
16.5.5. Translation Of SPARQL Triple Patterns To Quad Map Patterns

When a SPARQL query is compiled into SQL using a quad storage, every triple pattern should become a subquery that retrieves data from relational tables. This subquery is an UNION ALL of joins generated from appropriate quad map patterns. The complete SQL query is composed from these basic subqueries. Thus the first operation of the SQL generation for a triple pattern is searching for quad map patterns that may in principle produce triples that match the triple pattern.

The more restrictions contained in the triple pattern the fewer quad map patterns will be used. A triple pattern graph ?g { ?s ?p ?o } is common enough to invoke all data transformations of the storage. A triple pattern graph <g> { ?s <p> <o> } will usually intersect with the range of only one quad map. Sometimes it is possible to prove that the storage can not contain any data that matches the given triple pattern, hence zero number of members of UNION ALL will result in constantly empty result-set.

The search for quad maps for a given pair of triple pattern and quad map storage is quite simple. The storage is treated as a tree of map patterns where quad map patterns are leafs, grouping patterns are inner nodes and the whole storage is also treated as a grouping pattern that specify no fields and contains all top-level map patterns of the storage.

The tree is traversed from the root, left to right, non-leaf vertex are checked before their children. The check of a vertex consists of up to four field checks, for G, S, P and O. Every field check compares the field definition in the vertex and the corresponding field in the triple pattern, G and G, S and S and so on. Note that a non-leaf vertex defines less than four of its fields, e.g., the root vertex does not define any of its fields and top-level graph map { ... } defines only graph. Checks are performed only for defined fields and return one of three values: "failed", "passed", "full match", according to the following rules:

Table 16.8. Matching Triple Field and Vertex Field

Field of vertex Field in triple pattern Result
constant same constant full match
constant different constant failed
constant variable of same type passed
constant variable of different type failed
quad map value constant of same type full match
quad map value constant of different type failed
quad map value of type X variable, X or subtype of X full match
quad map value of type X variable, supertype of X passed
quad map value of type X variable, type does not intersect with X failed

If any of the checks fails, the vertex and all its children are excluded from the rest of processing. Otherwise, if all four fields are defined for the quad map pattern, the map is added to the list of matching map patterns. The difference between "passed" and "full match" is significant only if the map is declared with option (exclusive) If all performed checks return "full match" and option (exclusive) is set then the traverse of the tree is stopped as soon as all children of the vertex are traversed. The most typical use of this option is when the application developer is sure that all triples of a graph belong to his application and they come from his own quad map patterns, not from DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD . This is to prevent the SPARQL compiler from generating redundant subqueries accessing DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD . The declaration may look like

create quad storage <mystorage>
    graph <mygraph> option (exclusive) { . . . }
    create virtrdf:DefaultQuadMap
      using storage virtrdf:DefaultQuadStorage .

Exclusive patterns make the order of declarations important, because an exclusive declaration may "throw a shadow" on declarations after it. Consider a database that have a special table RDF_TYPE that caches all RDF types of all subjects in all graphs. Consider two declarations: all triples from graph <http://myhost/sys> and all triples with rdf:type predicate, both exclusive:

graph <http://myhost/sys> option (exclusive)
    . . . # mapping of DB.DBA.SYS_USERS as in previous examples.
graph rdfdf:default-iid-nonblank (DB.DBA.RDF_TYPE.G)
subject rdfdf:default-iid (DB.DBA.RDF_TYPE.S)
predicate rdf:type
object rdfdf:default (DB.DBA.RDF_TYPE.O)
option (exclusive)

The order of these declarations dictates that triple pattern

graph <http://myhost/sys> {?s rdf:type ?o}

is compiled using only quad map patterns of the graph declaration, ignoring second declaration (and of course ignoring default mapping rule, if any). An explicit option (order N) at the end of quad map pattern will tweak the priority. By default, order will grow from 1000 for the first declaration in the statement to 1999 for the last, explicit configuration is especially useful to make order persistent to alter storage statements.

The option (exclusive) trick is ugly, low-level and prone to cause compilation errors after altering storage declarations. When misused, it is as bad as "red cut" in PROLOG, but one must use this trick to build scalable storages.

The option (exclusive) helps the SPARQL compiler to prepare better SQL queries, but sometimes it is "too exclusive". For instance, if a grouping quad map pattern specify only quad map value for graph and no other fields then making it exclusive prohibits the use of all declarations of the storage after that one. Sometimes it is better to notify compiler that quads made by the given quad map pattern are supposed to be different from all quads made by declarations listed after the given one.

Consider an application that exports users' personal data as graphs whose IRIs looks like username/RDF/personal/ ; the application makes a query and a triple pattern is proven to be restrictive enough to filter out all quads that are not similar to quads generated by the given quad map pattern (say, the graph is constant ). The application do not hope to find any quads that match the pattern but made by other applications, because graphs named like in the pattern are supposed to be solely for this single purpose; if, say, DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD occasionally contains some quads with graph equal to then they can be ignored.

Under this circumstances, the quad map pattern may have option (soft exclusive) . That grants a permission to the compiler to ignore rest of storage as soon as it is proven that the triple pattern can not access quads that does not match the pattern. So if that is proven then the pattern is exclusive and it makes the query faster; when unsure, the compiler work like there is no option at all.

[Note] Note

The option (exclusive) can be used as a security measure, option (soft exclusive) can not. Say, if an financial application exports its data as a single graph using exclusive then the query that explicitly refers to that graph will never access any quads written by the attacker into DB.DBA.RDF_QUAD using same graph IRI. The use of soft exclusive gives no such protection. From the compiler's perspective, the option (soft exclusive) is a hint that may be ignored, not an unambiguous order.

There is one exception from the rules described above. This exception is for virtrdf:DefaultQuadStorage only. If a graph variable of a quad map pattern is not bound and no source graph specified by FROM clauses then quad maps for specific constant graphs are ignored. In other words, if a default quad storage contains quad maps for specific graphs then the query in that storage should explicitly specify the graph in order to use a map for graph. This rule will not work if the default quad map is removed from the virtrdf:DefaultQuadStorage . This rule relates to the default storage itself, not to the containing patterns; copying some or all patterns into other storage will not reproduce there this special effect.

So for example the query from below returns results when graph is specified i.e. when no graph is referenced, then run over physical store only is performed:

    <http://localhost:8990/Demo/categories/CategoryID/1#this>  ?p ?o
p        o

0 Rows. -- 0 msec.

    GRAPH ?g
        <http://localhost:8990/Demo/categories/CategoryID/1#this>  ?p ?o
g                              p                                                     o
VARCHAR                        VARCHAR                                               VARCHAR

http://localhost:8990/Demo#       http://localhost:8990/schemas/Demo/Categories
http://localhost:8990/Demo#    http://localhost:8990/schemas/Demo/categoryid         1
http://localhost:8990/Demo#    http://localhost:8990/schemas/Demo/categoryname       ...