
17.8. Web Services Trust Protocol (WS-Trust)

In order to secure communication between two parties, the two parties must exchange security credentials (either directly or indirectly). However, each party needs to determine if they can "trust" the asserted credentials of the other party. WS-Security defines the basic mechanisms for providing secure SOAP messaging. WS-Trust is an extension of WS-Security for security token exchange to enable the issuance and dissemination of credentials within different trust domains, and thus manage trust relationships. The goal of WS-Trust is to enable applications to construct trusted SOAP message exchanges.

Using these extensions, applications can engage in secure communication designed to work with the general Web Services framework, including WSDL service descriptions, UDDI businessServices and bindingTemplates, and SOAP messages.

WSS (WS-Security) enabled endpoint can make use of (WST) WS-Trust by exposing the "RequestSecurityToken " method. It then will check the WSS headers, decode if appropriate and pass the request parameters to the RequestSecurityToken method.

Virtuoso supports and can generate many session key types. Supported key types are: DSA, 3des and AES. RSA keys can be imported but not generated, likewise x509 certificate generation, however they will be added in the near future.

WSS uses the UsernameToken method to bind an issued security token to a particular user.

Each WS enabled SOAP endpoint should have a list of supported encryption methods, keys that may be issued, and authorized users. This can be achieved using a PL (Stored Procedure) hook.

The message flow involving WST endpoints will be as follows:

The client (1st instance) must ask the WST endpoint for token (security token, may be a 3des key x509 certificate or whatever security tokens are supported)
WST endpoint may or may not issue a token to the client.
Client sends a message to 2nd instance (the target) to perform the main request.
The 2nd instance (recipient) may accept or reject the request.
The 2nd instance may also ask WST for the token, to encrypt the data for client, which depends on the policy to be applied.

The client has to have a way to know what policy to apply. This can be a UDT that is initialized appropriately and passed to the client routines.

SOAP clients have to have an API to perform:

Request a security token from WST
Invoke the method from recipient with token obtained from WST endpoint.

wst_cli(req, policy)

The call to wst_cli performs the following actions:

For the URL of request determine whether a policy is needed; scan over policy array by URL.
If token has an issuer, then ask issuer with policy conforming to it (obtain via URL from policy array).
Apply the obtained token to the request and pass to the ultimate receiver.
Return response from ultimate receiver.

Server tokens are stored in the WST_SERVER_ISSUER_TOKENS system table.

[Tip] See Also:


Tokens can be selected using the system procedure:

  in "From" any,
  in "MessageID" any,
  in "RequestSecurityToken" any,
  in "Timestamp" any,
  in "To" any).

This procedure can be over-ridden for specific cases. The definition of the default procedure is shown below.

create procedure  DB.DBA.WS_TRUST_TOKEN_GEN (
  in "From" any,
  in "MessageID" any,
  in "RequestSecurityToken" any,
  in "Timestamp" any, in "To" any )
   declare ret any;
   declare t_type, r_type, l_from varchar;

   t_type := cast ("RequestSecurityToken"[3] as varchar);
   r_type := cast ("RequestSecurityToken"[5] as varchar);
   l_from := cast ("From"[3] as varchar);

   select WSK_TOKEN into ret from WST_SERVER_ISSUER_TOKENS
		where WSK_TOKEN_TYPE = t_type and
		  WSK_REQUEST_TYPE = r_type and WSK_FROM = l_from;

   return ret;

Example 17.34. Example

1) client ask for context token token service:

      <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1">
    <soap:Body wsu:Id="Id-d7fceab4-62ed-45fb-bc09-69310ff1712e">
        <wsp:AppliesTo xmlns:wsp="">

2) response from token service

<soap:Envelope xmlns:wsa=""
      <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1">
    <soap:Body wsu:Id="Id-ee536e2b-3911-46c8-9a51-850b11ecf866">
      <xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="">
        <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="" />

3) using the token from response above ; perform request to the ultimate service

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1">
    <soap:Body wsu:Id="Id-a8a78a3b-6775-470d-96d8-ca3f96fd2715">
      <xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="">

4) response from ultimate service

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""
      <StockQuotes xmlns="http://temp.uri">

Example 17.35. Full WS-Trust Programmatic Sample

Table for sample results

create table WS_S_5 (
	ID 	varchar primary key,
	LINK	varchar,
	TITLE	varchar,
	AUTHOR	varchar,
	ISSUED  datetime,
	CONTENT varchar

User used for UsernameToken

create user WS_TRUST;

Endpoint user

create user WSE;

client test procedure

create procedure trust_client ()
   declare token POLICY_STRUCT;
   declare req SOAP_CLIENT_REQ;
   declare ret any;

   token := new POLICY_STRUCT ();
   req := new SOAP_CLIENT_REQ ();

   -- Issuer parameters

   token.usage := 'ReqIssue';
   token.token_type := 'X509v3';
   token.token_issuer := 'http://localhost:' || server_http_port () || '/ws_s_5ts';
   token.user_name := 'WS_TRUST';
   token.user_pass := 'TRUST_PASSWORD';
   token.debug := 0;

   -- End point parameters

   req.url := 'http://localhost:' || server_http_port () || '/ws_s_5';
   req.parameters := vector (vector ('AddEntry', ''),
		     vector (soap_box_structure ('title', 'Test title', 'author', 'Test author', 'issued', now (),
						 'content', 'Test content')));

   req.soap_action := '';
   req.operation := 'AddEntry';

   ret := WST_CLI (req, token);  -- call the WS-Trust client.

   if (token.debug <> 0)
     return ret;

   -- Fill result to table

   insert into WS_S_5 (ID, LINK, TITLE, AUTHOR, ISSUED, CONTENT) values
		(ret[2][2][1], ret[2][4][1], ret[2][6][1], ret[2][8][1], ts (ret[2][10][1]), ret[2][12][1]);

End point virtual directory

VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/ws_s_5');

VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/ws_s_5', ppath=>'/SOAP/', soap_user=>'WSE',
				'ServiceName', 'WSSecure',
				'CR-escape', 'no',
				'WSS-Type', 0,
				'WSS-Validate-Signature', 2,

Issuer virtual directory

VHOST_REMOVE (lpath=>'/ws_s_5ts');

VHOST_DEFINE (lpath=>'/ws_s_5ts', ppath=>'/SOAP/', soap_user=>'WSE',
				'ServiceName', 'WSSecure',
				'CR-escape', 'no',
				'WSS-KEY', 'ws_s_5',
				'WSS-Template', 'ws_s_5',
				'WSS-Type', 0,
				'WSS-Validate-Signature', 2,

grant execute on WS.SOAP.RequestSecurityToken to WSE

  declare ses any;
  ses := string_output ();
  http ('<xsd:schema\n', ses);
  http ('    xmlns:xsd=""\n', ses);
  http ('    xmlns:tns=""\n', ses);
  http ('    targetNamespace="">\n', ses);
  http ('    <xsd:element name="AddEntry">\n', ses);
  http ('	<xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('	    <xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="entry" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" type="tns:entry_t" />\n', ses);
  http ('	    </xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('	</xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('    </xsd:element>\n', ses);
  http ('    <xsd:element name="WeblogEntry">\n', ses);
  http ('	<xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('	    <xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="WeblogEntry" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" type="tns:entry_t" />\n', ses);
  http ('	    </xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('	</xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('    </xsd:element>\n', ses);
  http ('    <xsd:element name="AddEntryResponse">\n', ses);
  http ('	<xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('	    <xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="WeblogEntry" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" type="tns:entry_t" />\n', ses);
  http ('	    </xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('	</xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('    </xsd:element>\n', ses);
  http ('    <xsd:complexType name="entry_t">\n', ses);
  http ('	    <xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="id" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string" />\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string" />\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="title" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string" />\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="author" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string" />\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="issued" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:dateTime" />\n', ses);
  http ('		<xsd:element name="content" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="xsd:string" />\n', ses);
  http ('	    </xsd:sequence>\n', ses);
  http ('    </xsd:complexType>\n', ses);
  http ('</xsd:schema>\n', ses);
  return string_output_string (ses);

XSD used from end point


End point procedure

create procedure WS.SOAP.AddEntry
in  AddEntry any := null __soap_type '',
out AddEntryResponse any __soap_type '',
inout "From" any __soap_header '',
inout "MessageID" any __soap_header '',
  out "Timestamp" any __soap_header '',
inout "To" any __soap_header ''
) __soap_doc '__VOID__'

   declare ret any;
   declare param any;
   declare wsa_from, wsu_time, created, expr, m_id, a_to, headers soap_parameter;
   declare in_title, in_author, in_content, out_id, out_link any;

   in_title := get_keyword ('title', AddEntry[0], '');
   in_author := get_keyword ('author', AddEntry[0], '');
   in_content := get_keyword ('content', AddEntry[0], '');

   out_id := lower (uuid ());
   out_link := sys_connected_server_address () || '/ws-trust/sample?' || out_id;

   wsa_from := new soap_parameter ();
   wsa_from.set_xsd ('');
   wsa_from.add_member ('Address', 'http://' || sys_connected_server_address () || '/WSE');
   wsa_from.set_attribute ('Id', 'Id-' || uuid());

   created := new soap_parameter (dt_set_tz (now (), 0));
   created.set_xsd ('');
   created.set_attribute ('Id', 'Id-' || uuid());

   expr := new soap_parameter (dt_set_tz (dateadd ('minute', 500, now ()), 0));
   expr.set_xsd ('');
   expr.set_attribute ('Id', 'Id-' || uuid());

   wsu_time := new soap_parameter ();
   wsu_time.set_xsd ('');
   wsu_time.add_member ('Created', created);
   wsu_time.add_member ('Expires', expr);

   m_id := new soap_parameter (lower ('UUID:'||uuid ()));
   m_id.set_xsd ('');
   m_id.set_attribute ('Id', 'Id-' || uuid());

   a_to := new soap_parameter ('');
   a_to.set_xsd ('');
   a_to.set_attribute ('Id', 'Id-' || uuid());

   param :=  (vector ('WeblogEntry', ''),
	      vector (soap_box_structure ('id', out_id,
					  'link', out_link,
					  'title', in_title,
					  'author', in_author,
					  'issued', now (),
					  'content', in_content)));

    AddEntryResponse := param;
    "From" := wsa_from.s;
    "MessageID" := m_id.s;
    "Timestamp" := wsu_time.s;
    "To" := a_to.s;

grant execute on WS.SOAP.AddEntry to WSE;

Server enc. template. Can be over-ridden

create procedure
  declare tmpl varchar;

  tmpl := sprintf ('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Signature xmlns="" >
    <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />
    <SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />

  return dsig_template_ext (body, tmpl,
      '', 'Body',
      '', 'MessageID',
      '', 'From',
      '', 'RelatesTo',
      '', 'To',
      '', 'Expires',
      '', 'Created'


Certificate from server

create procedure cert ()
    return uudecode (
   'DgQIYR9Q5x78Es4CAggAgIIGiHRAz7QEEk6jrI3un28yD7YOO3G+Sm33abCa' ||
   'jCwA3x5lT4ShZxaRrIB5Xaykr4gfTWwa3+/eFFwqaHdae9XNAjsOCvWYftFU' ||
   'mRpxwJcuY0C1yOlMxG2SyLSJNDEGY8p/uY9Okw5e5iQuzMEvDxaU+j2PSum+' ||
   'QWg94obEAJkwmCqelMwKH7aVGlFNtkphGbrl8egJzfJUCIqC6vsMYA6KSurN' ||
   'Nv05Vk2/w9Av7q2DrkSfqNMOgYluZ+OKzbTnSq2kg42F/Qd9qJye3iUusi1j' ||
   'bcIqZBCFddIFNUR+Yxa/GWD720DngBquiagqaO5Tm0vvORk/hhLx3x4cJRra' ||
   '4CFHswtVSq8JHDgyF6goMifHPsv9HTnK5r3MzQFQVITS/26NCcoj3vf9G/ka' ||
   'fRZZCAtD14lRYvENoDBFZfjUfrbHTT7VrcXbDfhYuXopUMa/Zr6fJM8ELNgE' ||
   'QmAttT4+fEnL9tNaY3VRQVkxCAl+2dvZsOqNDOh8RqaeeEumPgNUKtGr6ppW' ||
   'DXIOAg3L8r/0CwDEQArNh1HZ+SQ5leUyswsnkDG9PY3LGdqYCJJDnhoxeDla' ||
   'hqlYmqjytyfkL96768CU5wL9eck+jKNySy3foDNKu0yVZVSvO4BP38OE+hzK' ||
   '4QrmFdSztousIgTw6fe73FmLgHMjrMTlp3OFXG0krH7AZvaxYvi0Xy6+g2zJ' ||
   'xOttT9O0kNYAt7tVk15n4/tkjlF/meS4Dhu8TnHTjTMX+kljYlNTsEewzn5r' ||
   'NfXQY0RMZa/zw8lS2G/vfT71UyCACPl/SYxkSYUht8kvZCc4L3Z0460IszpC' ||
   '+nQ9YFDLQqYX7VToVyKoGQWEfHN4z8FFoYHXY/e2NNacfZkBwhq7wfh4upWG' ||
   'kjHnDE2LC1EHSkPcdmeZoPZcXXve5/WZyPQEM3h5+rLca1F67lyD8a57nh2E' ||
   '7m916TO64V4mIfxjFwxZO+LF/MzRJDXyUlGWiHV2w363TIbgc6vD1/sed0yP' ||
   'xg6mTpFTkThj7mMcDFh5jO7p7JXeJU8v/uls7pb/HbfGcsSfXEHQcHSLqwM/' ||
   'kWk6KQRxvj+9wl7zglyrCU5ty3/0i5SOb4BL4DMtGeaLXgbhScczA26kmhSN' ||
   'C9wuB535TE9X/msXxjKqJclRC/nQicsIJEpoilwKKh0lt39J5mQwpk/By7du' ||
   'qspLZzEfXhcQlrNVJa6cTM14GuMMh3RqPK2AvxxVbwvSmBRxDDX4Wq+E7AsY' ||
   'onr322L3YHAS+oRIp7onKJyHv4J8M26iRSRCl11Jtt3lKcSEHtQIO1hS+BOR' ||
   '1yAXJ+AOhvufpCqbOwV12Tw+wCUXVDrRdpaGL+laoNaqC7heo6HZkWFy6SSm' ||
   'CUbKhtk6P0IE8Db0GdIF3jzLGvKreFiiBKkwFI1g4+C9j2BaPL1F4JMmoEaa' ||
   'eFrLqtd66g6/n0zSxkA43H3qqfGTQJ/YkilRvuqZ3pNN9sklR2n7ti44TSb+' ||
   'LZofLerppJxgcJgT67wD7Mt58pekjnOKW2HwPt8hegrQh6juBHaFxn/BIZuh' ||
   'VivCCsfY2V/sZBl/uL9qvevnoQXKrvOks0XESRTpqc3PptgQdFTkUST3vc6o' ||
   'CtrLSyK6rLNVI5bP2QRuCQAPyhI9u6s6AC1uot9T/BooOLowzzpNLioWstsB' ||
   'Td9+64Ei1bvcmIZZ2Gq3p/gAXYnkw/VciQ/YET54nP95wUYSrbB8OLXJHPX6' ||
   'zaLryqbpPIcNSvGjneSf84a0NkMFkdq5H4m0lJQIJPIvi7qhGxpNGYEuaqgv' ||
   'NwGmhWKK4noHLuXIMOv5Cn10MHTaR7CVxOLX950RzitmIQ9xa7Qu2Ey+wzRM' ||
   'LvoxUf1+GMUCGyuVhQlCRmfCK7ts53WTCLywNsJcueImaLTjXOOoJNg1Baov' ||
   'C+RYwAvigUtp1aBY9XZRHMqHytLooGhPG/xgX1Mhe+1452YSutxIww+psC5E' ||
   '9LAkBMZ7mz9o6JJnk3IvJ+WhAZ+hV876T7yABTifxctfkOmNu3H/RcpDV4uk' ||
   'TZizoDttm3/Mj99V9U+elt/1YreXvB5kJ63o9nOeN3gBu8mEBhqGLGOWuibL' ||
   'RANKQ1es3jVGk5SMS0bi8BeG6nGw59xna1BZcpS3KnbgWdU4ek7mz+OO0fHe' ||
   'tQPGQ1pI0FA/UTBEoRUokZPjGlELL9su7bcAbgpTTS0vncGzUwO5yxRExFh7' ||
   'PJPVMmjrOphChDvBlgUESq9J9CmEUswp+IEwggL5BgkqhkiG9w0BBwGgggLq' ||
   'BIIC5jCCAuIwggLeBgsqhkiG9w0BDAoBAqCCAqYwggKiMBwGCiqGSIb3DQEM' ||
   '7J/IiiP3N5EQeALNvVaoI6EeNuap3W8lj89moUzCuScokct7jRaLOhjeOeRa' ||
   'osMRMOvdbSSIFS+QN/CT1mQ46+LeNuFocCW0M0RsFVgcSPdWuJUJzOq9qx7J' ||
   'XjkG8UHfwpjy1o9JZAqtjde+fNFHiuPLYI3oJBwNGfbe1QJlrVjf+MAziu6J' ||
   'iGt+QBNfWWLoFgDZegHWLcfwwXkmrzfM/4KIGEjX2DZhBrf5M5r+P6ZDJFFs' ||
   'NNNmUUjVvtz+PQIlVWrBJxh5r0Yyr/n37g2pEGKcq5PNxP+DZ1H/UCEObUzk' ||
   'H8afcU7uUq43t0Eyq4cs8VX7pytIoUgvMT5bcs0aU8gs9b3c33BjRv7uTB7q' ||
   'qTGaAQ+b4t5vAR/MVoHfVA1Sgq0D8mzJ8NtD6IMdbjsW0cSxwZM/pgPDmSI9' ||
   'AKi6t9E/UrzxwaJWBmEgy2Qup5n6VrxzWZ+TiAKAH4/Ma3kIUkYtgvrAH9Tf' ||
   'qY/7ZOHIVF93aEEcIshYYVyUAHsJVa1r7LXkfcm7ogxDi8vjmvtDZhxo7+i8' ||
   'TmrsO19FoDSGUNJlYFvPsGpOpnrw/VT7M9VEhF9nSznRRlDD+xidZdWf2GDe' ||
   'MxLg+7dLMkKqYgQbWKRO6y6ATJbSL+0wBRml1h5hvIhK+PsJeDHcVf3rl5my' ||
   'NZgBlFkHau9/2WohA428dwKDgFVFjgt8WfsweOW6QCYL5ezjtORDRZHg3YQL' ||
   'ZrB7jSJkx9WFq5O81YT5YqVvcDow7aoPpKJvZtFUkPPtgMTyIz6zOTCC9sTe' ||
   'lHu6m/Olizb3o/uOlxlcK3727SHSiBV8+4rhgIstIlYxJTAjBgkqhkiG9w0B' ||
   'CRUxFgQUjYbSw3MD4nRuny8vVKz5hZtCftwwMTAhMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFLRv' ||
   'tU3dr9bQEbcm2mcYE+KK33n3BAh/OvyukQvZpAICCAA=', 2);

create procedure server_pub_x509_key ()
   'CBMHUGxvdmRpdjEQMA4GA1UEBxMHUGxvdmRpdjEfMB0GA1UEChMWT3BlbkxpbmsgU29mdHdh' ||
   'sKUYbJkYS615oB0nPbu3n0dCCC37xswbluBQcS+P/zHdvQZaWzWsluGpGctHzTYcD7+UkiLJ' ||
   'Xrd+PddqkgfogqaW7/9jB2CJSA1paoJTqX6b06/KOi4Jj1WYHwkGOfiD+WybUWcX65gtaM52' ||
   'OUoenVOy7v5zrwIDAQABo4GsMIGpMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTrS3v9pmTo/jCtrd9+7FBESXGVHDB6' ||
   'f5NSORqyLlJ90L1FPAiF1lg+dFSatMpxbv6zPTK9qnHp3VWK0cPwK1GxxC3B2QyuhCIkeRs7' ||
   'qymH8S6W9maUMIvLD1dDQFxKStgxJe0IDEIG9CygaDGsTpkPwq/qPqhRGamGeLO9GU8wPnUN' ||

Fill server public key to table.

		 ('wsse:X509v3', 'wsse:ReqIssue', NULL,
		  '', NULL, NULL,
		   server_pub_x509_key ())

Upload the server certificate

USER_KEY_LOAD ('ws_s_5', cert(), 'X.509', 'PKCS12', 'ws_s_5', null, 1)

reconnect WSE

Upload the client certificate

USER_KEY_LOAD ('ws_s_5', cert(), 'X.509', 'PKCS12', 'ws_s_5', null, 1)
