

xml_validate_dtd — returns a string with list of errors detected by DTD validator on reading given XML document


xml_validate_dtd ( in document varchar ,
  in parser_mode integer ,
  in base_uri varchar ,
  in content_encoding varchar ,
  in content_language varchar ,
  in dtd_validator_config varchar );


This parses the argument, which is expected to be an XML fragment (possibly with syntax errors, violations of validity conditions etc.) and returns a human-readable list of errors as a string. DTD validation may be performed during any reading of XML source in functions xml_tree() , xml_persistent() or xper_doc() , so that an application may check XML source on the fly; severe constraint violations in source XML will be signalled as SQL runtime errors.



XML or HTML document to check


0 or 1; 0 - XML parser mode 1 - HTML parser mode


in HTML parser mode change all absolute references to relative from given base_uri (http://<host>:<port>/<path>)


string with content encoding type of <document>; valid are 'ASCII', 'ISO', 'UTF8', 'ISO8859-1', 'LATIN-1' etc., defaults are 'UTF-8' for XML mode and 'LATIN-1' for HTML mode


string with language tag of content of <document>; valid names are listed in IETF RFC 1766, default is 'x-any' (it means 'mix of words from various human languages)


configuration string of the validator, default is empty string meaning that only critical errors should be reported. See Configuration Options of the DTD Validator for details.

Return Types

Human readable list of errors if applicable as a varchar.

Validating XML Against a DTD

Example 24.521. Simple Use

declare _result varchar;
_result := xml_validate_dtd (
  _text, 0, 'http://localhost.localdomain/xmlrepository', 'UTF-8', 'x-any',
  'Validation=SGML FsaBadWs=IGNORE BuildStandalone=ENABLE MaxErrors=100');

if (_res = '') _res := 'NO ERRORS DETECTED';