
12.2. Database Connections


If defined, this hook is called for each successful ODBC or JDBC connection. The hook is only called after password and license checks have passed. The hook is called before the server acknowledges a successful connect and is therefore guaranteed to run before any other action by the connected client.

The function runs in its own transaction, which is automatically committed following successful return. Result sets may not be generated and return values are discarded. The connection_id () and user are defined in the function. SQL states signalled inside this hook will be sent to the client and will cause the connection to be closed server side.

Example 12.2. Simple Connection Logging

create table security_log (
  sl_user varchar,
  sl_logged_in datetime,
  sl_logged_out datetime,
  primary key (sl_user, sl_logged_in)
create procedure DB.DBA.DBEV_CONNECT ()
  dbg_obj_print (user, ' connected');
  if (user = 'NOGO')
    signal ('EAUTH', '	External Authorization Failed');
  insert into security_log (sl_user, sl_logged_in) values (user, curdatetime ());
  connection_set ('login_time', curdatetime ());

This function will print a message to the server's standard output, check if the username of the logged in user is NOGO and disconnect the user if so, This will thereafter insert a row into the security_log table and set the connection variable 'login_time' to be the current time. This information will be used at disconnect time to identify which entry to mark closed.

DB.DBA.DBEV_DSN_LOGIN (inout dsn varchar, inout user_id varchar, inout pwd varchar, )

If defined this function is executed just before Virtuoso makes connections to remote data sources. It can change all of it's inout parameters depending on it's logic.

Example 12.3. Remote Connection Hook

This examples contains a sample DBEV_DSN_LOGIN hook that will be called just before the Virtual Database connection to a datasource is made. The following parameters can be used in this function as demonstrated in this example:

dsn : the dsn to connect to
user_id : the user id used in connecting to the DSN
pwd : the password used in connecting to the DSN
create procedure "DB"."DBA"."DBEV_DSN_LOGIN"
(in dsn varchar,
 inout user_id varchar,
 inout pwd varchar)
  if (user_id = 'U1' and pwd = 'U1')
      -- map U1 to U2
      dbg_obj_print ('mapping U1 to U2');
      user_id := 'U2';
      pwd := 'U2';
   dbg_obj_print (dsn, user_id, pwd);