

http_map_get — get values from HTTP virtual host path mapping table


http_map_get ( in element_name varchar );


Retrieves information associated with the virtual host / HTTP path mapping in effect for the VSP page being processed. Values valid in current connection or URL context may be retrieved by element_name .

Calling http_map_get has no use outside of http context. In this case an error will be signalled.



The possible values for element_name are: 'vsp_uid', 'soap_uid', 'persist_ses_vars', 'default_page', 'browseable', 'security_level' , 'auth_opts', 'soap_opts', 'domain', 'mounted'.

Return Types

Value returned depends of element_name :

Table 24.41. Values returned by http_map_get

element_name Datatype Return value
vsp_uid VARCHAR Which SQL user active content will execute as
soap_uid VARCHAR Which SQL user SOAP calls will be executed as
persist_ses_vars INTEGER Is persisting of session variables enabled?
default_page VARCHAR Default page for current mapping
browseable INTEGER Is directory browsing enabled?
security_level VARCHAR Security level ('DIGEST', 'SSL', 'BASIC')
auth_opts ANY Application-specific authentication options
soap_opts ANY Application-specific SOAP options
domain VARCHAR Directory path that is the logical start point of current mapping.
mounted VARCHAR Physical path that is the physical start point of current mapping


Example 24.170. Retrieving Mapping Details

declare def_page varchar;
def_page := http_map_get ('default_page');
http (sprintf ('<p>The default page for this path is: %s </p>', def_page));

Example 24.171. Warn users if non-SSL connection

    <P>We're executing as <?= http_map_get ('vsp_uid') ?></P>
    if (http_map_get ('security_level') <> 'SSL')
    Warning: This page is not protected by transport level encryption
    and may be viewable by anybody in the middle with a network