identity_value — returns the last assigned identity column value
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This function returns the value assigned to an identity column by the previous insert statement. Insert statements that do not assign identity columns do not affect this. Note that tables that have no primary key have n invisible identity column called _IDN. The scope is the connection. This function may be called from a client or from a stored procedure and will return the last given identity column value wherever it was given. The value stays set until overwritten by the next insert operation. This value is not set by rexecute or inserts to remote tables with autoincrement columns declared on the remote database since there is no standard way of getting this information from remote data sources.
The same value can be more efficiently accessed from clients using the SQLGetStmtOption ODBC call with the option SQL_GETLASTSERIAL. In this case the value is of type SQLINTEGER.
Return Types
The value assigned to an identity column by the previous insert or 0 if no identity column was assigned.