21.2. Using the Test Program
The tpcc program simulates one user making random transactions according to the specified mix of:
10 new order transactions, each with 10 order lines 10 payment transactions, 60% by name 1 delivery transaction 1 stock level transaction 1 order status transaction, 60% by name.
Each instance of the test program has a home warehouse on which it does most of its operations. If there are more than one operation the test program will give a supply warehouse different from the local warehouse to 10% of new order lines.
The test is started with:
tpcc <database> <username> <password> r <n-10-new-order-sets> <local warehouse> <n warehouses>
./tpcc 1111 dba dba r 10
for 10 sets of the transaction mix on warehouse 1 in a 1 warehouse database or,
./tpcc 1111 r 100 12 100
to perform 100 sets of transactions on warehouse 12 in a 100 warehouse database.
The program reports a tpmC rate after performing each set of 10 new orders and the related support transactions. A statistic will be printed every 10 sets of 10 new orders showing the time spent on each of the benchmark transactions done during the last run of 100 new orders, 100 payments 10 deliveries, stock levels and order status queries.
The throughput will increase during the first minutes of the run to level off at the attained rate.