

uddi_save_service — Adds or updates one or more businessService structures.


  xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api" >
	<businessService/> [<businessService/>...]

Attributes & Children


This required argument is an element that contains an authentication token obtained using the get_authToken call.


One or more complete businessService structures can be passed. These structures can be obtained in advance by using the get_serviceDetail call or by any other means.

Return Types

This message returns a serviceDetail message that reflects the newly registered information for the affected businessService structures.


If an error occurs in processing this message, a dispositionReport structure will be returned to the caller in a SOAP Fault. The following error information will be relevant:

Table 24.103. Errors signalled by uddi_save_service

Error Code Description
E_invalidKeyPassed signifies that the request cannot be satisfied because one or more uuid_key values specified is not a valid key value. This includes any tModelKey references that are unknown.
E_authTokenExpired signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument is no longer valid because the token has expired.
E_authTokenRequired signifies that the authentication token value passed in the authInfo argument is either missing or is not valid.
E_userMismatch signifies that one or more of the uuid_key values passed refers to data not controlled by the entity that the authentication token represents.
E_operatorMismatch signifies that one or more of the uuid_key values passed refers to data not controlled by the server that received the request for processing.
E_keyRetired signifies that the request cannot be satisfied because one or more uuid_key values specified has previously been hidden or removed by the requester. This specifically applies to the tModelKey values passed.