11.7.2. Grant Execute Statement
GRANT EXECUTE ON procedure_name TO "{USER | ROLE}" ;
The identifier quote character (double quotes) is important usage information since it indicates that the USER or ROLE has a literal identifier. Just as a reference (e.g., URL or URI) has the identifier quote characters "<" and ">" .
The grantee should have SQL rights in order execution of procedure to be granted to this user. The rights can be set from Conductor->System Admin->User Accounts->Account->Edit->User Type:
Figure 11.1. User Type

SQL>create procedure DB.DBA.SimplePrint (in txt varchar) { return sprintf('Output is %s', txt); } ; Done. -- 0 msec. SQL>grant execute on DB.DBA.SimplePrint to "demo"; Done. -- 0 msec. SQL>use demo; Done. -- 0 msec. SQL>select DB.DBA.SimplePrint('Virtuoso'); callret VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ Output is Virtuoso 1 Rows. -- 0 msec.