
get_certificate_info — Returns information about the current client X509 certificate


integer or string get_certificate_info ( in type integer ,
  in cert_or_key_name varchar ,
  in in_format int ,
  in passwd varchar ,
  in ext_oid varchar );


This function will return information about the current client X509 certificate (if successfully verified). If there is no valid X509 certificate or the requested information is not available it will return NULL.

If the optional cert_or_key_name is supplied it should contain a encoded certificate (by default format is PEM). The certificate info is read from the first certificate in that string.

If the optional cert_or_key_name is supplied and in_format is equal to 3 (integer) the function will try to retrieve the certificate registered in the current user's key store by name contained in cert_or_key_name .



type must be an integer. It can be one of the following values:

1 - return the certificate serial number as an integer
2 - return the certificate subject name as a string
3 - return the certificate issuer name as a string
4 - return the certificate validity period start date as a string
5 - return the certificate validity period end date as a string
6 - return the certificate fingerprint
7 - return the certificate extension value by OID
8 - return the certificate name of the key from current user store
9 - return a vector of three elements: the certificate's public key type, exponent and modulus
10 - return attribute value for given attribute name
12 - return certificate's signature


A string containing an encoded X.509 certificate or name of a key from current user store.


This is to designate encoding type of the value 'cert_or_key_name'

0 (default) - PEM
1 - DER (raw)
2 - PKCS#12
3 - the 'cert_or_key_name' is a name of a key from user's key store


Password to unlock PKCS#12 encoded certificate


X.509 extension object identifier

Return Types

The requested information or NULL if the certificate is found to be invalid.


Example 24.132. Simple examples

CREATE PROCEDURE get_mail_example (in cert any := null, in cert_type int := 0)
  declare alts, mail any;
  mail := get_certificate_info (10, cert, cert_type, '', 'emailAddress');
  if (mail is null)
      alts := get_certificate_info (7, cert, cert_type, '', '');
      if (alts is not null)
	  alts := regexp_replace (alts, ',[ ]*', ',', 1, null);
	  alts := split_and_decode (alts, 0, '\0\0,:');
	  mail := get_keyword ('email', alts);
  return mail;