16.4.8. Graph-level security and sponging
In some cases the sponged data contains private information for instances cartridges like Facebook, etc. To perform private sponging, Virtuoso offers get:private pragma:
define get:private "" or define get:private <graph_group_IRI>
When used for sponging graph X, it adjusts graph-level security of graph X (and of graph_group_IRI, if specified) so that X becomes a privately accessible graph of the user who sponges the X and if graph_group_IRI is specified then X becomes accessible to users that can access graph_group_IRI with permissions like permissions they have on graph_group_IRI.
The exact rules are as following:
If graph is virtrdf: then an error is signaled.
If graph name is an IRI of handshaked web service endpoint or "public IRI" of a handshaked web service endpoint then an error is signaled.
If access is public by default even for private graphs then an error is signaled and sponging is not tried.
If default is "no access" but someone (other than current user) has specifically granted read access to the graph in question AND current user is not dba AND current user has no bit 32 permission on this graph then an error is signaled.
If read access is public by default for world and disabled for private graphs then the graph to be sponged is added to the group of private graphs.
If current user is not DBA, current user gets granted read+write+sponge+admin access to the graph to be sponged. In addition, current user gets special permission bit 32, indicating that the graph is made by private sponge of this specific user.
If the value of get:private is an IRI then:
The IRI is supposed to be an IRI of "plain" graph group, error is signaled in case of nonexising graph group, group of private graphs or group of graphs to be replicated.
The graph is added to that group
Each non-dba user that can get list of files of the group will get permissions for the loaded graph equal to permissions they have on graph group minus "list" permission.
Example Performing Sponging on a entirely confidential database using get:private pragma
The following example demonstrates how private sponging using get:private pragma works for entirely confidential database.
Note : Please take in mind that the steps from below will change the security of any existing database, thus the example scenario should be performed on a empty db.
Create few users in alphabetical order:
DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Anna', 'Anna'); DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Brad', 'Brad'); DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Carl', 'Carl');
Set to Anna, Brad and Carl SPARQL SELECT, UPDATE and SPONGE permissions:
grant SPARQL_SELECT to "Anna"; grant SPARQL_SELECT to "Brad"; grant SPARQL_SELECT to "Carl"; grant SPARQL_UPDATE to "Anna"; grant SPARQL_UPDATE to "Brad"; grant SPARQL_UPDATE to "Carl"; grant SPARQL_SPONGE to "Anna"; grant SPARQL_SPONGE to "Brad"; grant SPARQL_SPONGE to "Carl";
Set specific privileges to given graphs for specifics users: Catering for the fact that some datasets are supposed to be confidential, thus the whole quad storage is set to confidential. Then specific privileges can be assigned to specific graphs for specific users:
Set specific privileges: assuming for users Anna, Brad and Carl none of these individual has any kind of global access to graphs:
Assuming the following four sorts of access that are specified by four bits of an integer "permission bit-mask", following plain old UNIX style:
Bit 1 permits read access.
Bit 2 permits write access via SPARUL and is basically useless without bit 1 set.
Bit 4 permits write access via "RDF Network Resource Fetch" methods and is basically useless without bits 1 and 2 set.
Bit 8 allows retrieval of the list of members of a graph group. An IRI can be used as a graph IRI and as a graph group IRI at the same time, so bit 8 can be freely combined with any of bits 1, 2 or 4.
In the statements from below should be considered:
"15 = 8+4+2+1" -- i.e. combining all the four sorts of access FROM above
"9 = 8 + 1" -- i.e. read access + access to retrieve the list of members for a given graph group
-- Create Graph Group for Anna and set privileges: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 'Anna', 15); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 'Brad', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 'Carl', 9); -- Create Graph Group for Brad and set privileges: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 'Anna', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 'Brad', 15); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 'Carl', 9); -- Create Graph Group for Carl and set privileges: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 'Anna', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 'Brad', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 'Carl', 15);
Examples with invalid graph group names:
Example with Non-existing Graph Group:
-- An error for non-existing Graph group <http://nosuch/> will be raised. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <http://nosuch/> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example with "virtrdf:PrivateGraphs" graph group which is reserved for system usage:
-- An error for attempt to add a graph to special -- graph group <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs> will be raised. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private virtrdf:PrivateGraphs SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example with "virtrdf:rdf_repl_graph_group" graph group which is reserved for system usage:
-- An error for attempt to add a graph to special -- graph group <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#rdf_repl_graph_group> will be raised. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private virtrdf:rdf_repl_graph_group SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Examples to check Anna's sponging permissions on different graph groups:
Example for adding graph to Anna's graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data>:
-- No error will be raised as Anna has the efficient rights for graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> reconnect "Anna"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/anna/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Brad's graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Anna" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Anna"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Anna" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Anna"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Examples check Brad's sponging permissions on different graph groups:
Example for adding graph to Anna's graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Brad" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Brad"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Brad's graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data>:
-- No error will be raised as Brad has the efficient rights for graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> reconnect "Brad"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/brad/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Brad" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Brad"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Examples check Carl's sponging permissions on different graph groups:
Example for adding graph to Anna's graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Carl" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Brad's graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be rased because "Carl" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data>:
-- No error will be raised as Carl has the efficient rights for graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/carl/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
User Carl performs private sponging:
reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/products.ttl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }; -- Should return for ex. 365 rows. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/products.ttl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/software.ttl> FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/licenses.ttl> WHERE { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }; -- Should return for ex. 1317 rows. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/software.ttl> FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/licenses.ttl> WHERE { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } };
Viewing Graph Groups shows Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> contains total 4 graphs:
SQL> SELECT id_to_iri (RGGM_GROUP_IID), id_to_iri(RGGM_MEMBER_IID) FROM DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_MEMBER ORDER BY 1,2; id_to_iri id_to_iri__1 VARCHAR VARCHAR __________________________________________________________ .... urn:Anna:Sponged:Data http://example.com/anna/ urn:Brad:Sponged:Data http://example.com/brad/ urn:Carl:Sponged:Data http://example.com/carl/ urn:Carl:Sponged:Data http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/licenses.ttl urn:Carl:Sponged:Data http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/products.ttl urn:Carl:Sponged:Data http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/software.ttl
Example Performing Sponging with Private Graphs Using get:private pragma
The following example demonstrates how private sponging using get:private pragma works for database with private graphs.
Create few users in alphabetical order:
DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Anna', 'Anna'); DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Brad', 'Brad'); DB.DBA.USER_CREATE ('Carl', 'Carl');
Set to Anna, Brad and Carl SPARQL SELECT, UPDATE and SPONGE permissions:
grant SPARQL_SELECT to "Anna"; grant SPARQL_SELECT to "Brad"; grant SPARQL_SELECT to "Carl"; grant SPARQL_UPDATE to "Anna"; grant SPARQL_UPDATE to "Brad"; grant SPARQL_UPDATE to "Carl"; grant SPARQL_SPONGE to "Anna"; grant SPARQL_SPONGE to "Brad"; grant SPARQL_SPONGE to "Carl";
Set specific privileges: Setup assuming 3 users: Anna, Brad and Carl where each of these individual users has read access to graphs:
-- Close any public access to "private" graphs DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('nobody', 0, 1); -- Set Read Only for public on graphs not listed as "private". DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('nobody', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Anna', 0, 1); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Brad', 0, 1); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Carl', 0, 1); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Anna', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Brad', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_DEFAULT_USER_PERMS_SET ('Carl', 1);
Assuming the following four sorts of access that are specified by four bits of an integer "permission bit-mask", following plain old UNIX style:
Bit 1 permits read access.
Bit 2 permits write access via SPARUL and is basically useless without bit 1 set.
Bit 4 permits write access via "RDF Network Resource Fetch" methods and is basically useless without bits 1 and 2 set.
Bit 8 allows retrieval of the list of members of a graph group. An IRI can be used as a graph IRI and as a graph group IRI at the same time, so bit 8 can be freely combined with any of bits 1, 2 or 4.
In the statements from below should be considered:
"15 = 8+4+2+1" -- i.e. combining all the four sorts of access FROM above
"9 = 8 + 1" -- i.e. read access + access to retrieve the list of members for a given graph group
-- Create Graph Group for Anna and set privileges: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 'Anna', 15); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 'Brad', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Anna:Sponged:Data', 'Carl', 9); -- Create Graph Group for Brad and set privileges: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 'Anna', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 'Brad', 15); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Brad:Sponged:Data', 'Carl', 9); -- Create Graph Group for Carl and set privileges: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_CREATE ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 1); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 'Anna', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 'Brad', 9); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_USER_PERMS_SET ('urn:Carl:Sponged:Data', 'Carl', 15); -- Set Anna's, Brad's and Carl's graphs by inserting them into the <b>virtrdf:PrivateGraphs</b> graph group: DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs', 'http://example.com/anna/'); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs', 'http://example.com/brad/'); DB.DBA.RDF_GRAPH_GROUP_INS ('http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs', 'http://example.com/carl/');
Examples with invalid graph group names:
Example with Non-existing Graph Group:
-- An error for non-existing Graph group <http://nosuch/> will be raised. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <http://nosuch/> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example with "virtrdf:PrivateGraphs" graph group which is reserved for system usage:
-- An error for attempt to add a graph to special -- graph group <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#PrivateGraphs> will be raised. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private virtrdf:PrivateGraphs SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example with "virtrdf:rdf_repl_graph_group" graph group which is reserved for system usage:
-- An error for attempt to add a graph to special -- graph group <http://www.openlinksw.com/schemas/virtrdf#rdf_repl_graph_group> will be raised. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private virtrdf:rdf_repl_graph_group SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Examples to check Anna's sponging permissions on different graph groups:
Example for adding graph to Anna's graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data>:
-- No error will be raised as Anna has the efficient rights for graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> reconnect "Anna"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/anna/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Brad's graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Anna" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Anna"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Anna" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Anna"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Examples check Brad's sponging permissions on different graph groups:
Example for adding graph to Anna's graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Brad" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Brad"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Brad's graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data>:
-- No error will be raised as Brad has the efficient rights for graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> reconnect "Brad"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/brad/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Brad" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Brad"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Examples check Carl's sponging permissions on different graph groups:
Example for adding graph to Anna's graph group <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be raised because "Carl" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Anna:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Brad's graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data>:
-- An error will be rased because "Carl" has not enough rights on that group reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
Example for adding graph to Carl's graph group <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data>:
-- No error will be raised as Carl has the efficient rights for graph group <urn:Brad:Sponged:Data> reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://example.com/carl/> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o };
User Carl performs private sponging:
reconnect "Carl"; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/products.ttl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }; -- Should return for ex. 365 rows. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/products.ttl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }; SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT * FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/software.ttl> FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/licenses.ttl> WHERE { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }; -- Should return for ex. 1317 rows. SPARQL DEFINE get:soft "replacing" DEFINE get:private <urn:Carl:Sponged:Data> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/software.ttl> FROM NAMED <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/licenses.ttl> WHERE { graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } };
User Anna reads Carl's data:
SQL> reconnect "Anna"; SQL> SPARQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <http://www.openlinksw.com/data/turtle/products.ttl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }; callret-0 INTEGER _______________________________________________________________________________ 365 1 Rows. -- 15 msec.