
Order - If the select statement containing the contains predicate does not specify an exact match of the primary key of the table having the contains predicate, then the contains predicate will be the 'driving' condition, meaning that rows come in ascending or descending order of the free text document ID.

The DESCENDING keyword specifies the descending order of the free text index document ID and has nothing to do with a possible ORDER BY of the enclosing statement. Even if there is an ORDER BY in the enclosing statement the DESCENDING keyword of contains has an effect in the interpretation of the STRT_ID and END_ID contains options.

If there is a full equality match of the primary key of the table, this will be the driving predicate and contains will only be used to check if the text expression matches the single row identified by the full match of the primary key.

The contains predicate may not appear outside of a select statement and may only reference a column for which a free text index has been declared. The first argument must be a column for which there is such an index. The text expression may be variable and computed, although it must be constant during the evaluation of the select statement containing it.

The contains predicate must be a part of the top level AND of the WHERE clause of the containing select. It may not for example be a term of an OR predicate in the select but can be AND'ed with an OR expression.