

ses_read_line — Read a line of character data from a TCP session.


varchar ses_read_line ( in ses any ,
  in throw_exception_on_eof integer ,
  in binary_mode integer );


This function is used to read a line of character data from an open TCP session. This function will read characters until it reaches an end of line up to a maximum of 1024 characters. The session can be passed as a session_handle. If the session_handle is omitted then execution is in current session/VSP context and will read from the open HTTP session. Ses_read_line() will suspend execution while attempting to read from the session until the timeout period of 100 seconds expires. When the timeout expires an error will be produced to indicate that the operation was unsuccessful.



Optional session handle. If none is supplied the current TCP client session is assumed. If this is NULL then the function will read from the string session to be sent to the client upon request completion.


Controls whether to throw an error if there is a problem reading from the session or simply return null in text mode or what ever content has has been read so far in binary mode. If this parameter is set to 1, then an error will be thrown. If this parameter is set to 0 then either null or remaining content will be returned as above.


Instructs the function to be in binary or text mode.

Binary mode: the function reads a maximum of 1024 bytes and returns as much as it read as a varchar.
Text mode: the function reads up to 0x0A, it will trim all the [0x0A|0x0D] characters at the end of the string and return it as varchar.

Return Types

The characters read from the session are returned from this function.


Example 24.371. Simple demonstration of reading from the HTTP session

This example reads the first line of the session and outputs the contents. This code can be run from a vsp file.

<p>Some text</p>
    declare xx any;
    xx := ses_read_line (NULL);

    http (sprintf ('length is %d, "%s"', length (xx), xx));