

prof_sample — Adds a profiling sample to a profile being accumulated.


prof_sample ( in desc varchar ,
  in time_spent integer ,
  in flag integer );


prof_sample is used to adds a profiling sample to a profile being accumulated.

The first argument is the name of the sampled section, the times called and cumulative times will be totaled under this heading. The second argument is the time in milliseconds. The third argument is a flag indicating whether the section was successfully executed. 0 indicates success, 1 indicates execute of the statement, 2 indicates fetch on a statement's resultset, 4 indicates error. For more description of profiling capabilities see the section about SQL Execution Profiling in Performance tuning part of Virtuoso documentation.



A VARCHAR . Name of the sampled section.


An INTEGER . Time in milliseconds.


An INTEGER . flag indicating whether the section was successfully executed. 0 - success, 1 - execute of statement, 2 - fetch on a statement's resultset, 4 - error.

Return Types


Example 24.248. Example

create procedure do_prof_sample()
  declare stime integer;
  for(declare i integer;i < 5;i := i + 1){
    stime := msec_time();
    for(select * from Demo.demo.Customers) do sprintf('1');
    for(select * from Demo.demo.Employees) do sprintf('1');
    for(select * from Demo.demo.Order_Details) do sprintf('1');
    prof_sample('3 selects execute',msec_time() - stime,1);



select do_prof_sample();

This will produce virtprof.out file of the sort:

Query Profile (msec)
Real 168, client wait 313, avg conc 1.863095 n_execs 6 avg exec  52

100 % under 1 s
0 % under 2 s
0 % under 5 s
0 % under 10 s
0 % under 30 s

2 stmts compiled 1 msec, 0 % prepared reused.

 %  total n-times n-errors
50 % 157      1        0     select do_prof_sample
49 % 156      5        0     3 selects execute