTE for distinct types is not supported

UD065 37000 Field with name <name> is already defined(inherited) for type <type>

UD066 42S22 Field with name <name> defined for type <type>, which is an derived type of <type>

UD067 42S22 The definition of type <type> not found in SYS_USER_TYPES

UD068 37000 Type <type> is DISTINCT. ALTER TYPE DROP ATTRIBUTE for distinct types is not supported

UD069 37000 No field with name <name> for type <type>

UD070 37000 User defined type <type> is not instantiable

UD071 37000 Method <name> already defined in type <type>

UD072 37000 User defined type <type> is not instantiable

UD073 37000 No method <name> found in type <type>

UD074 42S22 No user defined type <type>

UD075 42S22 <type> is declared TEMPORARY. ALTER TYPE not supported for TEMPORARY classes

UD076 42S22 <type> is not instantiable

UD077 42S22 <type> is an external hosted user defined type. ALTER TYPE not supported for non-SQL user defined types.

UD078 42000 ALTER TYPE action not implemented

UD079 42000 Internal error: No user defined type to alter

UD080 42000 User defined type <type> is a super type at least of <type>. Drop it and any other such types first.

UD081 42S22 Field with name <name> defined for type <type>, which is an derived type of <type>

UD082 42S22 The definition of type <name> not found in SYS_USER_TYPES

UD083 37000 Type <name> is DISTINCT. ALTER TYPE DROP ATTRIBUTE for distinct types is not supported

UD084 37000 No field with name <name> for type <type>

UD085 37000 User defined type <name> is not instantiable

UD086 37000 Method <name> already defined in type <name>

UD087 37000 User defined type <name> is not instantiable

UD088 37000 No method <name> found in type <name>

UD089 42S22 No user defined type <name>

UD090 42S22 <name> is declared TEMPORARY. ALTER TYPE not supported for TEMPORARY classes

UD091 42S22 <name> is not instantiable

UD092 42S22 <name> is an external hosted user defined type. ALTER TYPE not supported for non-SQL user defined types.

UD093 42000 ALTER TYPE action not implemented

UD094 42000 Internal error: No user defined type to alter

UD095 42000 user defined type <type> owner specified is different than the creator.

UD096 42000 No permission to use type <type> as a superclass for <type>

UD097 42000 No permission to instantiate user defined type <type>

UD098 42000 No permission to access members of user defined type <type>

UD099 42000 No permission to change members of user defined type <type>

UD100 42000 No permission to call methods of user defined type <type>

UD101 42000 No permission to define methods of class <type>

UD102 42000 Cannot compile the temp method for external procedure

<title>Kerberos Library</title>

KB001 42000 while initializing Kerberos 5 library

KB002 42000 while getting default credential cache (ccache)

KB003 42000 when parsing name <name>

KB004 42000 when unparsing name

KB005 42000 when initializing cache

KB006 42000 wrong password

KB007 42000 while storing credentials

KB008 42000 while initializing Kerberos 5 library

KB009 42000 while getting <name> credential cache (ccache)

KB010 42000 while getting default credential cache (ccache)

KB011 42000 while getting remove credential cache (ccache)


HO001 22023 Invalid params type <tag> (<name>)