
20.2.8. Using Offband Data for Faster Filtering

When evaluating a select where there is a contains predicate and filtering conditions on columns of the table on which the text index is defined it is useful to store the most frequently used columns in the free text index instead of the table itself.

The rationale is that in order to access the filtering data the engine will do a merge join with the text index table instead of a nested loop join with the actual table. Further note that if the columns to be accessed are not in the index that begins with the free text document id actually 2 random accesses will be needed: 1. to get the primary key based on the document id and 2. to get the filtering criterion based on the primary key. It is vastly more efficient to do a merge join in the text index to get frequently needed non-text filtering or sorting keys.

If the text index is maintained in background mode the offband data will also be maintained with a delay. This should not be a problem however since this is no more delayed than the text data itself.

If a select with a contains does not reference any columns from the indexed table besides the document id, then no access to the actual table will be generated in the compiled query. Likewise, if only columns found in the index used to link the document id to the table are referenced, only that index will be accessed. A special case of the latter situation is where the document id is the primary key itself. This will speed up retrieving the row for free text hits.

Let us consider a query for getting articles where the author name is at a specific value:

select id from article where contains (description, 'sample')
	and author_name = 'John Pumpkin';

This can be alternately written as

select id from article
	where contains (description, 'sample', offband, author_name)
	and author_name = 'John Pumpkin';

In the latter case the author_name will be retrieved from the text index, saving 2 random accesses, one to the index on dtid and the other to the table itself per each free text hit.

The notation is different because the semantic is slightly different. The author_name in the latter case is the name at the time of indexing the article and in the latter case it is the name at the time of evaluating the query. There can be a difference if the index is maintained with a delay. For most applications this is however irrelevant. offband data should not be used for often changing, transactional data.

Now consider

select * from (select top 10  dtid from article
	where contains (description, 'sample', offband, author_name)
	order by author_name) a, article b where a.dtid = b.dtid;

The derived table select the 10 first articles matching the text condition in order of author_name. This does not itself access the article table at all. The outer select will then select the full row for these 10 articles. This is possible since the inner select only references dtid, which is the free text index document id and author_name which is declared an offband column in the text index.

This does less disk access than

select top 10 * from article
	where contains (description, sample', offband, author_name)
	order by author_name;

In this case, all matches are fetched, including the row in the article table and all are sorted and the top 10 are returned. This differs from the first by the fact that this accesses the article table for each of the text hits, not only the top 10. This can easily make a 3x speed difference when running in memory and much greater when I/O is involved, not to mention the adverse impact of more I/O on the working set.