

status — Returns statistics for a running server as a result set


status ( in option varchar );


Depending of input parameter displays a statistics for running server.

Note that counters reported by status will be reset after server startup.



This option controls the level of detail of the output returned from this procedure. Possible options are:

not supplied - general statistics report including : Database, Lock, Client, Replication status will be returned.
'c' - the report will contain also additional status report on running statements
'k' - to include index usage report
'r' - to include transactional replication status report
'h' - to include hash indexes usage report

Return Types

Status returns a result set with one varchar column, one row per line of text in the status report.


Example 24.403. Retrieving Server Status

SQL> status('rhck');


OpenLink Virtuoso Server
Version 03.00.23NN-pthreads for Linux as of Nov 27 2002
<License information>

Database Status:
  File size 55705600, 6800 pages, 1345 free.
  2000 buffers, 180 used, 2 dirty 0 wired down, repl age 0 .
  Disk Usage: 188 reads avg 0 msec, 0% read last  80 s, 25 writes,
    7 read ahead, batch = 9.
Gate:  0 2nd in reads, 0 gate write waits, 0 in while read 0 busy scrap.
Log = demo.trx, 1597 bytes
5454 pages have been changed since last backup (in checkpoint state)
Current backup timestamp: 0x0000-0x00-0x00
Last backup date: unknown
Clients: 4 connects, max 11 concurrent, 25 licensed
RPC: 55 calls, -2 pending, 2 max until now, 0 queued
Checkpoint Remap 74 pages, 0 mapped back. 0 s atomic time.
    DB master 6800 total 1345 free 74 remap 0 mapped back
   temp  200 total 197 free

Lock Status: 0 deadlocks of which 0 2r1w, 0 waits,
   Currently 1 threads running 0 threads waiting 0 threads in vdb.

Client 1111:5:  1944 bytes in, 29516 bytes out, 1 stmts.
Transaction status: PENDING, 1 threads.

Running Statements:
 Time (msec) Text

Replication Status: Server  rep1.
   anonymous            anonymous                     0 OFF.
   rep1                 rep1                          0 OFF.

Index Usage:
Table         Index            Touches   Reads %Miss   Locks   Waits   %W n-dead
WS.WS.SYS_DAV_RES_TYPES SYS_DAV_RES_TYPES       254       1    0%     132       0   0% 0
VAD.DBA.VAD_REGISTRY VAD_REGISTRY              1       1   50%       1       0   0% 0
VAD.DBA.VAD_HELP   VAD_HELP                 20       1    4%      20       0   0% 0

Hash indexes

47 Rows. -- 9 msec.