3.8.Oracle 10g Instant Client: Connection String Formats
The Oracle 10g Instant Client can be used in OpenLink single-tier and multi-tier environments. In a three-tier configuration, an OpenLink Oracle 10g agent residing on the middle-tier can use the Instant Client to connect to an Oracle instance on the third tier.
Instant Client allows you to run applications without installing the standard Oracle client (SQL*Net or Net8) or having an ORACLE_HOME. It supports two basic connection string formats:
//host:[port][/service name]
e.g. //dbase-server-5:4321/ORDERS
an Oracle Net keyword-value pair such as
Naming methods that require a configuration file (such as tnsnames.ora or sqlnet.ora) for name translation can also be used if the environment variable TNS_ADMIN is set to point to the directory containing the file.
3.8.1.OpenLink Multi-Tier Connections using Instant Client
In this scenario, the Instant Client need only be installed on the machine hosting the OpenLink Oracle agent. The valid combinations of connection parameters (NET 10 Service Name, Login ID and Password) accepted by the OpenLink Multi-Tier DSN Configuration Wizard are the same as detailed above for the Single-Tier driver, with the 'NET 10 Service Name' field in the multi-tier wizard taking the same values as the 'Connection String' field in the single-tier wizard. The environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID need not be set in the rulebook. However, TNS_ADMIN must be set in the rulebook if translation of a local NET service name is required.
3.8.2.Oracle Client Installation related links
Oracle documentation: connection string formats |
Oracle 10g Instant Client |