

http_body_read — Reads the HTTP body from the client HTTP connection and returns it as a string.


string http_body_read ( );


This function reads the HTTP body from the client HTTP connection and returns it as a string output. This is suitable for processing POST requests with bodies encoded differently than multipart/* and application/x-www-form-urlencoded as in SOAP requests where the POST body is encoded as text/xml ).


Example 24.154. Reading a HTTP request entity body

Suppose we have the following HTTP request

POST /foo/bar.vsp HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: ...


The following VSP page will read the content and return an XML document back to the browser.

declare ses any;
ses := http_body_read ();
http_header ('Content-Type: text/xml\r\n');
http (string_output_string (ses));