
14.7.8. Atom API

The Atom API is a protocol for publishing and editing a blog entries using the common HTTP verbs:

GET - used to retrieve a blog post or perform query
PUT - used to update an existing blog post
POST - used to create a new post or perform an update action
DELETE - used to remove a post

Authentication.  The Atom API implementation accepts both HTTP basic and digest authentication. All requests for post content modification require an authorization. Furthermore, the account used for authentication is checked to be the blog owner or have granted privileges on that particular blog. The retrieval operations; which no post modification is possible are not required to ask for authentication.

Introspection.  When editing the content of a blog, the first thing is to find out the servers capabilities. So the 'introspection' file lists all the functions that a given site supports.

Example 14.54. Intropsection


GET /Atom/Http/intro?b=128 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Virtuoso
Connection: Keep-Alive
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 10:21:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Length: 417

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<introspection xmlns="" >

Posting a new entry.  To post a new entry, the HTTP POST must be performed with MIME type 'application/x.atom+xml ' for the request content. If server accepts the request a Location: HTTP header will be returned to the client containing the URL to the newly created post.

Example 14.55. Posting an Entry

POST /Atom/Http/entry?b=128 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x.atom+xml
Content-Length: nnn
Authorization: ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<entry xmlns="">
  <title>My Entry</title>
    <name>Blog Author</name>
  <content type="application/xhtml+xml" xml:lang="en-us">
    <p xmlns="">Hello world!</p>

The response from server would be:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://host:port/Atom/Http/entry?b=128&id=nn

Editing an Existing Entry.  An entry can be edited via the HTTP PUT method. The URL used for PUT must be one returned by the Location: header of the POST response or those returned from entry-search. The content of PUT request is same as for posting a new entry.

Example 14.56. Editing a weblog entry

POST /Atom/Http/entry?b=128&id=nn HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x.atom+xml
Content-Length: nnn
Authorization: ...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<entry xmlns="">
  <title>My Entry</title>
    <name>Blog Author</name>
  <content type="application/xhtml+xml" xml:lang="en-us">
    <p xmlns="">Hello world! (edit test)</p>

The server response is:

HTTP/1.1 205 Reset Content

Retrieving an Entry.  Retrieval of an existing entry is the simple, usual HTTP GET request with URL to the entry.

Example 14.57. Retrieving an Entry

GET /Atom/Http/entry?b=128&id=nn HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/x.atom+xml

Server will respond with

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x.atom+xml
Content-Length: nnn

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<entry xmlns="">
  <title>My Entry</title>
    <name>Blog Author</name>
  <content type="application/xhtml+xml" xml:lang="en-us">
    <p xmlns="">Hello world! (edit test)</p>

Deleting an Entry.  To remove permanently an existing entry an HTTP DELETE method is used with URL to the entry.

Example 14.58. Deleting an Entry

DELETE /Atom/Http/entry?b=128&id=nn HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Searching Entries.  To retrieve a subset of messages based some criteria a search should be performed. The current implementation supports two variants: range and last_N.

Example 14.59. Searching

GET /Atom/Http/search?b=128?last=7 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/x.atom+xml
Authorization: ...


GET /Atom/Http/search?b=128&start-range=2&end-range=27 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/x.atom+xml
Authorization: ...

Response from server will look like:

<search-results xmlns="">
<match title="Classic ASP Framework. Make your Classic...">;id=6</match>
<match title="DB Navigator - an open source .NET control">;id=4</match>
<match title="Sort an Array with Non-Comparable Items">;id=5</match>
<match title="SignedXML Licensing Sample">;id=7</match>
<match title="TicTacToe">;id=1</match>
<match title="Check your eMails in Hotmail using HTTPMail">;id=2</match>
<match title=" RSS Feed Reader">;id=3</match>

Each sub element of the search result contains the title of the post and its URL. These URLs can be used retrieved using the GET method, or modified via PUT/DELETE methods.

Atom Client API

The Atom Client API is a mirror of the blogger API functionality, but uses the Atom protocol instead of XML-RPC. Before the Atom API can be put to use, the introspection file must be retrieved in order to know the URLs for the requests.

  • atom.new_Post (in uri varchar, in req "blogRequest", )

    This is to post a new entry to the blog identified by 'uri'. The 'req' must be initialized with authentication and entry data. This function returns the URL to the new entry. This could be used with sequential GET/PUT or DELETE requests for it.

  • atom.edit_Post (in uri varchar, in req "blogRequest", )

    This is to modify an existing entry identified by 'uri'. The 'req' must be initialized with authentication and entry data. The function returns true on success or will signal an error.

  • atom.delete_Post (in uri varchar, in req "blogRequest", )

    This is to delete an existing entry identified by 'uri'. The 'req' must be initialized with authentication data. The function returns true on success or will signal an error.

  • atom.get_Post (in uri varchar, in req "blogRequest", )

    This is to retrieve an existing post entry identified by 'uri'. The 'req' must be initialized with authentication data. This function will return on success an MTWeblogPost UDT, filled with post entry data.

  • atom.get_RecentPosts (in uri varchar, in req "blogRequest", in num int, )

    This is to retrieve last-N post entries identified by blog search URL - 'uri'. The 'req' must be initialized with authentication data. 'num' is number of entries to return.

    This function returns an array of arrays containing the title and URL of the matching blog posts.

  • atom.get_Intro (in uri varchar, )

    This is used to return Introspection information for a blog identified by introspection file - 'uri'.

Example 14.60. Using the Atom Client API

Getting the introspection info about a blog

declare x any;
x := atom.get_Intro ('');
-- x will contain
-- (("create-entry" "" )
--  ("user-prefs"
-- "" ) ("search-entries"
-- "" ) ("categories"
-- "" ) )

make a new entry

declare resp any;
declare req "blogRequest";
declare stru "MTWeblogPost";

req := new "blogRequest" ('', '', '', 'dav', 'dav');
stru := new "MTWeblogPost" ();
stru.title := 'My title'
stru.description := '<p>hello</p>';
req.struct := stru;
resp := atom.new_Post ('', req);

The response, resp, would contain:

edit an entry:

declare resp any;
declare req "blogRequest";
declare stru "MTWeblogPost";

req := new "blogRequest" ('', '', '', 'dav', 'dav');
stru := new "MTWeblogPost" ();
stru.title := 'test'
stru.description := '<p>hello from me</p>';
req.struct := stru;
atom.edit_Post ('', req);

delete it:

atom.delete_Post ('', req);