

xper_doc — returns an entity object ('XPER entity') created from an XML document


xper_doc ( in document varchar ,
  in parser_mode integer ,
  in base_uri varchar ,
  in content_encoding varchar ,
  in content_language varchar ,
  in dtd_validator_config varchar ,
  in index_attrs integer );


This parses the argument, which is expected to be a well formed XML fragment and returns a parse tree as a special object with underlying disk structure, named "persistent XML" or "XPER" While the result of xml_tree is a memory-resident array of vectors, the XPER object consumes only a little amount of memory, and almost all data are disk-resident. XPERs are better then "XML trees" for large documents and for "write once -- read many" stores such as a table with one XML document per row used as a "library" of documents. To be saved in a LONG VARCHAR column, "XML tree" entity will be converted back to plain text of XML syntax; but "XPER" entity will be saved as a ready-to-use disk structure.



well formed XML or HTML document


0, 1 or 2; 0 - XML parser mode, 1 - HTML parser mode, 2 - 'dirty HTML' mode (with quiet recovery after any syntax error)


in HTML parser mode change all absolute references to relative from given base_uri (http://<host>:<port>/<path>)


string with content encoding type of <document>; valid are 'ASCII', 'ISO', 'UTF8', 'ISO8859-1', 'LATIN-1' etc., defaults are 'UTF-8' for XML mode and 'LATIN-1' for HTML mode.


string with language tag of content of <document>; valid names are listed in IETF RFC 1766, default is 'x-any' (it means 'mix of words from various human languages)


configuration string for DTD validator, default is empty string meaning that DTD validator should be fully disabled. See Configuration Options of the DTD Validator for details.


1 or 0, indicating if additional free-text indexing information must be stored for all attributes of the document. It is 1 by default. If set to '0', it will produce a disk structure compatible with old versions of Virtuoso and will give a small benefit in disk usage but it will disable some important optimizations in free-text search operations.

Return Types

XML entity with underlying parse tree of source document; the tree will be a special sort of BLOB.


Example 24.530. Xper_Doc

declare tree any;

tree := xper_doc (file_to_string ('doc.html'), 1,
		'http://localhost.localdomain/', 'ISO');
tree := xper_doc (file_to_string ('doc.xml'));
-- String cannot be longer than 10 megabytes. String session can.
tree := xper_doc (file_to_string_output ('huge_doc.xml'));
-- A special way to read local files.
-- Strings started from characters 'file://'
-- are treated as local filesystem URIs.
tree := xper_doc ('file://doc.xml');