http_map_get — get values from HTTP virtual host path mapping table
) ; |
Retrieves information associated with the virtual host / HTTP path mapping in
effect for the VSP page being processed.
Values valid
in current connection or URL context may be retrieved by element_name
Calling http_map_get
has no use outside of http context. In this case an
error will be signalled.
The possible values for element_name are: 'vsp_uid', 'soap_uid', 'persist_ses_vars', 'default_page', 'browseable', 'security_level' , 'auth_opts', 'soap_opts', 'domain', 'mounted'.
Return Types
Value returned depends of
Table 24.41. Values returned by http_map_get
element_name | Datatype | Return value |
vsp_uid | VARCHAR | Which SQL user active content will execute as |
soap_uid | VARCHAR | Which SQL user SOAP calls will be executed as |
persist_ses_vars | INTEGER | Is persisting of session variables enabled? |
default_page | VARCHAR | Default page for current mapping |
browseable | INTEGER | Is directory browsing enabled? |
security_level | VARCHAR | Security level ('DIGEST', 'SSL', 'BASIC') |
auth_opts | ANY | Application-specific authentication options |
soap_opts | ANY | Application-specific SOAP options |
domain | VARCHAR | Directory path that is the logical start point of current mapping. |
mounted | VARCHAR | Physical path that is the physical start point of current mapping |
Example 24.170. Retrieving Mapping Details
<?vsp declare def_page varchar; def_page := http_map_get ('default_page'); http (sprintf ('<p>The default page for this path is: %s </p>', def_page)); ?>
Example 24.171. Warn users if non-SSL connection
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>TEST</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>We're executing as <?= http_map_get ('vsp_uid') ?></P> <?vsp if (http_map_get ('security_level') <> 'SSL') { ?> Warning: This page is not protected by transport level encryption and may be viewable by anybody in the middle with a network sniffer. <?vsp } ?> </BODY> </HTML>