9.2. User Defined Types
A user-defined type is a schema object, identified by a user-defined type name. The definition of a user-defined type specifies a number of components, including in particular a list of attribute definitions. The representation of a user-defined type is expressed as a list of attribute definitions.
The definition of a user-defined type may include a method specification list consisting of one or more method specifications. A method specification is either an original method specification or an overriding method specification. Each original method specification specifies the method name, the SQL parameter declaration list, the returns data type, the <language clause>, the language (if the language is not SQL), and whether it is a STATIC or CONSTRUCTOR method.
Each overriding method specification specifies the method name, the SQL
parameter declaration list and the RETURNS data type. For each overriding method
specification, there must be an original method specification with the same
method name and SQL parameter declaration list in some proper supertype of
the user-defined type. Every SQL-invoked method in a schema must correspond to
exactly one original method specification or overriding method specification
associated with some user-defined type existing in that schema. A
method M
that corresponds to an original method
specification in the definition of a structured type T1
is an original method of T1
. A
method M
that corresponds to an overriding
method specification in the definition of T1
an overriding method of T1
. A method
is a method of type
if one of the following holds:
is an original method of T1
is an overriding method of T1
There is a proper supertype T2
such that M
is an original or overriding method of T2
and such that there is no method M3
such that
has the same method name and SQL parameter
declaration list as M
is an original method or overriding
method of a type T3
such that
is a proper supertype of
and T3
a supertype of T1
. |
A user defined type can be a direct subtype of one (and only one) user defined type. The user defined type cannot be a subtype of itself.
A type Ta
is a direct subtype of a type
if Ta
is a
proper subtype of Tb
and there does not exist a
type Tc
such that Tc
is a proper subtype of Tb
and a proper supertype
of Ta
A type Ta
is a subtype of type
if one of the following pertains:
is a direct subtype of
; or |
is a subtype of some type
and Tc
a direct subtype of Tb
. |
By the same token, Tb
is a supertype of
and is a direct supertype of
in the particular case where
is a direct subtype of
. If Ta
is a subtype of Tb
, then
is proper subtype of
and Tb
a proper supertype of Ta
. A type cannot be a
proper supertype of itself. A type with no proper supertypes is a maximal
supertype. A type with no proper subtypes is a leaf type.
Let Ta
be a maximal supertype and let
be a subtype of Ta
The set of all subtypes of Ta
(which includes
itself) is called a subtype family of
or (equivalently) of
. A subtype family is not permitted to have
more than one maximal supertype. Every value in a type
is a value in every supertype of
. A value V
in type T
has exactly one most specific type
such that MST
is a subtype of T
is not a value in any proper subtype of
. The most specific type of value need not
be a leaf type. For example, a type structure might consist of a type
that has
as its two subtypes, while STUDENT
has two
direct subtypes UG_STUDENT
. The invocation
of the constructor function for
returns a value whose most specific
type is STUDENT
, which is not a leaf type.
If Ta
is a subtype of
, then a value in
can be used wherever a value in
is expected. In particular, a value in
can be stored in a column of type
, can be substituted as an argument for an
input SQL parameter of data type Tb
, and can
be the value of an invocation of an SQL-invoked function whose result data type
is Tb
. A type T
is said to be the minimal common supertype of a set of types
if T
is a
supertype of every type in S
and a subtype of
every type that is a supertype of every type in S
![]() |
Note: |
Because a subtype family has exactly one maximal supertype, if two types have a common subtype, they must also have a minimal common supertype. Thus, for every set of types drawn from the same subtype family, there is some member of that family that is the minimal common supertype of all of the types in that set. |
A user-defined type is declared by a user-defined type CREATE TYPE statement .
9.2.1. CREATE TYPE Statement
CREATE TYPE type_name [ UNDER type_name ] [ LANGUAGE language_name [ EXTERNAL NAME literal ] ] [ AS (type_member, ...) ] [ type_option [type option ] .... ] [ method_specification, ... ] type_name : [ [ identifier .] [ identifier ] . ] identifier type_member : identifier data_type [ DEFAULT literal ] [ EXTERNAL NAME string ] [ EXTERNAL TYPE string ] [ __SOAP_TYPE literal ] [ __SOAP_NAME literal ] type_option : SELF AS REF | TEMPORARY | SOAP_TYPE literal method_specification : original_method_specification | overriding_method_specification original_method_specification : [ STATIC | INSTANCE ] METHOD identifier ( [ decl_parameter, ... ] ) RETURNS data_type [ method_characteristics ] | CONSTRUCTOR METHOD identifier ( [ decl_parameter, ... ] ) [ method_characteristics ] overriding_method_specification : OVERRIDING [ INSTANCE ] METHOD identifier ( [ decl_parameter, ... ] ) RETURNS data_type method_characteristics : [ EXTERNAL TYPE literal ] [ EXTERNAL NAME string | EXTERNAL VARIABLE NAME string ] language_name : SQL | CLR | JAVA
The CREATE TYPE statements declares a user defined type. Generally speaking the user defined types can be in two states: forward-referenced, declared and instantiable.
A type is in forward reference state if it's name is quoted in some other CREATE TYPE statement (as a supertype, member type or a method parameter type or return type). When a type is in forward reference state it's instances can be copied, passed as parameter values and returned by functions, but it cannot be instantiated, no type members can be accessed and no type methods can be called. Forward references are temporary objects and they disappear at server shutdown.
A type moves to the declared state when a CREATE TYPE is executed for it. In that state type methods can be called, type members can be accessed, but the type cannot be instantiated.
A type goes into instantiable state from declared state when it has no supertype or it's supertype is also in instantiable state. The server tries to move the defined types to instantiable state on every CREATE TYPE statement.
Normally the type definitions are stored into the DB.DBA.SYS_USER_TYPES system table.
This has the following layout:
UT_NAME - the fully qualified user defined type name. |
UT_PARSE_TREE - the user defined type definition (in machine readable form). |
UT_ID - the ID of the type (used in persisting type instances to/from network/storage). |
UT_MIGRATE_TO - reserved for future use. |
If a TEMPORARY type_option is specified, the CREATE TYPE does not write the type definition into the table - it declares the type only in server's memory. TEMPORARY types are not persistable. They disappear when the server is restarted. A TEMPORARY type cannot be a supertype or a subtype of a non-TEMPORARY type.
option directs the server
to return a reference to the type's instance when instantiating the type, as
opposed to returning the instance itself. The references are explained in
more detail in the NEW
![]() |
Note: |
The CREATE TYPE is an autocommitting statement. |
Example 9.3. Creating User Defined Types
This example creates a SQL implemented user defined type UDT_TEST with no supertype. It has two members : A and B, two constructor methods, a static method _ADD, an ADDIT method taking either zero or two arguments and an instance method SUB_IT.
create type UDT_TEST as (A integer default 1, B integer default 2) CONSTRUCTOR METHOD UDT_TEST(_a integer, _b integer), CONSTRUCTOR METHOD UDT_TEST(), STATIC METHOD _ADD(_xx integer, _yy integer) returns integer specific DB.DBA.static_add, METHOD ADDIT() returns integer, METHOD ADDIT(c integer) returns integer, METHOD SUB_IT () returns integer;
This creates a subtype of UDT_TEST named UDT_TEST_SUB. UDT_TEST_SUB extends the static method _ADD of UDT_TEST so it can also take 4 arguments, overrides the method ADDIT from UDT_TEST and defines a new instance method MULTIPLY_IT.
create type UDT_TEST_SUB under UDT_TEST as (C integer default 12, _D integer default 32) STATIC METHOD _ADD(_xx integer, _yy integer, _zz integer, _qq integer) returns integer, OVERRIDING METHOD ADDIT() returns integer, METHOD MULTIPLY_IT () returns integer;
This is a SQL wrapper for a public Java type testsuite_base (see testsuite_base.java).
create type testsuite_base language java external name 'testsuite_base' as ( protected_I integer external name 'protected_I' external type 'I', private_I integer external name 'private_I' external type 'I', sZ smallint external name 'Z' external type 'Z', sfalseZ smallint external name 'falseZ' external type 'Z', sB smallint external name 'B' external type 'B', sC smallint external name 'C' external type 'C', sS smallint external name 'S' external type 'S', sI int external name 'I' external type 'I', sJ int external name 'J' external type 'J', sF real external name 'F' external type 'F', sD double precision external name 'D' external type 'D', sL any external name 'L' external type 'Ljava/lang/Short;', sAI any external name 'AI' external type '[I', sAL any external name 'AL' external type '[Ljava/lang/Short;', sstr nvarchar external name 'str' external type 'Ljava/lang/String;', sdat datetime external name 'dat' external type 'Ljava/util/Date;', tF real external name 'F', "F" real, non_existant_var integer external name 'non_existant_var' external type 'I' ) static method get_static_ro_I () returns integer external type 'I' external variable name 'static_ro_I', static method get_static_I () returns integer external type 'I' external variable name 'static_I', static method get_protected_static_I () returns integer external type 'I' external variable name 'protected_static_I', static method get_private_static_I () returns integer external type 'I' external variable name 'private_static_I', static method test_bool (x integer external type 'I') returns smallint external type 'Z' external name 'test_bool', constructor method testsuite_base (), constructor method testsuite_base (i integer external type 'I'), static method echoDouble (a double precision external type 'D') returns any external type 'Ljava/lang/Double;' external name 'echoDouble', static method getObjectType (a any external type 'Ljava/lang/Object;') returns varchar external type 'Ljava/lang/String;' external name 'getObjectType', static method echoThis (a testsuite_base external type 'Ltestsuite_base;') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'echoThis', static method static_echoInt (a integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'static_echoInt', static method change_it (a testsuite_base) returns integer external type 'I' external name 'change_it', method "overload_method" (i integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I', method echoInt (a integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'echoInt', method echoInt (a double precision external type 'D') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'echoInt', method protected_echo_int (a integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'protected_echo_int', method private_echo_int (a integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'private_echo_int', method "echoDbl" (a double precision) returns double precision, method non_existant_method (a integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I' external name 'non_existant_method', static method non_existant_static_var (a integer external type 'I') returns integer external type 'I' external variable name 'non_existant_static_var';