15.4. Querying Stored XML Data
15.4.1. XPATH_CONTAINS SQL Predicate
XPath expressions can be used in SQL statements to decompose and match
XML data stored in columns. The xpath_contains
SQL predicate can be used either to test for an XML value matching a
path expression or to extract one or more entities from the XML value.
These values can then be used later in the query as contexts for other
XPath expressions.
xpath_contains (xml_column, xp_expression[, query_variable]);
The first argument, xml_column
is the name of the column on which to perform the XPath search.
The second argument, xp_expression
, takes an XPath
The third argument is an optional query variable that gets bound to each result entity value of the xpath expression. If this variable is omitted the xpath_contains predicate will qualify the query by returning true for matches. In this case the result will only return one row per match. If the variable is present, the result set could contain multiple rows per result set row of the base table, one row for each match.
Consider the example:
select xt_file, t from xml_text where xpath_contains (xt_text, '//chapter/title[position () = 1]', t);
This SQL statement will select the first title child of any chapter
entities in the XML documents in the xt_text column of the table
. There can be several matching
entities per row of xml_text. The result set will contain a row for
each matching entity.
In XPath terms the path expression of
is evaluated with the context
node set to the root node of the XML tree represented by the value of
the column that is the first argument of xpath_contains. This node is
the only element of the context node set.
![]() |
Note: |
The 't' variable in the above example gets bound to XML entities, not to their string values or other representations. One can thus use these values as context nodes for other expressions. |
The XPATH expression can have a list of options in the beginning.
The list of options is surrounded by square brackets.
Options in the list are delimited by spaces.
The most popular option is __quiet
that allows to
process a set of rows if not all stored documents are valid XMLs;
if an error is signalled by the XML parser when it prepares a content document for the XPATH in question
and the XPATH contains __quiet
then the error is suppressed and
the row is silently ignored as if XPATH found nothing.
One can configure the DTD validator of the parser by placing its configuration parameters
the list of XPATH options.
The following example is almost identical to the previous one but it works even if
not all values of xt_text
are valid XMLs, and the resulting values of the
't' variable are standalone entities even if source documents in xt_text contain external generic entities.
select xt_file, t from xml_text where xpath_contains (xt_text, '[__quiet BuildStandalone=ENABLE]//chapter/title[position () = 1]', t);