attach_from_csv — Attaches CSV files as virtual tables in Virtuoso.
in tb varchar , |
in fname any , | |
in delimiter varchar (default '') , | |
in newline varchar (default '\n') , | |
in esc varchar (default null) , | |
in skip_rows int (default 1) , | |
any (default null)
) ; |
This function attaches CSV files as virtual tables in Virtuoso, enabling them to be queried as if local to the Virtuoso database schema.
Name of the Virtuoso SQL table to be associated with the attached CSV file
Name of the CSV file, which must be situated in a file system location within the scope of 'DirsAllowed' INI setting, in one of the following forms:
'contacts.csv' -- relative path, here assuming a file in the 'pwd' of the Virtuoso instance
'/tmp/contacts.csv' -- absolute path, here assuming a file located in the '/tmp' folder/directory
'file:contacts.csv' or 'file:/tmp/contacts.csv' -- these common forms of incorrect file: scheme URIs are treated as simple (absolute or relative) paths
'file:///tmp/contacts.csv' -- absolute path, using file: scheme URI based identification (implementation in progress)
Specifies a single character to be treated as the field delimiter.
Specifies a single character to be treated as newline.
Specifies a single character to be treated as escape.
Specifies a number of rows to be ignored as instance data. Default is '1', this typically being the CSV header row.
Specifies which ordinal column(s) of the CSV to use as the primary key of the virtual table.
By default, this parameter value is null, and the virtual table will have no primary key.
For a simple primary key, based on a single CSV column, this parameter should be set to that column's ordinal value (first column = 1, second column = 2, etc.).
For a compound primary key, comprised of multiple CSV columns, this parameter should be set to a vector. For example, for a primary key comprised of ordinal columns 1 and 3, the parameter value should be vector(1,3) .
Issues associated with CSV file structure, in regards to virtual table creation suitability, will be reported back as errors.
Example 24.125. Simplified CSV File Attachment
This example demonstrates how to directly attach external CSV file to Virtuoso that functions like any other internal TABLE:
Create CSV file named
:$ cat > contacts1.csv Id,Fname,Sname,Age 0,John,Smith,48 1,Anna,Clarks,62 2,Rojer,Danrette,27 3,Kate,Sigton,56 4,Tim,Craft,41
Place the created
file within scope ofDirsAllowed
INI setting. -
Call the attach_from_csv function from iSQL or Virtuoso Conductor UI ( http://host:port/conductor ) . Note: As the pkey_columns parameter value is not specified, by default the virtual table will have no Primary Key:
SQL> attach_from_csv ('csv.tutorials.contacts1', 'file:contacts1.csv', ',', '\n', null, 1); Done. -- 109 msec.
Check the inserted data in the csv.tutorials.contacts1 table:
SQL> SELECT * FROM csv.tutorials.contacts1 ; Id Fname Sname Age INTEGER VARCHAR VARCHAR INTEGER _____________________________________________________ 0 John Smith 48 1 Anna Clarks 62 2 Rojer Danrette 27 3 Kate Sigton 56 4 Tim Craft 41 5 Rows. -- 78 msec.
Check the Primary Key columns:
SQL> primarykeys csv.tutorials.contacts1; Showing SQLPrimaryKeys of tables like 'csv.tutorials.contacts1', tabletype/colname like 'NULL' TABLE_QUALIFIER TABLE_OWNER TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME KEY_SEQ PK_NAME ROOT_QUALIFIER ROOT_OWNER ROOT_NAME VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR SMALLINT VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 0 Rows. -- 47 msec.
Example 24.126. Simplified CSV File Attachment with Compound Key Generation
In this example a CSV File System is not only attached to Virtuoso, but as part of the process a Primary Key is generated using the first and second ordinal columns from the CSV file content:
Create CSV file named
:$ cat > contacts2.csv Fname,Sname,Age John,Smith,48 Anna,Clarks,62 Rojer,Danrette,27 Kate,Sigton,56 Tim,Craft,41
Place the created
file within scope ofDirsAllowed
INI setting. -
Call the attach_from_csv function from iSQL or Virtuoso Conductor UI ( http://host:port/conductor ):
SQL> attach_from_csv ('csv.tutorials.contacts2', 'file:contacts2.csv', ',', '\n', null, 1, vector(1,2)); Done. -- 109 msec.
Check the inserted data in the csv.tutorials.contacts2 table:
SQL> SELECT * FROM csv.tutorials.contacts2 ; Fname Sname Age VARCHAR VARCHAR INTEGER _____________________________________________________ John Smith 48 Anna Clarks 62 Rojer Danrette 27 Kate Sigton 56 Tim Craft 41 5 Rows. -- 78 msec.
Check the Primary Key columns:
SQL> primarykeys csv.tutorials.contacts2; Showing SQLPrimaryKeys of tables like 'csv.tutorials.contacts2', tabletype/colname like 'NULL' TABLE_QUALIFIER TABLE_OWNER TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME KEY_SEQ PK_NAME ROOT_QUALIFIER ROOT_OWNER ROOT_NAME VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR SMALLINT VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts2 Fname 1 csv.tutorials.contacts2 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts2 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts2 Sname 2 csv.tutorials.contacts2 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts2 2 Rows. -- 32 msec.
Example 24.127. Simplified CSV File Attachment with Composite Key Generation
In this example a CSV File System is not only attached to Virtuoso, but as part of the process a Primary Key is generated
using the second (CompanyID
), third (Fname
) and forth (Sname
) ordinal columns. In this
example the CompanyID column (which uniquely identifies a company) is combined with the Fname
and Sname
columns to create a primary key for each contact:
Create CSV file named
:$ cat > contacts3.csv CompanyName,CompanyID,Fname,Sname,Age MLogistic,12,John,Smith,48 ZiAirLines,13,Anna,Clarks,62 MLogistic,12,Rojer,Danrette,27 MLogistic,12,Kate,Sigton,56 ZiAirLines,13,Tim,Craft,41
Place the created
file within scope ofDirsAllowed
INI setting. -
Call the attach_from_csv function from iSQL or Virtuoso Conductor UI ( http://host:port/conductor ):
SQL> attach_from_csv ('csv.tutorials.contacts3', 'file:contacts3.csv', ',', '\n', null, 1, vector (2,3,4)); Done. -- 109 msec.
Check the inserted data in the csv.tutorials.contacts3 table:
SQL> SELECT * FROM csv.tutorials.contacts3 ; CompanyName CompanyID Fname Sname Age VARCHAR INTEGER VARCHAR VARCHAR INTEGER ___________________________________________________________ MLogistic 12 John Smith 48 ZiAirLines 13 Anna Clarks 62 MLogistic 12 Rojer Danrette 27 MLogistic 12 Kate Sigton 56 ZiAirLines 13 Tim Craft 41 5 Rows. -- 78 msec.
Check the Primary Key columns:
SQL> primarykeys csv.tutorials.contacts3; Showing SQLPrimaryKeys of tables like 'csv.tutorials.contacts3', tabletype/colname like 'NULL' TABLE_QUALIFIER TABLE_OWNER TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME KEY_SEQ PK_NAME ROOT_QUALIFIER ROOT_OWNER ROOT_NAME VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR SMALLINT VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR VARCHAR ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts3 CompanyID 1 csv.tutorials.contacts3 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts3 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts3 Fname 2 csv.tutorials.contacts3 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts3 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts3 Sname 3 csv.tutorials.contacts3 DB DBA csv.tutorials.contacts3 3 Rows. -- 47 msec.