
19.3.3. Storing Email in Virtuoso

A generic mail delivery driver enables SMTP servers to deliver email to be stored in either Virtuoso or non Virtuoso SQL database.

Mail storage can occur in a number of ways:

  1. Replacing the default generic SMTP mail handler ( the program "procmail")

  2. Replacing the mail storage settings for individual users Replacing Default SMTP Mail Handler Sendmail

Replacing procmail As Default Mail Handler In Sendmail Configurations

When this configuration is in use, the mails for all of your "sendmail" mail recipients are written to a SQL Database table.

  1. Copy the file "odbc_mail.default.ini" to "/etc/odbc_mail.ini"

    [Important] Important

    Make sure that /etc/odbc_mail.ini is NOT GROUP/WORLD writable. virt_mail will fail to run if it is.

  2. Copy or symbolically link the file "virt_mail" to "/usr/bin/virt_mail"

  3. Edit /etc/odbc_mail.ini and change the login settings to match your current database installation.

    Note: If you don't have or want to use procmail, comment out the "Fallback" setting in the "[Deliver]" section.

  4. Edit the file "/etc/" as described below:


    Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=10/30,
      R=20/40,T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u


    Mlocal, P=/usr/bin/virt_mail, F=lsDFMA5:/|@qSPhn9, S=10/30,
      R=20/40, T=DNS/RFC822/X-Unix, A=virt_mail -c /etc/odbc_mail.ini -l $u -s $g

    NOTE: The changes to the F= setting involves removing both the 'w' and 'f' flags.

    The removal of the 'w' flag affects lookups in /etc/passwd, which are no longer required if all mail delivery goes into a SQL Database. The default ini file is set up to maildrop via procmail, which will perform the check correctly.

Replacing The Mail Storage Settings For Individual Users

Using Sendmail
  1. Copy odbc_mail.default.ini to ~the_user_name/odbc_mail.ini

    [Important] Important

    Make sure that /etc/odbc_mail.ini is NOT GROUP/WORLD writable. virt_mail will fail to run if it is.

  2. At the end of the file ~the_user_name/.procmailrc put something like:

    | /usr/bin/virt_mail -c .odbc_mail.ini -l the_user_name

    replacing the_user_name with the user you are setting up.

    Note: the '-l ..' parameter is used to relate the local recipient to the database user for which the maildrop is done. See the remarks in the odbc_mail.default.ini file.

  3. Adjust the parameters in .odbc_mail.ini to match your configuration

    [Important] Important

    disable Fallback delivery in the .odbc_mail.ini file.

    Comment out the "Fallback =" entry in the .odbc_mail.ini or set it to something that does not involve procmail. This may lead to drop loops, otherwise.

Using Qmail
  1. Copy odbc_mail.default.ini to ~the_user_name/.odbc_mail.ini

    [Important] Important

    Make sure that the .odbc_mail.ini file is NOT GROUP/WORLD writable. virt_mail will fail to run if it is.

  2. If you are setting up a .qmail, you can simply do the following:

    | /usr/bin/virt_mail -m qmail -c .odbc_mail.ini

    If you are setting up .qmail-default or .qmail-<some_alias_name>, make sure you adjust the RemovePrefix accordingly in the odbc_mail.ini.

    This also works if a single user is receiving mail for an entire (virtual) domain.

    If you want to configure qmail so that user 'db' gets all mail for, do the following:

    1. create a new user db in /etc/passwd etc.

    2. remove from /var/qmail/control/locals

    3. add to /var/qmail/controls/virtualdomains:
    4. adjust /var/qmail/users/assign accordingly:


      or run qmail-pw2u < /etc/passwd > /var/qmail/users/assign then run qmail-newu and restart qmail

    5. in ~db/.qmail-default, put:

      | /usr/bin/virt_mail -m qmail -c .odbc_mail.ini
    6. in .odbc_mail.ini, set:


      Now, mail to will be delivered to the qmail alias and is stored into the database for user 'info'.

  3. Adjust the parameters in .odbc_mail.ini to match your configuration

Using Courier
  1. Copy odbc_mail.default.ini to ~the_user_name/.odbc_mail.ini

    [Important] Important

    Make sure that the .odbc_mail.ini file is NOT GROUP/WORLD writable. virt_mail will fail to run if it is.

  2. If you are setting up a .courier, you can simply do the following:

    | /usr/bin/virt_mail -mcourier -c .odbc_mail.ini

    If you are setting up .courier-default or .courier-<some_alias_name>, make sure you adjust the RemovePrefix accordingly in the .odbc_mail.ini.

    Note: although courier is very similar to qmail in this respect, it is different from qmail in how it handles exit codes. If you use -mqmail while running under courier, you'll get the wrong exit codes, so mail is bounced instead of retried.

    Note also that if delivering to multiple recipients in a .courier file, make sure the virt_mail is specified first. This is because if the virt_mail fails with a temporary error, the other recipients will get another drop when courier re-attempts to deliver the mail.



    | /usr/bin/virt_mail -mcourier -c .odbc_mail.ini


    | /usr/bin/virt_mail -mcourier -c .odbc_mail.ini
  3. Adjust the parameters in .odbc_mail.ini to match your configuration

Using EXIM

Here are code snippets for Exim that perform maildrops into the odbc database.


# Delivers into the database
  driver = pipe
  command = /usr/bin/virt_mail \
	-c /etc/odbc_mail.ini \
	-s "${if def:return_path{$return_path}{MAILER-DAEMON}}" \
	-l "$local_part"
  user = USERNAME
  prefix =
  suffix =
  temp_errors = 73 : 74 : 75

# NOTE: Make sure the USERNAME in the 'user = USERNAME' setting matches
# the owner of /etc/odbc_mail.ini, because this file must have mode 0600.
# Consider creating a new user account for this delivery only.
# You should specify 'user = root' here only if Fallback delivery is
# configured in /etc/odbc_mail.ini (for procmail fallback delivery
# for instance)


# Attempts delivery of all mail into the database
  driver = smartuser
  transport = odbc
  require_files = /etc/odbc_mail.ini
  # uncomment line below to deliver all mail to db-XXX into the database, for any
  # value of XXX. For this to work, set "RemovePrefix = db-" in
  # the [Translate] section in /etc/odbc_mail.ini
  #prefix = db-

Mail System Tables

The electronic mail accounts are regular SQL accounts.

Id (MM_ID) of the message is unique per account/folder (folder can be 'Inbox' etc.)

[Tip] See Also:

Mail system tables

Pop3 Client

The Virtuoso POP3 Client implementation can retrieve messages from any POP3 server.


For detailed description and example use of the function, see pop3_get in the Functions Reference Guide.


UIDL - get only UIDL's of messages.

DELETE - delete messages after downloading.

Example 19.5. Examples

1. To get 10 KB. messages from the server '' POP3 port 110, user name 'user_1', password 'pass_1'

	Pop3_get ('', 'user_1', 'pass_1', 10000);

2. To get and delete 5 KB. messages from the server '' POP3 port 110, user name 'user_1', password 'pass_1'

	Pop3_get ('', 'user_1', 'pass_1', 5000, 'DELETE');

3. To get UIDL's of 100 kb. messages from the server '' POP3 port 110, user name 'user_1', password 'pass_1'

	Pop3_get ('', 'user_1', 'pass_1', 100000, 'UIDL');