7.3.9. Extensions
Virtuoso ODBC RDF Extensions for SPASQL
The Virtuoso ODBC Driver adds a number of defines to the ODBC API to allow an ODBC compliant application to query meta information on SPASQL queries.
If the application uses the iODBC Driver Manager V3.52.7 or higher, it can simply include the iodbcext.h header file, which contains information on extensions of many ODBC drivers like DB2, SQL Server and Virtuoso.
If however the application is compiled against another Driver Manager, like the Microsoft Driver Manager on Windows, the following construction should to be used:
#ifdef WIN32 # include <windows.h> #endif #include <sql.h> #include <sqlext.h> #if defined (HAVE_IODBC) #include <iodbcext.h> #endif /* * Include Virtuoso ODBC extensions for SPASQL result set */ #if !defined (SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE) /* * ODBC extensions for SQLGetDescField */ # define SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE 1057L # define SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE 1058L # define SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_ATTR 1059L # define SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS 1060L # define SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_LANG 1061L # define SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_TYPE 1062L /* * Virtuoso - ODBC SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE */ # define VIRTUOSO_DV_DATE 129 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_DATETIME 211 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_DOUBLE_FLOAT 191 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_IRI_ID 243 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_LONG_INT 189 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_NUMERIC 219 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_RDF 246 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_SINGLE_FLOAT 190 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_STRING 182 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_TIME 210 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_TIMESTAMP 128 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_TIMESTAMP_OBJ 208 /* * Virtuoso - ODBC SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE */ # define VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_DATETIME 1 # define VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_DATE 2 # define VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_TIME 3 /* * Virtuoso - ODBC SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS */ #define VIRTUOSO_BF_IRI 0x1 #define VIRTUOSO_BF_UTF8 0x2 #define VIRTUOSO_BF_DEFAULT_ENC 0x4 #endif
Before the application can retrieve the column meta data using SQLGetDescField
it first needs to retrieve the correct descriptor handle attached to the statement handle:
SQLHDESC hdesc = NULL; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetStmtAttr (hstmt, SQL_ATTR_IMP_ROW_DESC, &hdesc, SQL_IS_POINTER, NULL); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* Handle error */ }
SQLGetDescField - SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE. Retrieves the datatype of a field.
SQLINTEGER dvtype; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE, &dvtype, SQL_IS_INTEGER, NULL);
If this call returns SQL_SUCCESS
, the dvtype variable will contain
the underlying Virtuoso datatype as indicated in the following table:
SQLGetDescField - SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE. Retrieves the date subtype of a field.
SQLINTEGER dv_dt_type; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE, &dv_dt_type, SQL_IS_INTEGER, NULL);
If this call returns SQL_SUCCESS
, the dttype variable will contain the
underlying Virtuoso date subtype as indicated in the following table:
SQLGetDescField - SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_ATTR. Retrieves the literal attributes associated with the field.
SQLINTEGER littype; SQLINTEGER lang, type; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE, &littype, SQL_IS_INTEGER, NULL); lang = (littype >> 16) & 0xFFFF; type = littype & 0xFFFF;
select RL_ID from DB.DBA.RDF_LANGUAGE where RL_TWOBYTE = ?
![]() |
Note: |
This call is deprecated in favor of using the |
If this call returns SQL_SUCCESS
the littype variable will contain the encoded language and rdf type information of the field.
These numbers are uniq to the database the client has connected to, and correspond to information
SQLGetDescField - SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS. Retrieves the flags associated with the field:
SQLINTEGER flags; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS, &flags, SQL_IS_INTEGER, NULL);
#define VIRTUOSO_BF_IRI 0x1 #define VIRTUOSO_BF_UTF8 0x2 #define VIRTUOSO_BF_DEFAULT_ENC 0x4 for example: flags description 0 field contains a Latin1 encoded literal string 1 field contains an IRI (always UTF-8 encoded) 2 field contains an UTF-8 encoded literal string 3 field contains an UTF-8 encoded IRI (should not happen)
If this call returns SQL_SUCCESS
, the following
bitmasks can be used to determine the representation of the field:
SQLGetDescField - SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_LANG. Retrieves the language string for this field:
SQLCHAR langbuf[100]; SQLINTEGER len1; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_LANG, langbuf, sizeof (langbuf), &len1);
If this call returns SQL_SUCCESS
, the langbuf variable will contain
the language of the field.
SQLGetDescField - SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_TYPE. Retrieves the data type string for this field:
SQLCHAR typebuf[100]; SQLINTEGER len2; SQLRETURN rc; rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_TYPE, typebuf, sizeof (typebuf), &len2);
If this call returns SQL_SUCCESS
, the typebuf variable will contain
the rdf type of the field.
Evaluating Nodes
The following pseudo code evaluates the various type and flag information retrieved using the above API calls and shows what kind of node a field is.
switch (dvtype) { case VIRTUOSO_DV_STRING: { if (flag == 1) { if (strncmp ((char *) data, "_:", 2) == 0) { /* node is a Turtle style named BNode */ } else { /* node is an URI string */ } } else { if (strncmp ((char *) data, "nodeID://", 9) == 0) { /* node is a BNode */ } else { /* node is a string literal */ } } break; } case VIRTUOSO_DV_RDF: /* node is a typed literal with possible lang and type */ break; case VIRTUOSO_DV_LONG_INT: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer */ break; case VIRTUOSO_DV_SINGLE_FLOAT: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#float */ break; case VIRTUOSO_DV_DOUBLE_FLOAT: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double */ break; case VIRTUOSO_DV_NUMERIC: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#decimal */ break; case VIRTUOSO_DV_TIMESTAMP: case VIRTUOSO_DV_DATE: case VIRTUOSO_DV_TIME: case VIRTUOSO_DV_DATETIME: switch (dv_dt_type) { case VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_DATE: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date */ break; case VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_TIME: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time */ break; default: /* node is a literal http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime */ break; } break; case VIRTUOSO_DV_IRI_ID: /* * node is an IRI ID * * This type is only returned in output:valmode "LONG" * It needs to be translated into a literal string using the * ID_TO_IRI() function as the value is database specific. */ break; default: /* unhandled type */ return NULL; }
The following program performs a SPARQL query against a Virtuoso Database using SPASQL. Note that the connection parameters and the sparql query are compiled into the executable.
To compile it on Linux against iODBC the following command can be used:
gcc -o odbc_iri -I/usr/local/iODBC odbc_iri.c -L/usr/local/iODBC/lib -liodbc -ldl
It can then be called as:
which will print out the first 50 triples from the database in N3 format.
Here it is the source code:
/* * odbc_iri.c * * This file is part of the OpenLink Software Virtuoso Open-Source (VOS) * project. * * Copyright (C) 1998-2024 OpenLink Software * * This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License, dated June 1991. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef WIN32 # include <windows.h> #endif #include <sql.h> #include <sqlext.h> #if defined (HAVE_IODBC) #include <iodbcext.h> #endif /* * Include Virtuoso ODBC extensions for SPASQL result set */ #if !defined (SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE) /* * ODBC extensions for SQLGetDescField */ # define SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE 1057L # define SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE 1058L # define SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_ATTR 1059L # define SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS 1060L # define SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_LANG 1061L # define SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_TYPE 1062L /* * Virtuoso - ODBC SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE */ # define VIRTUOSO_DV_DATE 129 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_DATETIME 211 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_DOUBLE_FLOAT 191 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_IRI_ID 243 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_LONG_INT 189 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_NUMERIC 219 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_RDF 246 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_SINGLE_FLOAT 190 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_STRING 182 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_TIME 210 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_TIMESTAMP 128 # define VIRTUOSO_DV_TIMESTAMP_OBJ 208 /* * Virtuoso - ODBC SQL_DESC_COL_DT_DT_TYPE */ # define VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_DATETIME 1 # define VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_DATE 2 # define VIRTUOSO_DT_TYPE_TIME 3 /* * Virtuoso - ODBC SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS */ #define VIRTUOSO_BF_IRI 0x1 #define VIRTUOSO_BF_UTF8 0x2 #define VIRTUOSO_BF_DEFAULT_ENC 0x4 #endif SQLHANDLE henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; SQLHANDLE hdbc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; SQLHANDLE hstmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; #define MAXCOLS 25 int ODBC_Errors (char *where) { unsigned char buf[250]; unsigned char sqlstate[15]; /* * Get statement errors */ while (SQLError (henv, hdbc, hstmt, sqlstate, NULL, buf, sizeof (buf), NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stdout, "STMT: %s || %s, SQLSTATE=%s\n", where, buf, sqlstate); } /* * Get connection errors */ while (SQLError (henv, hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, sqlstate, NULL, buf, sizeof (buf), NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stdout, "CONN:%s || %s, SQLSTATE=%s\n", where, buf, sqlstate); } /* * Get environment errors */ while (SQLError (henv, SQL_NULL_HDBC, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, sqlstate, NULL, buf, sizeof (buf), NULL) == SQL_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stdout, "ENV:%s || %s, SQLSTATE=%s\n", where, buf, sqlstate); } return -1; } int ODBC_Disconnect (void) { if (hstmt) SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt); hstmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; if (hdbc) SQLDisconnect (hdbc); if (hdbc) SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc); hdbc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; if (henv) SQLFreeHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv); henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; return 0; } int ODBC_Connect (char *dsn, char *usr, char *pwd) { SQLRETURN rc; /* Allocate environment handle */ rc = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) goto error; /* Set the ODBC version environment attribute */ rc = SQLSetEnvAttr (henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) goto error; /* Allocate connection handle */ rc = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) goto error; /* Connect to data source */ rc = SQLConnect (hdbc, (SQLCHAR *) dsn, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) usr, SQL_NTS, (SQLCHAR *) pwd, SQL_NTS); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) goto error; /* Allocate statement handle */ rc = SQLAllocHandle (SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) goto error; /* Successful connection */ return 0; error: /* Failed connection */ ODBC_Errors ("ODBC_Connect"); ODBC_Disconnect (); return -1; } int ODBC_PrintResult () { char fetchBuffer[1000]; short numCols = 0; short colNum; SDWORD colIndicator; UDWORD totalRows; UDWORD totalSets; SQLHANDLE hdesc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE; SQLRETURN rc; totalSets = 0; do { /* * Get the number of result columns for this cursor. * If it is 0, then the statement was probably not a select */ rc = SQLNumResultCols (hstmt, &numCols); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLNumResultCols"); goto endCursor; } if (numCols == 0) { printf ("Statement executed.\n"); goto endCursor; } if (numCols > MAXCOLS) numCols = MAXCOLS; /* * Print all the fields */ totalRows = 0; while (1) { /* * Fetch next record */ rc = SQLFetch (hstmt); if (rc == SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) break; if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("Fetch"); break; } for (colNum = 1; colNum <= numCols; colNum++) { char buf[1000]; SQLINTEGER len; int flag, dvtype; /* * Fetch this column as character */ rc = SQLGetData (hstmt, colNum, SQL_C_CHAR, fetchBuffer, sizeof (fetchBuffer), &colIndicator); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLGetData"); goto endCursor; } /* * Get descriptor handle for this statement */ rc = SQLGetStmtAttr (hstmt, SQL_ATTR_IMP_ROW_DESC, &hdesc, SQL_IS_POINTER, NULL); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLGetStmtAttr"); goto endCursor; } /* * Get data type of column */ rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_DV_TYPE, &dvtype, SQL_IS_INTEGER, NULL); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLGetDescField"); goto endCursor; } /* * Get flags */ rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_BOX_FLAGS, &flag, SQL_IS_INTEGER, NULL); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLGetDescField"); goto endCursor; } /* * Show NULL fields as **** */ if (colIndicator == SQL_NULL_DATA) { printf ("NULL"); } else { if (flag & VIRTUOSO_BF_IRI) printf ("<%s>", fetchBuffer); /* IRI */ else if (dvtype == VIRTUOSO_DV_STRING || dvtype == VIRTUOSO_DV_RDF) printf ("\"%s\"", fetchBuffer); /* literal string */ else printf ("%s", fetchBuffer); /* value */ if (dvtype == VIRTUOSO_DV_RDF) { rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_LANG, buf, sizeof (buf), &len); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLGetDescField"); goto endCursor; } if (len) printf ("@%.*s", (int) len, buf); rc = SQLGetDescField (hdesc, colNum, SQL_DESC_COL_LITERAL_TYPE, buf, sizeof (buf), &len); if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED (rc)) { ODBC_Errors ("SQLGetDescField"); goto endCursor; } if (len) printf ("^^<%.*s>", (int) len, buf); } if (colNum < numCols) putchar (' '); } } printf (" .\n"); totalRows++; } printf ("\n\nStatement returned %lu rows.\n", totalRows); totalSets++; } while (SQLMoreResults (hstmt) == SQL_SUCCESS); endCursor: SQLCloseCursor (hstmt); return 0; } int ODBC_Execute (char *qr) { int rc; SQLCHAR *Statement = (SQLCHAR *) qr; if ((rc = SQLExecDirect (hstmt, Statement, SQL_NTS)) != SQL_SUCCESS) { ODBC_Errors ("ODBC_Execute"); if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) return -1; } return 0; } char dsn[] = "Local Virtuoso"; char uid[] = "dba"; char pwd[] = "dba"; char txt[] = "sparql SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 50"; int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (ODBC_Connect (dsn, uid, pwd)) exit (1); if (ODBC_Execute (txt) == 0) ODBC_PrintResult (); ODBC_Disconnect (); exit (0); }
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See Also: |