
22.3.3. Services concept

Each service has an entry point (some function), which is supposed to perform the application task. The result of whole transaction depends on result of the service's entry function. The scenario of typical workflow is as follows:

  • client begins global transaction by ATMI tpbegin() call,

  • client calls the service N1 to update some tables on the first Virtuoso server (resource manager),

  • client calls the service N2 to update some tables on the second Virtuoso server (resource manager),

  • client finishes global transaction by either tpcommit() or tpabort() call of ATMI.

The tx_* functions also could be used, See TUXEDO TxRPC related or ORACLE XA documentation.

  • tx_begin()

  • tx_commit()

  • tx_open()

Services can be built with the following command:

buildserver -v -f virt_service1.o -o VirtService1 -r Virtuoso -s VService1

where "virt_service1.o" is the service object file which contains VService1 entry function. "-r Virtuoso" indicates that service must be assembled with Virtuoso XA support library.