4.3.5. JTA Demo Application
The JTA demo is located in the
Software Setup
The sample requires 2 or 3 Virtuoso instances and an instance of a J2EE 1.3.1 server properly set up and running on the same computer or on the network. To build the sample it's also necessary to have a J2SE 1.4 SDK installed.
The JAVA_HOME and J2EE_HOME environment variables must be set to the J2SE SDK and J2EE installation path respectively.
The virtjdbc3.jar file must be in the classpath of the J2EE server. The setting of the classpath differs across different J2EE servers. For J2EE Reference Implementation (RI) the J2EE_CLASSPATH variable might be set in %J2EE_HOME%\bin\userconfig.bat on Windows or $(J2EE_HOME)/bin/userconfig.sh on Unix.
set J2EE_CLASSPATH=C:/Virtuoso/lib/virtjdbc3.jar
J2EE_CLASSPATH=/home/login/virtuoso/lib/virtjdbc3.jar export J2EE_CLASSPATH
Add the Virtuoso XA datasources to J2EE server. For J2EE RI this is done like this:
j2eeadmin -addJdbcXADatasource jdbc/Virtuoso1 virtuoso.jdbc3.VirtuosoXADataSource dba dba -props serverName=localhost portNumber=1111 j2eeadmin -addJdbcXADatasource jdbc/Virtuoso2 virtuoso.jdbc3.VirtuosoXADataSource dba dba -props serverName=localhost portNumber=2222 j2eeadmin -addJdbcXADatasource jdbc/Virtuoso3 virtuoso.jdbc3.VirtuosoXADataSource dba dba -props serverName=localhost portNumber=3333
Please note that the newly added datasources take effect only after restart of the J2EE server.
The sample folder contains the jtademo.properties file which can be used to configure the sample application. The configuration options are described within the file.
Building and Deployment
The sample folder contains build and deploy scripts (build.sh and deploy.sh for Linux and Unix and build.bat and deploy.bat for Windows).
Use the build script to build the sample application from the source files.
Deploy the application to the J2EE server. The deploy script performs this task for J2EE RI. Other J2EE application servers might provide different ways for application deployment.
Running the Sample
The sample folder contains the run scripts for Linux/Unix and Windows.
The run script accepts the following commands:
- create
Creates and populates the necessary tables.
- check
Verifies data consistency.
- drop
Removes data and tables from the databases.
- run
Executes a number of transactions over database tables.
The first action to do is to initialize the data with the create command. After this the command might be used one or more times. This executes a series of concurrent updates on the distributed data. The check command verifies that this updates left databases in the consistent state.
For instance, for Unix:
run.sh create run.sh run run.sh check
And for Windows:
run.bat create run.bat run run.bat check