id — Returns an entities whose ID attributes are in the given list
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The function gets a list of strings, where every string is a list of IDs delimited by whitespace characters. For every listed ID, the function checks if the document that contains the context entity also contains an entity with such ID; if the entity with the listed ID exists, it is added into the sequence.
To avoid searches of every ID inside the whole document, the function uses "ID cache" that is created if "IdCache=ENABLE" DTD configuration option is specified in the call of function that parses the XML document. In some cases, it is possible to build such cache on demand if it is not built by a parser, but it consumes time and in any case it requires the saved DTD information from the XML parser, so the parser should be specially configured anyway.
Note that any attribute of types ID, IDREF or IDREFS is a good input string for the function id(). So while XQuery "pointer operator" is not available in XPath expression, the id() function is a good replacement for it.
The list of strings that consist of IDs
Return Types
The function ignores any sort of syntax errors on input.
Example 24.592. List errors in census data
List every person who is not a spouse of his own spouse.
document ("census.xml")//person[@spouse and not (. = id (id (@spouse)/person/@spouse)]