9.17. INSERT Statement
insert_statement : INSERT insert_mode table priv_opt_column_commalist values_or_query_spec ; insert_mode : INTO | REPLACING | SOFT priv_opt_column_commalist : /* empty */ | '(' column_commalist ')' ; values_or_query_spec : VALUES '(' insert_atom_commalist ')' | query_spec ; insert_atom_commalist : insert_atom | insert_atom_commalist ',' insert_atom ; insert_atom : scalar_exp ; column_commalist : column | column_commalist ',' column ; query_spec : SELECT opt_all_distinct selection table_exp ; ... See the SELECT statement next.
New rows (or records) are entered into a database using the INSERT statement.
If you have to enter a NULL you can simply use the keyword NULL, as you would a normal value. Since NULL is a special keyword you do not need to enclose it in single quotes.
You can specify the columns that you are inserting values into in the insert statement. One should always specify the columns that you are inserting into, in case the order of columns in the database are not as expected, or you are not inserting values into every column.
If a value is not specified for a column on insert, then the default value will be used for that column. If no default value has been specified either by a CREATE or MODIFY TABLE statement then NULL will be used.
INSERT SOFT can be used in place of INSERT INTO if you are unsure whether the value to be inserted into a primary key column will violate that constraint. If the row with this primary key already exists, then the new row is not inserted.
SQL> create table insert_test(id integer primary key, txt varchar); Done. -- 90 msec. SQL> insert into insert_test(id, txt) values(1, 'test'); Done. -- 0 msec. SQL> insert into insert_test(id, txt) values(1, 'test'); *** Error 23000: [Virtuoso ODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]SR197: Non unique primary key on DB.DBA.insert_test. at line 4 (4) of Top-Level: insert into insert_test(id, txt) values(1, 'test') SQL> insert soft insert_test(id, txt) values(1, 'testsoft'); Done. -- 0 msec. SQL> select * from insert_test; id txt INTEGER NOT NULL VARCHAR _______________________________________________________________________________ 1 test 1 Rows. -- 60 msec.