
14.7.9. XML-RPC Endpoint Configuration

The Virtuoso blog server can be contacted directly by SOAP XML-RPC. A virtual directory can be created with blogger APIs (Blogger, MetaWeblog, MoveableType, Atom) ability, which requires a mapping to the SOAP endpoint and grants to use the blogger API. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Using the graphical Server Administration Interface.  You can use your web browser to configure a virtual directory based on the "XML-RPC link" template and with bloggerAPI enabled:

    1. Open a web browser on the Administration User Interface and navigate to: Internet Domains; HTTP Virtual Directories; Edit URL mappings.

    2. Create a new virtual directory.

    3. Select the template for "XML-RPC link".

    4. Check the option 'bloggerAPI' is enabled, this will expose all available blogger APIs to the endpoint (Blogger, MetaWeblog, MoveableType, Atom).

    5. Configure the logical path.

    6. Click Add to save the definition.

    The new logical path now will support XML-RPC and will support blogger API requests.

  2. Programmatical: Script & ISQL.  This method gives you full control, you must perform all steps to allow full support for the blogger API on a virtual directory. Below is a template list of commands that could be in a script.

    Using a script, blogserver.sql , with following contents:

    vhost_define (
      soap_opts=>vector ('XML-RPC', 'yes')
    grant execute on "blogger.newPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.editPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.deletePost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.getPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.getRecentPosts" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.getUsersBlogs" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.getTemplate" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.setTemplate" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "blogger.getUserInfo" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "metaWeblog.newPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "metaWeblog.editPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "metaWeblog.getPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "metaWeblog.getRecentPosts" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.getRecentPostTitles" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.getCategoryList" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.setPostCategories" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.getPostCategories" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.getTrackbackPings" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.publishPost" to $U{usr};
    grant execute on "mt.supportedMethods" to $U{usr};

    One can start ISQL using the following parameters:

    $ isql 1111 dba dba -u usr="<SQL user for execution>" blog_server.sql

    Where "<SQL user for execution>" is an existing SQL user account other than dba.

    [Note] Note:

    If you specify the "dba" as user for SOAP execution in a virtual directory, the grant statements will not be needed and this will open a security hole. So this approach is not recommended. It is always better to have a separate user for SOAP execution with limited rights.