code-file — Code-behind file containing SQL script.
url (required) , |
debug-srcfile (optional) , | |
debug-srcline (optional) , | |
(optional) ) ; |
This element is used to load an external SQL script after page class compilation and before page execution. This script may contain page subclass or custom control definitions. In this way SQL code can be separated from VSPX markup, or in other words to separate page design from application logic.
url. URL of file to be loaded after VSPX page compilation. If relative then the base is the page where the control resides (i.e. same URL resolution rules applied as for includes).
debug-srcfile. URI of the source document where the tag comes from.
debug-srcline. Line number in the source document where the tag comes from.
debug-log. This defines what sort of data are saved to the debugging log.
Example 14.23. Code-behind SQL script
The script of a button's post event is in separate SQL file.
The code_file__0.sql contents is:
drop type my_page_subclass ; create type my_page_subclass under DB.dba.page__vspx_code__file____0_vspx temporary self as ref overriding method vc_post_b1 (control vspx_button, e vspx_event) returns any, method button_change (control vspx_button) returns any ; create method vc_post_b1 (inout control vspx_button, inout e vspx_event) for my_page_subclass { if (not control.vc_focus) return; self.button_change (control); return; } ; create method button_change (inout control vspx_button) for my_page_subclass { self.var1 := self.var1 + 1; control.ufl_value := 'Activated'; } ;
<v:page name="page1" xmlns:v="http://" page-subclass="my_page_subclass"> <html> <body> <v:code-file url="code_file__0.sql"/> <v:variable name="var1" type="int" default="0" param-name="id" persist="pagestate" /> <v:form type="simple" name="f1"> <v:label name="l1" value="--self.var1" format="%d" /> <v:button action="simple" name="b1" value="Submit" /> </v:form> </body> </html> </v:page>