

os_chmod — changes the file access mode of a file


os_chmod ( in path varchar ,
  in new_mod integer );


os_chmod set the file mode bits by calling the system function chmod() with the arguments supplied.

Not all the host OSes support all the file modes. That's why the function will not throw an SQL error if the function fails.

It will return DB NULL value when the function was called successfully and the error message as a string if it failed.

In most OSes the mode is a bitmask, so one would usually use the file_stat to get the current mode and bit_or /bit_xor to make the new mode.

Typical bit layout (from Linux 'man 2 chmod') is :

bit 0 (mask 1) - execute/search by others
bit 1 (mask 2) - write by others
bit 2 (mask 4) - read by others
bit 3 (mask 8) - execute/search by group
bit 4 (mask 16) - write by group
bit 5 (mask 32) - read by group
bit 6 (mask 64) - execute/search by owner
bit 7 (mask 128) - write by owner
bit 8 (mask 256) - read by owner
bit 9 (mask 512) - sticky bit
bit 10 (mask 1024) - set group ID on execution
bit 12 (mask 2048) - set user ID on execution

The DirsAllowed and DirsDenied lists in Parameters section of the virtuoso configuration file (virtuoso.ini by default) are used to control disk access.



varchar relative path.


integer new mode for the file.


Example 24.242. Simple example

Make the virtuoso INI file readable by the others

SQL>select os_chmod (virtuoso_ini_path(), bit_or (cast (file_stat (virtuoso_ini_path(), 2) as integer), 4));