7.6.Known Issues

These are the known issues that apply to the OpenLink OLEDB provider as of September 2005:

7.6.1.General Issues

  • The OpenLink ODBC Provider does not allow a consumer to specify the type of server-side cursors used internally. ADO consumers, for instance Visual Basic 6 and Visual Interdev 6, should use client-side cursors.

  • Batched commands are not supported.


  • Automatic generation of the DeleteCommand, InsertCommand and UpdateCommand properties of a DataAdapter by a CommandBuilder is not supported.

  • Parameters must be bound in the order they occur in a command.

7.6.3.Visual Interdev 6

Visual Interdev uses the username you specify at connect time as the owner qualifier when referring to schema objects. If the target database uses case-sensitive qualifiers, the case of the username you specify when connecting must match the case of the owner qualifier of schema objects belonging to that user. For instance, if using the Oracle sample user “SCOTT”, connect as “SCOTT” not “scott”. If the incorrect case is used, Visual Interdev may fail to retrieve schema information. One manifestation of this problem is that the Query Builder may not list the columns belonging to a table.

7.6.4.Visual Basic 6 and ADO

When specifying the SQL for the Recordsource property in an ADO Data Control (ADO DC), you must quote the table name. If you do not, VB converts the SQL to lowercase and then quotes the table name when attempting an update. e.g. If you enter ‘select * from emp’, when attempting an update, this becomes ‘update “emp”…’. Databases which support case-sensitive schema object names, e.g. Oracle, will then either reject this SQL, complaining that the table doesn’t exist, or reference the wrong table. To avoid this problem, enter the query as ‘select * from “EMP”’.

7.6.5.SQL Server Data Transformation Services

The provider implements interface IRowsetFastLoad. This is an interface specific to the SQL Server OLE DB Provider and is required by SQL Server DTS, even on third party OLE DB providers. Export of tables from SQL Server to Oracle using DTS is possible.

The OpenLink OLE DB provider uses a scrollable cursor to support scrolling over rowsets. OpenLink scrollable cursors require a unique row identifer (primary key, rowid etc.) to act as a key column. If the table(s) used to populate the OLE DB rowset do not have a primary key or similar then the OpenLink OLEDB provider can still provide a rowset however it will be created as read only. With Oracle, the pseudo column rowid acts as a key - the table does not have to have a primary key to make the rowset writeable. With DB2, the table(s) must have a primary key otherwise the rowset will be read only.

If you choose to export all primary and foreign keys in the table, the DTS appears to assume it is talking to SQL Server when creating the target table. It uses a fixed SQL syntax in the CREATE TABLE command to express the primary key as a table constraint. Oracle accepts this syntax, however DB2 rejects it.

As a consequence of the above currently the only way to export a table to DB2 is to manually create the target table before launching DTS. If the target table already exists, DTS does not attempt to create it; it just copies the data from the source table. The manually created table must have a primary key.

The DTS does not handle quoting of the target table name correctly. The user must specify the target table name using the appropriate case which does not require quoting. e.g. When exporting to Oracle, give the table name in uppercase.

Provider Options in the SQL Server Enterprise manager

When setting up a linked server using the Enterprise Manager you can configure the way SQL Server uses your OLE DB provider by clicking on the Provider Options button just under the box where the provider is selected. The options in the Provider Options dialogue box apply to the provider rather than the specific server so any changes made here will effect all linked servers using that provider. A list of all the servers using the provider is given in the bottom half of the box.

Note that once a server has been created it is not possible to change these options in the property page for that server. To change them after the linked server has been created you have to create a new server and alter the options there. Making changes to these options when creating a new linked server affects all existing linked servers. Once you have set up a linked server the options you have chosen effectivley become the defaults for the provider you are using.

A document describing the Provider Options, called 'Configuring OLE DB Providers for distributed Queries', can be found in the SQL Server Books Online documentation or on the web at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/adminsql/ad_1_server_8ib7.asp

By default none of the options is enabled for our driver. These options are specifically for SQLServer distributed queries using linked servers rather than being general OLE DB options.

Provider Options

Dynamic Parameters - you can set this if the provider supports the ICommandWithParameters interface. This in supported in the OpenLink provider.
NestedQueries - can be set if provider allows SELECT in a FROM clause. May cause concerns with the underlying Cursor libraries. This option should not be enabled if the underlying DSN or DBMS does not allow nested queries.
LevelZeroOnly - Should not be enabled.
Allow InProcess - This option should be checked. Checking this option stops errors like: Error 7311: Could not obtain the schema rowset for OLE DB provider 'UNKNOWN'. The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used. OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'UNKNOWN' IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset returned 0x800706c6:].
Error 0x800706c6 is RPC_S_INVALID_BOUND. The error message identifies the OLE DB provider that the error comes from as UNKNOWN and our log files show no sign of the error. SQL Server uses a proxy/stub dll, msdaps.dll, to marshal oledb interfaces between processes/apartments. These errors from the 'UNKNOWN' provider come from msdaps.dll. If the OLE DB provider is invoked out of process or is marked as apartment model then this stub gets used. By default if the OLE DB provider is a Microsoft provider then SQL Server invokes it in process and this proxy is not used. Checking the Allow InProcess box when using our provider ensures that this stub dll is not used and so avoids this error.
NonTransactedUpdates - this is entirely up to the user to choose.
IndexAsAccessPath - should be left disabled.
DisallowAdhocAccess - Disables use of OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE with the provider. Up to the user to choose

Connection Errors. Error 0x80004005

If the linked server has problems connecting then the following error is generated:

Error 7399: OLE DB provider 'OpenLinkODBC' reported and error. The provider
did not give any information about the error. OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB
Provider'OpenLinkODBC' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The
provider did not give any information about the error.].

Reasons for this error could be:

The ODBC DSN does not exist
The linked database is not started
Username or password not set up correctly on the security property page.

The first thing to check when getting this error is that the underlying ODBC DSN is connecting correctly and after that if the DSN name has been spelt correctly in the linked server definition. This error may also occur when using the OPENQUERY, OPENROWSET, and OPENDATASOURCE syntax. In addition to the connection errors listed above other causes of this error may be an incorrect table, column or owner name in the statement.

Using SQLServer Authentication

When using OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE options on logging into SQL Server using SQL Server authentication, the following error might be seen:

Could not perform Windows NT authentication because delegation is not

This error is avoided if the connection to the SQL Server is made using Windows NT authentication.

This problem only occurred when using OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE not with OPENQUERY, i.e. only when the connection information was given in the query not when a linked server had been set up in the Enterprise Manager.

Linking Progress Servers.

Linking to Progress using a SQL-89 datasource works if the linked server is set up in the Enterprise Manager and the OPENQUERY syntax is used. Connections made using the OPENDATASOURCE or OPENROWSET syntax fail. The Progress SQL-89 engine does not handle the SQL generated by SQL Server when executing the OPENROWSET or OPENDATASOURCE query.

Linking to Progress using a SQL-92 datasource works using OPENQUERY, OPENDATASOURCE and OPENROWSET.

Inconsistent Metadata

Queries that fail with errors about inconsistent metadata usually indicate that there is a discrepancy between the information returned from SQLColumns and from SQLDescribeCol by the underlying ODBC driver.