

http_kill — Kill VSP process whose details match parameter inputs


http_kill ( in client_IP_address varchar ,
  in URL varchar ,
  in process_request_id integer );


This function requires dba privileges.

This function is used to kill the process whose details match that of the input parameters. If Client's IP and URL are specified, then it will try to kill all matching pending HTTP requests for that peer requesting that URL. If all three parameters are given, then it will try to kill only that pending HTTP request.



Client's IP as per the output of http_pending_req()


Process' URL as per the output of http_pending_req()


The task ID of the request.


Table 24.40. Errors signalled by http_kill

SQLState Error Code Error Text Description
42000 SR159 Function http_kill restricted to dba group  
22023 SR014 Function http_kill needs a string as argument 1, not an arg of type %s  
22023 SR014 Function http_kill needs a string as argument 2, not an arg of type %s  
22023 SR014 Function http_kill needs a string as argument 3, not an arg of type %s  


Example 24.166. Retrieving a list of VSP processes

declare ps any;

ps := http_pending_req ();

-- the ps value is (('', '/long.vsp', 1234567), ('', '/long.vsp', 345678))

http_kill ('', '/long.vsp', 345678);

after this and calling http_pending_req() again we get (('', '/long.vsp', 1234567)) only.